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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0134 Product Carbon Footprint Calculation Integration v1.0.0


Catena-X claims to be a flexible and open ecosystem of business applications and infrastructure components for data exchange along the automotive supply chain., e.g. in context of PCF (Product Carboon Footprint) values. For interoperability in the Catena-X network, applications that handle PCF data need to follow the according standards as published by the Catena-X association. As per today, there are several certified COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) solutions available for PCF data exchange. For PCF calculation solutions, the following specification of a standardized integration can be utilized by PCF calculation solution providers for connecting their applications with PCF data exchange solutions. The specification of this integration represents the scope of the standardard.


The CX-0134 specifies the integration of PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) calculation solutions in a way that application providers can integrate their solutions in Catena-X. For interoperability, business applications with functionalities for calculation of PCF data need to implement the specified standard.

A list of roles for whom this standard applies is described in Audience & Scope.



This section is non-normative

This standard applies to the roles:

  • Data Provider / Consumer
  • Business Application Provider


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This documents shows

  • how PCF values are calculated in a Catena-X compliant manner
  • how PCF data in Catena-X can be transferred between PCF Calculation and PCF Exchange tools
  • which standards needs to be fulfilled in context of PCF calculation integration in order to be interoperable in the Catena-X network

The following scenario describes, how

  • a supplier
    • calculates the PCF for his component
    • transfers the calculation result to the PCF exchange solution
    • provides the PCF to his customer
  • a customer
    • consumes the PCF from his supplier
    • transfers the calculation result from his supplier to the PCF calculation tool
    • uses the suppliers calculation result for his PCF calculation

PCF Calculation Integration Scenario


This section is non-normative

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants and their solutions will need to prove, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).


Section 2.2 PCF CALCULATION DATA FORMAT describes the relevant data structure in context of integrating PCF calculation tools in Catena-X.

An exemplary data set based on this specification can be found here: CSV Example


This section is non-normative

The following terms are especially relevant for the understanding of the standard:

Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)

Total GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions generated during the life cycle of a product, measured in CO2e. Within the boundary of the Catena-X PCF Rulebook (see CX - 0029 Product Carbon Footprint Rulebook v2.0.0), emissions related to the product use and end-of-life stages are excluded from the PCF.


This section is normative

To prove conformity with the PCF calculation integration standard, the following criteria MUST be applied:


The methodology used for calculating a PCF MUST be conformant with CX - 0029 Product Carbon Footprint Rulebook v2.0.0.


For the integration of PCF calculation solutions, the data format is derived from the standard PCF data model as described in CX - 0026 Product Carbon Footprint Data Model v2.0.0, though in integration context some individual properties are not mandatory but can be specified optionally.

The data format for the integration of PCF calculation solutions in Catena-X MUST follow the following specification:

