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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0077 Data Quality Dashboard v1.1.0


The Data Quality Dashboard (DQD) has to rely on a set of clearly defined quality rules which is the basis of the Golden Record Process and secure the syntactical and logical correctness of mission critical business partner data attributes. To secure global consistency the DQD rule relies on defined ISO norms as defined in this document- – see Standardization Document CX-0076 Version 1.0.0, Golden Record EndtoEnd Requirements Standard Version 1.0.0 or higher. DQD has to capture at least 117 countries based on ISO 3166-1. DQD has to validate BP data records in the Inbound and Outbound Persistence of the related Catena-X (CX) Member who licensed DQD. Each DQD rule has to validate the syntactical correctness of defined mandatory, regulatory required and optional BP data record attributes related towards the specific regulations by the country authorized institutions. DQD furthermore has to rely on the following Standards: ISO 3166-1, ISO 20275, ISO 01-140-10, ISO 8601, ISO/IEC 8859-1.

DQD has to visualize the outcome of the data quality rules via a dashboard.

DQD uses the Gate API CX-0074_v1.1.0 or higher and the Pool API CX-0012_v1.0.0 or higher for pulling BP data records. DQD is a client/ server cloud application which contains a Web Client and a Cloud Server Application. DQD has to contain a user and authorization management capability aligned with the CX Portal and Marketplace user management. DQD intends to support the EDC Asset function capability and has to be available in English and German language.


The standard enables software and service companies to develop business partner master data quality dashboard applications including accessibility of external 3rd party data sources.


The standard 1.1.0 extended the former version by adding the chapter DQD API.



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This standard is relevant for the following audience:

  • Catena-X certified Operational Companies acting as:
    • Core Service Provider

This document is focusing on the functionality of the Data Quality Dashboard (DQD) as a screening and monitoring tool of CX Member business partner data in the Inbound Persistence based on the following capabilities:

  1. Data Profiling which is based on the analysis and evaluation of data content versus the CX business partner standards defined in CX-0076 Golden Record EndtoEnd Requirements Standard Version 1.0.0 or higher
  2. Visualization of BP data quality via a dashboard
  3. Evaluation of the data quality results including recommendations for syntactical or logical error handling

DQD has to be a Value Added Services (VAS) application for Data Provider and Consumer to monitor the data quality via a dashboard of BP data records in the Inbound Persistence.

DQD rules have to be focused on the analysis of BP data record quality on a syntactical or content basis if possible. DQD does not focus on validating semantical correctness or data enrichment services. Those services are part of the Golden Record Process.

The description of the Golden Record EndtoEnd Requirements Standard, the Gate API and the Pool API are stored in the standard library of Catena-X:


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The Data Quality Dashboard has to be a screening tool of the record process, rules, methodology and allocation of the BPN ID (Business Partner Number Identification) for Legal, Site and Address data records. DQD has to focus its validation and monitoring capabilities on all mandatory, regulatory required and optional business mission critical BP data record attributes to enable the CX Member to validate any impact on logistical, financially or communication relevant processes between the CX Member and his business partner. Furthermore, this transparency has to support the CX Member by improving his business partner related due diligence processes. The Data Quality Dashboard has to contain the capability to store the outcome of DQD results for at least 3 years and has to enable the definition of CX member specific data quality KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) and mapping against actual quality results. DQD has to contain tiles which visualize the results with filter functions by time, region, country, BPN ID type, BP Roles, DQD status and business partner role.


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As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The keywords MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants and their solutions will need to prove, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).

To prove conformity with this standard providing a self-audited, stated and signed document that the syntax of the number is established is needed.


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The main DQD rule methodologies are described below:

The DQD rules for legal form have to validate the correct usage of legal forms by the country list defined under Point 2.2. The rules have to rely on ISO 20275 (valid legal forms) in combination with ISO 3166-1 (valid country codes). The rules have to be based on the transliterated version and transliterated abbreviations of legal forms based on ISO 01-140-10.

The DQD rules have to contain the capability to identify variations in the representation of legal forms by applying appropriate technologies to identify synonymous terms. By missing terms via the ISO standards DQD has to complement the legal forms especially abbreviations as needed.

The DQD rules have to identify the correct Legal Name of a Legal Entity. This includes the capability to identify synonymous terms and abbreviations and convert them into the correct Legal Name as registered via authorized country registry.

Tax Identification

The DQD rules for tax identification have to be capable of validating the following Tax IDs by defined country and subregion:

  • Company Tax ID
  • VAT ID
  • Tax Jurisdiction Code

The DQD rules for the Company Tax Identification have to validate the correct syntactical structure of the Company Tax ID defined by the related authorized country tax departments. Additionally, to the Company Tax ID, DQD rules have to validate the syntactical correctness of the VAT ID by country.

In selected countries a Tax Jurisdiction Code is required. The DQD rules have to validate the syntactical correctness by country.


