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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0007 Minimal Data Provider Service Offering v1.0.2


Data provisioning is one of the key success factors for a data space, as without data offers, there is nothing to consume with the various business applications that data consumers will use. While it is relatively easy for large enterprises with extensive IT capabilities to connect their backend systems to the Catena-X landscape, providing data is a challenging task for SMEs and non-tech savvy companies. Thus, simple to use tools for data provisioning -- such as excel upload tools -- are needed, which can be operated by regular employees without sophisticated IT skills.


Data provisioning is one of the key success factors for a data space, as without data offers, there is nothing to consume with the various business applications that data consumers will use. While it is relatively easy for large enterprises with extensive IT capabilities to connect their backend systems to the Catena-X landscape, providing data is a challenging task for SMEs and non-tech savvy companies. Thus, simple to use tools for data provisioning -- such as excel upload tools -- are needed, which can be operated by regular employees without sophisticated IT skills.

The purpose of this document is to describe the necessary functional building blocks of a minimal data provider service, as well as to give an overview over the interplay of necessary standards that need to be considered. The document also gives an overview over the mandatory standards that need to be integrated. Service offerings for data providers that do not fulfil the necessary standards and concepts in this document, will not work in the Catena-X network and thus cannot be provided to any customer. In the following chapters, the minimal data provider service will also be referred to as "upload tool" for better understandability.

Minimal data provider service offerings will in the following also be referred to as "upload tools" or "data provisioning tools".


This section is non-normative

The target audience of this standard is any application or service provider that wants to offer services related to one time data provisioning, such as but not limited to, manual text masks or file-based uploads. It is not intended to explain how continuous backend integrations of e.g. ERP or MES systems into the Catena-X network can work. Please refer to CX-0055 for this. This standard applies to data provisioning for all Catena-X Use-Cases.

This document is relevant for the following roles:

  • Enablement Service Provider
  • Business Application Provider

Only, if they plan to provide one time data upload capabilities as part of their business applications


This section is non-normative

Catena-X is a decentral network where data exchange happens P2P between two parties. This guarantees a high level of data sovereignty, as data providers and consumers do not rely on a third party or a platform to exchange data. Also, business apps within Catena-X are built to be interoperable along the value chain, so that different participants can use different apps from various providers, but still are able to exchange data between them. To enable the network, a common technological basis is needed.

Data is described with a standardized semantic, which is specific for each Use-Case. The semantics are described with the semantic modeling language SAMM.

Furthermore, data discovery and access is enabled by the Asset Administration Shell (Digital Twins), or by knowledge agents.

The data exchange itself happens in a self-sovereign way via the EDC.  

Any tool that is built to provide data, needs to fulfill use-case specific (semantic models, calculation logic, etc.) and independent (e.g. use of EDC, IAM Concept) standards. The use-case specific standards are listed in a "Use-Case Policy" and are available via the association homepage.

Of specific importance for data provisioning tools is the concept of data sovereignty. Data sovereignty is one of the core values of the Catena-X network. Each participant should stay in as much control as possible over his data. This includes that he always exactly knows with whom he is exchanging data. The participant also can decide on a dataset level, which of his partners is able to see the various data offers (Access Policies) and then decide under which conditions he is willing to share data (Usage Policies). Furthermore, the user of the upload tool must be able to update or delete the actual data, access and usage policies as well as any meta data and references to data.

A data provisioning tool, as described in the next section, must make sure that the user of that tool gets to this level of data sovereignty by implementing features that allow him to choose which data he is willing to share with whom under which conditions, and also change those settings as he wishes. Upload tools that can't fulfill these requirements, can't be sold to customers as they contradict one of the key values of Catena-X.


Architecture Overview

Figure 1:Architecture Overview

The architecture of a minimal data provider service offering is simple. It consists of and interacts with the following components.


The frontend is the entry point into the service. It's used by the end user of a data provider who won't interact with any backend system or other related components via CLI or API.