Property(M)andatory / (O)ptionalData Type SpecificationExample
idOString; must be a UUID v43893bb5d-da16-4dc1-9185-11d97476c254
partialFullPcfMEnumeration; "Cradle-to-gate", "Cradle-to-grave"Cradle-to-gate
precedingPfIdsONon-empty set of strings9c5b94b1-35ad-49bb-b118-8e8fc24abf8
versionOInteger in inclusive rage of 0..2^31-1; per default "0" in Catena-X0
createdMTime stamp; must be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) conforming to ISO 86012020-03-01T00:00:00Z
statusOEnumeration; "Active", "Deprecated"; per default "Active" in Catena-XActive
validityPeriodStartOTime stamp; if defined, must be equal to or greater than referencePeriodEnd2022-01-01T00:00:01Z
validityPeriodEndOTime stamp2022-12-31T23:59:59Z
commentOTextCut-off set 6%
pcfLegalStatementOTextThis PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) is for information purposes only. It is based upon the standards mentioned above.
companyNameOString with 1 or more charactersMy Corp
companyIdsONon-empty set of URN (Uniform Resource Name); array of strings (<URN> ::= "urn:" <NID> ":" <NSS>)urn:uuid:51131FB5-42A2-4267-A402-0ECFEFAD1619
productDescriptionOTextEthanol, 95% solution
productIdsMNon-empty set of URN; array of strings (<URN> ::= "urn:" <NID> ":" <NSS>)urn:gtin:4712345060507
productCategoryCpcOString; UN CPC Code version 2.1; per default "011-99000" in Catena-X011-99000
productNameCompanyOString with 1 or more charactersMy Product Name
declaredUnitMString; enumeration as specified by WBCSD plus "piece" for Catena-Xkilogram
unitaryProductAmountMPositive, non-zero decimal number1000.0
productMassPerDeclaredUnitMPositive, non-zero decimal number0.456
exemptedEmissionsPercentMDecimal number between 0.0 and 5 including0.0
exemptedEmissionsDescriptionOText; can be emptyNo exemption
packagingEmissionsIncludedMBoolean; can be "TRUE" or "FALSE"; per default "TRUE" in Catena-XTRUE
boundaryProcessesDescriptionOTextElectricity consumption included as an input in the production phase
geographyCountrySubdivisionOString; if defined must be ISO 3166-2 Subdivision CodeUS-NY
geographyCountryOString; if defined must be an ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 codeFR
geographyRegionOrSubregionOString with 1 or more characters; enumeration as specified by WBCSD plus "Global" for Catena-XAfrica
referencePeriodStartMTime stamp; must be in UTC conforming to ISO 86012022-01-01T00:00:01Z
referencePeriodEndMTime stamp; must be in UTC conforming to ISO 86012022-12-31T23:59:59Z
crossSectoralStandardsUsedMObject; set of Cross Sectoral Standard entries
crossSectoralStandardMEnumeration "GHG Protocol Product standard", "ISO Standard 14067", "ISO Standard 14044"GHG Protocol Product standard
productOrSectorSpecificRulesMObject; set of Product or Sector Specific Rule entries (each including Operator, Rule Names and Other Operator Name)
operatorMEnumeration "PEF", "EPD International", "Other"; per default "Other" in Catena-XOther
ruleNamesMSet of RuleName Product Carbon Footprint Guideline for the Chemical Industry:version:v2.0
otherOperatorNameONon-empty stringNSF
characterizationFactorsMEnumeration "AR6", "AR5"; per default "AR6" in Catena-XAR6
allocationRulesDescriptionOText; per default "In accordance with Catena-X PCF Rulebook" in Catena-XIn accordance with Catena-X PCF Rulebook
allocationWasteIncinerationMEnumeration "cut-off", "reverse cut-off", "system expansion"; per default "cut-off" in Catena-Xcut-off
primaryDataShareODecimal number in range of and including 0..1007.183924
secondaryEmissionFactorSourcesMObject; set of EmissionFactorDataSources
emissionFactorDSMString with 1 or more charactersecoinvent 3.8
dqiOObject including coveragePercent, technologicalDQR, temporalDQR, etc.
coveragePercentODecimal number in range of and including 0..100; per default "100" in Catena-X100
technologicalDQRODecimal number in range of and including 1..32.0
temporalDQRODecimal number in range of and including 1..32.0
geographicalDQRODecimal number in range of and including 1..32.0
completenessDQRODecimal number in range of and including 1..32.0
reliabilityDQRODecimal number in range of and including 1..32.0
pcfExcludingBiogenicMMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero2.0
pcfIncludingBiogenicOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit1.0
fossilGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.5
biogenicCarbonEmissionsOtherThanCO2OMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero1.0
biogenicCarbonWithdrawalOMust be calculated per declared unit in kg equal to or greater zero0.0
dlucGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.4
luGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.3
aircraftGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.0
packagingGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero; per default "0" in Catena-X0.0
distributionStagePcfExcludingBiogenicOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero1.5
distributionStagePcfIncludingBiogenicOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit0.0
distributionStageFossilGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.5
distributionStageBiogenicCarbonEmissionsOtherThanCO2OMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero1.0
distributionStageBiogenicCarbonWithdrawalOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.5
distributionStageDlucGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero1.0
distributionStageLuGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero1.1
distributionStageAircraftGhgEmissionsOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.0
carbonContentTotalOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero2.5
fossilCarbonContentOMust be calculated per declared unit with kgCO2e / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero; per default calculated in Catena-X (Total - Biogenic)0.1
biogenicCarbonContentOMust be calculated per declared unit with kg / declaredUnit equal to or greater zero0.0


To prove conformity with the PCF calculation integration standard, the following criteria SHOULD be applied:

CSV Template



CX - 0029 Product Carbon Footprint Rulebook v2.0.0


CX - 0026 Product Carbon Footprint Data Model v2.0.0


This section is non-normative



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