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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0009 CX Registration API v1.1.3


To become a participant of Catena-X, each applicant must go through a registration process. Registration is a mandatory requirement for all further activities within the Catena-X network. The registration process, along with other services, provide the foundation of trust for the Catena-X network.

The Registration Service implements the endpoints that are needed for the registration process.

1. Introduction

To become a participant of Catena-X, each applicant must go through a registration process. Registration is a mandatory requirement for all further activities within the Catena-X network. The registration process, along with other services, provide the foundation of trust for the Catena-X network.

1.1 Audience & Scope

This section is non-normative

This standard is relevant for the following roles:

  • Core Service Provider
  • Onboarding Service Provider (for reference)

1.2 Context

This section is non-normative

The registration API is used as part of the registration process.

1.3 Architecture Overview

This section is non-normative

A core service provider operates among other things a registration frontend through which a registering company can enter its data. In the future, the registration service may be accessed remotely, for example by onboarding service provider, so the API needs to be standardized.

1.4 Conformance

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

1.5 Proof of conformity

This section is non-normative

All participants and their solutions will need to proof, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).

Core service providers implementing their own registration solution MUST proof their conformity by providing:

  • An openAPI specification of the endpoints described

1.6 Terminology

This section is non-normative

Application Programming Interface (API)

An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other.

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.

2. Catena-X Registration API

2.1 Preconditions and dependencies

The registration API is exposed to the Internet.

2.2 API SPEcification

2.2.1 API-Endpoints

The registration API MUST implement the following endpoints -- in focus are the API business logic / content and structure, the path name might change / be different but the business logic behind as well as the attributes must be followed. Details to the respective MUST and SHOULD statements may be found below.

Enter / verify company data

  • GET /api/registration/legalEntityAddress/{bpn} Please note - this endpoint is currently only Core Service Provider relevant. The Core Service Provider MUST be able to pre-fill the company address data if the user company has a BPN. The endpoint path MUST NOT be followed as long as all validations and processes are implemente

    Request body

    n/a content inside the path

    Response body

  • GET /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/companyDetailsWithAddress The Core Service Provider MUST provide the GET /{applicationId}/companyDetailsWithAddress endpoint for a standardized way to share the registration party data.

    Request body

    n/a content inside the path

    Response body

    { "companyId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "name": "string", "city": "string", "streetName": "string", "countryAlpha2Code": "string", "bpn": "string", "shortName": "string", "region": "string", "streetAdditional": "string", "streetNumber": "string", "zipCode": "string", "countryDe": "string", "uniqueIds": [ { "type": "COMMERCIAL_REG_NUMBER", "value": "string" } ] }

  • GET /api/registration/company/country/{alpha2Code}/uniqueidentifiers The Core Service Provider CAN offer a GET /uniqueidentifiers endpoint to provide supported unique identifier based on the company lega address country alpha2Code.

    Request body

    n/a content inside the path

    Response body

    [ { "id": 0, "label": "COMMERCIAL_REG_NUMBER" } ]

  • POST /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/companyDetailsWithAddress The Core Service Provider MUST provide the POST /{applicationId}/companyDetailsWithAddress endpoint for a standardized way to store/post the registration party data.

    Request body

    { "companyId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "name": "string", "city": "string", "streetName": "string", "countryAlpha2Code": "string", "bpn": "string", "shortName": "string", "region": "string", "streetAdditional": "string", "streetNumber": "string", "zipCode": "string", "countryDe": "string", "uniqueIds": [ { "type": "COMMERCIAL_REG_NUMBER", "value": "string" } ] }

    Response body


Company roles and consent

  • GET /api/registration/company/companyRoles The Core Service Provider MUST implement the GEt /companyRoles endpoint.

    Request body

    n/a content inside the path

    Response body

    [ { "companyRole": "string", "roleDescription": "string" } ]

  • Get: /api/registration/companyRoleAgreementData The Core Service Provider MUST implement the GET /companyRoleAgreementData endpoint.