The backend is responsible for orchestrating the various needed interactions with other components. It needs to handle the upload of data into the data persistence layer, create/delete/update the EDC contract offer, (De-)register data at the digital twin registry, handle authentication and authorization at the application and so on and so forth.


The uploaded data needs to be persisted in an appropriate database solution, so that it can be received upon request. Depending on the data and the use-case, this could be a SQL, No-SQL, S3 or streaming storage.

Note: It is not enough to register a digital twin or create an EDC contract offer as they only contain meta-data and references to the actual data. The actual data also needs to be made available after it has been uploaded to the tool. That is the responsibility of the data persistence layer.

1.3.4 EDC

The EDC is a separate component that is needed to enable a sovereign data exchange. There's currently no data provisioning for the various use cases without an EDC. The EDC always needs to be deployed together with the front- and backend. Also, the EDC currently isn't tenant isolated, thus one EDC needs to be deployed per customer company.

As an alternative, the solution can be configurable with an external EDC.

Furthermore, the EDC that is used must be discoverable by data consumers and thus be registered at the EDC discovery service.


Starting with release 3.2, the DTR is a decentral component that must be implemented with each data provider. It stores references to aspects of digital twins. The actual data ("the digital twin") is stored in the data persistence layer that comes with a minimal data provider service. The backend needs to interact with the decentral DTR to register newly created/uploaded twins. In case a user deletes data, the backend also needs to de-register the twins again. For an API description of the DTR, refer to CX-0002.

A minimal data provider service offering either must include its own decentral DTR or it can be configurable to work with an external decentral DTR.

Furthermore, the DTR that is used must be discoverable by data consumers and thus be registered at the discovery finder and #TODO Discovery finder


The upload tool must be able to interact with the Catena-X SSI solution to provide the correct attributes and roles of a data provider to the EDC.


Depending on the use-case, different semantic modelling languages and semantic models need to be understood by the upload tool. E.g.: if the upload tool wants to work for the use-case traceability, the tool needs to be able to process the Aspect Model: SerialPartTypization in the SAMM language.

Note: SAMM is currently the only modeling language that is used within Catena-X. When this changes in the future, this standard will be updated to also reference other modelling languages.

The semantic modelling languages and models that are used within a use-case can be found within the "Use Case Policy" for each use-case. It's mandatory for the tool to function with those semantic modelling languages and semantic models.

A list of all released semantic models can be found in Github:


As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

1.5 Proof of conformity

This section is non-normative

All participants and their solutions will need to proof, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). Please refer to the association homepage for the process of conformity assessment and certification.

Enablement Service Providers and Business application providers need to provide the following to the CAB:  

  • High level architecture document describing the various components of the solution and their interplay
  • Functional Specification / Pflichtenheft describing how the functional and non-functional requirements stated in chapter 2.2 shall be fulfilled.
  • Proof that the service offering fulfills all of the standards listed in chapter 2.1

The partner collects the requested documents and results and sends them to the responsible CAB. The CAB might also conduct an external audit to assess conformance with the standards. The responsible CABs can be found on the homepage of the association:

The solution can only be listed in an official Catena-X Marketplace after successful verification of conformity.


All requirements that are listed as "mandatory" under chapter 2.2 MUST generally be fulfilled by a service offering. If a service offering does not fulfill a mandatory requirement, the provider offering the service MUST explain why he derives from the requirement. It is then up to the CAB to decide if the service offering still receives a certificate.

All requirements that are listed as "optional" SHOULD be fulfilled by a service offering.

The specific standards listed in chapter 2.1 MUST be implemented correctly.


The following use-case agnostic standards MUST be implemented correctly. More details can be found in the respective individual standards:

  • CX-0013 Identity of Member Companies
  • CX-0016 Company Attribute Verification
  • CX-0017 Company Role by the Connector
  • CX-0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC)

Depending on the use-cases for which the service offering is intended, additional and use-case specific standards are relevant and MUST be implemented. Please refer to the use-case specific standards therefore.  