The DQD rules have to incorporate all specific country rules at a minimum as defined by the country list under Point 2.2 This includes the correctness of country, city by country, postal codes and optional the geographical coordinates based on ISO 6709 and WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984).


The DQD rules have to validate the correctness of relations between the Legal, Site and Address entities as defined by the BP data model.


To provide defined quality results of the DQD rules, they have to leverage publicly available BP Identifier to cross-check the correctness of BP data record attributes.


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DQD has to contain the following dashboard-based functionalities:

Visualization of Inbound Persistence BP data records by defined DQD rule results:

  1. Filter capabilities of BP data results by time, country, DQD status, BP role, DQD rule.
  2. DQD rule statistics
  3. BP data record statistics
  4. Dashboard setting capabilities

NPM package:


The Data Quality Dashboard (DQD) MUST perform the validation of a BP data record which was uploaded into the CX Member Inbound Persistence. The DQD rule set and visualization of business partner data MUST be based at a minimum on the standards defined in CX-0010 Version 2.0.0 Business Partner Number, CX-0074 Version 1.1.0 Business Partner Gate API, CX-0012 Business Partner Pool API Version 2.1.0 include CX-0076 Version 1.0.0 Golden Record EndtoEnd Requirements Standard current versions or higher.

Preconditions and Dependencies

To run the DQD with/and/on? the BPDM, Gate API and Pool API SHOULD be set up:

DQD Specifications

The DQD rule set MUST use the following BP data record attributes as defined in CX-0074 Version 1.1.0 or higher:

  1. Legal Entity which contains the following attributes
    1. External ID
    3. Legal Name Parts
    4. Legal Form
    5. Classifications
    6. Legal Address
    7. Created at
    8. Updated at
  2. Legal Entity Identifier
    1. Value
    2. Type
    3. Issuing Body
  3. Site
  4. Address
  5. Identifier Type

DQD usage of Norms

The DQD rule set MUST us the following ISO Norms:

ISO Norm 20275

The DQD rule set MUST use the content of the ISO 20275 to validate the correctness of legal names in long form and/or abbreviation in a transliterated form.

ISO 20275: Code-Liste für Rechtsträgerformen - GLEIF-Blogbeiträge - Newsroom & Medien – GLEIF

ISO 3166-1

The DQD rule set** MUST use the ISO 3166-1 related codes for at least 117 countries as listed below:

Country List based on ISO 3166-1  


ISO - ISO 3166 — Country Codes

DQD usage of External Data Sources

The DQD rule set MUST use defined external data sources supporting the rule set as needed in validating the correctness of CX Member business partner data records or providing recommendation of data enrichments.

The following external data sources are mandatory:

  1. Commercial Register by defined countries based on ISO 3166-1 country list as defined in Chapter 2.3
  2. VAT ID provided by the European Tax Authorities or local tax authorities based on ISO 3166-1 country list as defined in Chapter 2.3
  3. Postal Code by country authorities
  4. Legal Name and Legal Form owned by local authorities and based on ISO 20275 standard in long form and short form in transliterated version
  5. Address details based on local authorities related to the country list based on 3166-2 as defined in Chapter 2.3
  6. GEO data based on WGS84 standard
  7. Subregion Code based on ISO 3166-2 standard

DQD Results

The DQD rule set MUST provide for each BP data record a result in the DQD Dashboard and in a DQD Logfile.

DQD Dashboard

The DQD Dashboard MUST provide the capabilities:

  1. Visualization of Business Partner Data records as defined by the Golden Record Process based on the CX-0076.
  2. DQD provides visibility by defined user roles. They are mapped to the CX Portal user roles defined via the App Provider function.
  3. DQD contains the visibility of BP data by user role and user based filter functions. The BP data can get filtered by:
    1. Year, quarter or month
    2. Country or Region as defined by ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2
    3. By BP type as customer or supplier
    4. By BP data record type BPNL, BPNS or BPNA as defined via CX-0010 Standard.
  4. Visualization of Data Quality Screening results based on DQD KPIs and related achievements in percentage. This function enables the setting of BP data quality KPIs by CX Member
  5. DQD contains a dark and light version option
  6. DQD is available in German and English language
  7. DQD contains a help function
  8. DQD contains the capability to change layout and view setting by user
  9. DQD contains an admin screen which enables user specific settings like layout and view settings, KPI target and threshold settings

The DQD dashboard design relies on the Catena-X style guide. See details under:

NPM package:



DQD Data Model

The DQD Data Model as defined in the Annex chapter contains all BP and DQD dashboard attributes needed to perform the DQD screening. The general length of a data attribute is 255 bytes.

API Endpoints and Resources

The resources MUST use the well-known HTTP request methods for CRU(D) operations:

  • POST MUST be used for create requests
  • PUT MUST be used for update requests
  • GET MUST be used for read requests

POST MAY also be used for read requests, if input is not given by parameters but rather by an HTTP body to bypass maximum URL length. PUT MAY also be used for upsert requests (create or update) if this is required. A state (active / inactive) at each entity MUST be used for a soft delete, so that the request method DELETE SHALL NOT be used. Other HTTP request methods SHALL NOT be used, including PATCH.