    Request body

    n/a content inside the path

    Response body

    { "companyRoles": [ { "companyRole": "ACTIVE_PARTICIPANT", "descriptions": { "additionalProp1": "string", "additionalProp2": "string", "additionalProp3": "string" }, "agreementIds": [ "uuid" ] } ], "agreements": [ { "agreementId": "uuid", "name": "string", "documentId": "uuid" } ] }

  • POST /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/companyRoleAgreementConsents The Core Service Provider MUST implement the GET /companyRoleAgreementConsents endpoint.

    Request body

    { "companyRoles": [ "ACTIVE_PARTICIPANT" ], "agreements": [ { "agreementId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "consentStatus": "ACTIVE" } ] }

    Response body


Registration relevant documents

  • GET /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/documentType/{documentTypeId}/documents The Core Service Provider SHOULD implement the GET /{documentTypeId}/documents endpoint.

  • POST /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/documentType/{documentTypeId}/documents The Core Service Provider SHOULD implement the POST /{documentTypeId}/documents endpoint. Depending on the Core Service Provider implemented registration process authentication methods, the document endpoint might change within the endpoint path or business logic.

  • DELETE /api/registration/documents/{documentId} The Core Service Provider SHOULD implement the DELETE /{documentTypeId}/documents endpoint to enable the onboarding customer to delete own previous uploaded document again. Important are audit relevant processes. The Core Service Provider MUST ensure that audit guidelines are not violated.

  • GET /api/registration/Documents/{documentId} The Core Service Provider MUST support to display the user company loaded documents. The endpoint path might change but the Core Service Provider MUST ensure that validations are implemeneted (e.g. the company user can not access uploaded documents of a second registration company)

Verify and submit registration

  • GET /api/registration/application/{applicationID}/registrationData The Core Service Provider MUST support a GET /{applicationID}/registrationData endpooint with the reference implemented properties/attributes. This ensures that the company registrationData can be viewed in a standardized model.

    Request body

    { "companyId": "uuid", "name": "string", "bpn": "string", "shortName": "string", "city": "string", "region": "string", "streetAdditional": "string", "streetName": "string", "streetNumber": "string", "zipCode": "string", "countryAlpha2Code": "string", "countryDe": "string", "companyRoles": [ "ACTIVE_PARTICIPANT" ], "agreements": [ { "agreementId": "uuid", "consentStatus": "ACTIVE" } ], "documents": [ { "documentName": "string" } ], "uniqueIds": [ { "type": "COMMERCIAL_REG_NUMBER", "value": "string" } ] }

    Response body


  • POST /api/registration/application/{applicationID}/submitregistration

Registration Application Verification

  • Auto Workflow as per the process description:

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/{applicationId}/approve Please note - this endpoint is currently only Core Service Provider relevant. The Core Service Provider MUST be able to approve (with message, backend business logic and email information) a registration request. The endpoint path MUST NOT be followed as long as all validations and processes are implemented.

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/{applicationId}/decline Please note - this endpoint is currently only Core Service Provider relevant. The Core Service Provider MUST be able to decline (with message and email information) a registration request. The endpoint path MUST NOT be followed as long as all validations and processes are implemented.

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/clearinghouse Please note - this endpoint is currently only Core Service Provider relevant. The Core Service Provider MUST be able to trigger the CH trust anchor. The endpoint path MUST NOT be followed, but the endpoint business logic must be followed to allow a standardized interface with the GXCH.

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/{applicationId}/retrigger-clearinghouse Please note - this endpoint is currently only Core Service Provider relevant. The Core Service Provider MUST be able to retrigger/overwrite the CH decision if necessary. The endpoint path MUST NOT be followed, but the endpoint business logic must be followed to allow a standardized interface with the GXCH.

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/{applicationId}/trigger-identity-wallet

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/{applicationId}/trigger-bpn

  • POST /api/administration/registration/application/clearinghouse/selfDescription

2.2.2 Available Data Types

The registration API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTP.

2.2.3 API resources & endpoints

The HTTP endpoints introduced in this standard MUST implement authentication and authorization.

2.2.4 Error Handling

HTTP standard response codes MUST be used. Error Messages & Explanation

The following http response codes MUST be defined for HTTP POST endpoint:

201Registration message was received successfully
400Request body was malformed
401Not authorized
405Method not allowed

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