E.g. if the Minimal Data Provider Service Offering is intended to work for the traceability use-case, conformance with the standards that are listed in the "Use-Case Policy Traceability" must be shown. This includes:

  • CX-0019 Aspect Model: Serial Part Typization
  • CX-0020 Aspect Model: Aspect Model: Assembly Part Relationship
  • CX-0021 Aspect Model: Batch
  • CX-0022 Notification Process
  • CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X

NOTE: The enablement service provider CAN also choose to provide the option to configure an existing EDC, DTR or other decentral component with the upload tool instead of including it with the offer. However, he MUST provide one of the two options.

As long as not specified differently, the latest version of the standards MUST be applied.


ID | ObligationTitle
FR-00 | MandatoryLogin
As a user, I want to login to the tool with a username and password so that the tool is protected from unauthorized access.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-01 | OptionalSingle Sign-On
As a user, I want to login to the tool with my known credentials from e.g. the CX Platform or my company internal IDP so that I don’t need to remember an extra set of credentials.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-02 | MandatoryUser Management
As an admin, I want to be able to add/remove users from access to the tool. I also want to grant different levels of permission to my users with a minimum of: Read Only and Read/Write/Delete/Update so that I can control who is able to do certain things within the tool.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-03 | MandatoryUse-Case Selection
As a user, I want to be able to select, for which Catena-X Use-Case I want to upload data. Based on that selection, I then only want to see relevant information/templates (e.g., semantic models) for that specific Use-Case. If the tool is only built for one use-case, this feature doesn’t apply.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-04 | MandatoryUnderstandable Semantic Model Templates
As a user, I want to be able to download semantic model templates for the use-case I selected in FR-03 so that I can fill them out with the necessary data. I also want the templates to be understandable for a non-expert in the semantic language so that I can enter the right data in the right fields.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-05 | (Mandatory – See two below)File Based Upload
As a user, I want to be able to upload the filled-out templates from FR-04, so that I can provide data to my partners and so that I can create a “contract offer” with the data attached.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-06 | (Mandatory – See one below)Guided Text Field Entry
As a user, I want to be able to enter the data I need to provide with a guided text field entry e.g. in the case of small amounts of data, or corrections to already provided data.
Note: An upload tool needs to fulfill either FR-05, FR-06 or a similar upload mechanism. 
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-07 | MandatoryAccess Policy Selection
As a user, I want to be able to select which of my partners are allowed to access my data, so that only authorized partners can receive my data.
Remark: Internally, the EDC uses the BPN (CX-0010), but the user should be able to select his business partners based on their company names. For a translation into BPNs the Business Partner Data Pool API (CX-0012) can be used.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-08 | MandatoryUsage Policy Selection
As a user, I want to be able to select under which usage policies my partners are allowed to consume my data, respectively, what my partners are allowed to or obliged to do with my data. Selection of usage policies shall happen in accordance with the Catena-X governance framework for data space operations.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-09 | MandatoryView uploaded data
As a user, I want to be able to view previously uploaded data (FR-05,FR-06). I also want to see who has access to that data (FR-07) and under which conditions I offer the data (FR-08). I want this, so that I can always control if I (or a fellow employee) delivered what our customers requested.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-10 | MandatoryView data upload history
As a user, I don’t only want to see the details of one specific upload, but I want to see a history of all past uploads and then dive into the details of certain uploads, so that I have a transaction log that I could show to my partners to prove, that I uploaded data as agreed. I also want to see changes that were made to uploaded data.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-11 | OptionalChange uploaded data
As a user, I want to be able to change the data that I’ve previously uploaded, so that I can correct a mistake that I’ve previously made.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-12 | MandatoryDelete uploaded data
As a user, I want to be able to delete uploaded data and trigger the deletion of corresponding (meta-)data in all connected systems (e.g. DTR), so that I can e.g. correct mistakes that I’ve previously made or in case I’ve changed my mind about offering certain data to partners.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-13 | OptionalChange Access Policy
As a user, I want to be able to change the access policy to data that I’ve uploaded, so that I can add access for new partners to already uploaded data.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-14 | OptionalChange Usage Policy
As a user, I want to be able to change the usage policy under which I share data with my partner, so that I have the full control over what happens with my data.
Remark: FR-11 & 13,14 are optional, although highly recommended. At minimum, a user needs to be able to delete uploaded data and then make a new upload. 
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-15 | MandatoryHelp and Support
As a user, I want to have help and support functions in case something isn’t working or I don’t understand what is happening with the tool.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-16 | MandatoryView status of data offer
As a user, I want to see statistics about the consumption of the data that I’ve uploaded, with a minimum of, but not limited to: Who accessed my data; How often was my data accessed; When was the access made So that I can trace what happens with my data.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-17 | MandatoryLogout
As a user, I want to log out of the tool, after I’ve finished my task, so that I minimize the risk that an unauthorized colleague accesses the tool on my machine.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-18 | MandatoryData Validation
As a user, I want to have a visual feedback if the data that I’ve uploaded matches with the provided templates. This could include e.g. a validation if all mandatory fields are filled or if the data type matches. If I don’t have a validation, I could send potentially wrong data to my partners, which then can’t process it.
ID | ObligationTitle
FR-19 | OptionalAppend data to an existing upload
As a user, I want to be able to append data to an existing “upload” so that I don’t need to re-specify the access and usage policy each and every time I upload something.
It’s difficult to strictly specify the mandatory nonfunctional requirements, as it’s always in the very interest of the data provisioning tool service provider to offer an attractive tool. However, emphasis should be put on three NFRs, as they are especially relevant in the Catena-X network.
Companies will provide sensitive and valuable, sometimes even business critical data to partners. Extra measures need to be undertaken to secure both, access to the data as well as to the tool. Furthermore, the endpoint to retrieve the data is exposed to the internet, which means additional thread vectors.
Data upload tools will typically be used not by expert users (e.g. data analysts), but by regular employees of SMEs who are asked to provide data to customers to “stay in business”. The tool needs to take into account, that a typical user has hundreds of tasks and uploading data might just be one of them by e.g. guiding the user through the process, providing additional validation or help/feedback.
Catena-X relies on uninterrupted data chains for most of its use-cases. Thus, the data needs to be highly available, as customers follow up processes rely on the availability of data from a provider.