Uploading and downloading data to/from the DQD API MUST follow a staging concept with two stages, so that consumers of the DQD API can compare what they have uploaded into the input stage against what kind of DQD rule results and status code was provided for each business partner data in the output stage. The following controllers MUST distinguish between an input and an output stage.

The DQD architecture describes in which intercommunication the DQD API is used.

Data Quality Controller

The data quality controller MUST allow to create, update, or read (search / return) business partner data records related to an External Identifier or BPN ID in the input and output stage. It MUST have the following resources:

Business partner Data Controller Resources Description 
PUT/api/dqd/input/business partner data Creates business partner data record or updates existing bank data record in the input stage. 
GET/api/dqd/output/business partner recordReturns business partner data record from the output stage by different search parameters 
GET/api/dqd/input/business partner recordsReturns business partner data record by different search parameters from the input stage. 

Data Quality Sharing State Controller

The sharing state controller MUST allow to create, update, or read sharing state entries of business partner data records.  The sharing state controller MUST have the following resources:

Sharing State Resources Description 
GET/api/dqd/sharing-state Returns sharing states of business partner data filtered by legal name, legal form, External Identifier, BPN ID and type, country and status code 
PUT/api/dqd/sharing-state Creates or updates a sharing state of a business partner data record 

EDC Data Asset Structure

For each read and write (create and update) resource in the DQD API input stage there MUST be a dedicated EDC data asset definition. For each read resource in the DQD API output stage there MUST be a dedicated EDC data asset definition. Write resources (create and update) of the DQD API output stage MUST not be called from outside of the Catena-X operating environment. Consequently, EDC data assets for them are NOT REQUIRED. The DQD API MUST support the EDC functionality based on Sovereign Data Exchange, 2.0.1, CX - 0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC).



Business Partner Pool API

Business Partner Gate API

  • ISO 3166-1 for referencing on country codes
  • ISO 3166-2 for referencing on sub-region codes
  • ISO 20275 for referencing on global valid legal forms
  • ISO 6709 and World Geodetic Sytstem 1984 (WGS84) for referencing on Geo Data
  • ISO 01-140-10 for transliteration of non-latin characters in to latin characters
  • ISO 8601 for referencing to the international standard of the date format
  • ISO/IEC 8859-1 for referencing to the International standard of the Multinational Character Set


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BPDM Catena-X Website


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DQD Data Model

DQ Dashboard Data Model - Field nameDescriptionType
Actual DQ KPI PercentageThe tile shows the actual data quality KPI of the sharing member in the persistence. The KPI takes the following DQ issues into account: ERRORSPercentage
BP TypeBP type represents the BP types: Supplier, One Time Supplier, Customer, One Time Supplier, Business Partner as defined in the CX BP Data ModelEnum
BPN IssuingA number which contains the CX Member BP data records which received a valid and unique BPN IDNumeric
Business Partner ClassificationThe term contains the BP classification Legal, Site and AddressEnum
CountryCountry represents the countries based on ISO 3166-1Alphanumeric
DQ KPI over Time PeriodThe chart shows the Target DQ KPI and the Actual DQ KPI values per month over the filtered time period as a line chartNumeric
DQ RulesContain the total number of rules used to perform the screening process of business partner dataNumeric
DQ StatusDQ Status contains an array with all DQ status codes and reference to the appropriate DQ rulesAlphanumeric
DQ Target KPI CX Member PercentageThe tile shows the target data quality KPI of the sharing member in the persistence. The KPI can be defined by each sharing member individually (based on their own goals).Percentage
MonthDefines a specific monthAlphanumeric
Number of Data RecordsContains the total number of BP master data in the CX Member Inbound Persistence, in the CX BP Pool and the number of overlap BP data recordsNumeric
PostalAddress.Country.CountryCodeData field represents the country code as defined by ISO 3166-1Alphanumeric
PostalAddress.Country.NameCountry name represents the name based on ISO 3166-1Alphanumeric
RegionRegion contains selected countries and subregions based on ISO 3166-1 and 3166-2 by the CX MemberString Array
SubregionSubregions represents all subregions or dependent states based on ISO 3166-2Alphanumeric
Time periodThe tile shows the time period for which the data records should be displayed and uses the data fields Year and Month.Numeric
Total DQ Error PercentageThe tile shows the percentage value of all DQ errors of all BP data records of the sharing member in the persistence.Percentage
Total DQ ErrorsThe tile shows the total number of DQ errors of all BP data records of the sharing member in the persistence.Numeric
Total DQ Warning PercentageThe tile shows the percentage value of all DQ errors of all BP data records of the sharing member in the persistence.Percentage
Total DQ WarningsThe tile shows the total number of DQ errors of all BP data records of the sharing member in the persistence.Numeric
YearDefines the selected year or duration of up to 3 years in the pastNumeric


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