There are various necessary interactions with the services of the core service providers who operate the core of the network for a data upload tool to work. Those are described in the subsequent chapters.

Furthermore, besides the need to certify his solution, there are some onboarding activities that an enablement service provider needs to undertake so that he can offer a solution in one of the app stores. For a detailed description please refer to the onboarding information available at the association homepage.


Catena-X follows the Gaia-X principles and standards and is committed to be Gaia-X compliant. This includes issuing so called "self-descriptions" to participants and services. For Release 3.2 and until further notice, the service self-descriptions are limited to the "EDC" and Catena-X follows the trust framework version 10/22 (

Self-Descriptions can be created via the Portal and API, refer to the portal documentation for details.

An enablement service provider MUST make sure that each connector that he deploys with the upload tool also gets a valid Self-Description.


Starting with Release 3.2, the EDC uses SSI for authentication and authorization. An upload tool MUST support the correct application of the SSI standards and connect to a wallet.


In case the upload tool brings its own connector, it MUST be registered at the EDC discovery service.


Note: This chapter only applies if a digital twin registry is required.

In case the upload tool brings its own digital twin registry, it MUST be discoverable. To achieve this, the correct entries at the discovery finder and BPN Discovery service MUST be made.


One of the value propositions of Catena-X is, that a customer can log in to the various tools and systems with one single Catena-X identity. To increase the user experience, data service providers CAN connect the IAM of the tool with the Catena-X IdP for a SSO integration.



As long as not specified differently, the latest version of the standard MUST be applied.

  • CX-0013 Identity of Member Companies
  • CX-0016 Company Attribute Verification
  • CX-0017 Company Role by the Connector
  • CX-0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC)

Reference Implementations

This section is non-normative

Example: The code found at in combination with presents a reference implementation that implements this standard.

Copyright © 2024 Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit here.