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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0131 Circularity Triangle v1.0.0


The Circularity KIT shall empower stakeholders to transition towards a circular economy by providing frameworks, guidelines and best practices to enhance sustainability credentials, enable data-driven decision-making and foster collaboration and innovation in the automotive industry. Secondary Material Content (SMC), Material Accounting (MA), End-of-Life (EoL) and Dismantling Services, and the CE-Assistant are the four focus topics that form the first version of the Circularity KIT. The offered content and artifacts address important use cases such as sustainable material management, waste minimization and resource efficiency, that contribute to more sustainable and circular automotive value loops. The overarching goals of the Circularity KIT, therefore, are to:

  • Establish an understanding of requirements along circular value chains and how businesses can profit by implementing sustainable solutions
  • Offer standards and guidelines for industry stakeholders
  • Create the basis for data exchange and applications to ensure the provided frameworks are used in the intended way
  • Explain different circularity topics and provide tools to implement them


Within Circular Economy it is of utmost importance that any of the partners in the supply chain work closely together and share relevant information that they can provide. Due to the loops in the supply chain the role allocation of suppliers and customers is not as clear as in linear economy. Therefore, it is crucial within Circular Economy to understand the processes, conditions, connections, transitions, and temporal aspects of materials, parts, and vehicles. This involves navigating the complexities of End-of-Life considerations, R-Strategy Assistance, Material Accounting, and Secondary Material Content. Efficiently managing resources and strategically addressing end-of-life phases are integral to fostering sustainability in a closed-loop system.


This section is non-normative

List for which roles the standard is relevant:

  • Data Provider / Consumer
  • Business Application Provider

The standard is of interest to all members of the automotive supply chain including suppliers, OEMs, dismantler, recyclers and stakeholders within the recycling industry and the circular economy.

Additionally, the standards also apply to software providers and core service providers to ensure interoperability and data sovereignty between different core service providers. The scope of this document is to provide guidance about the different standards in the Circularity KIT use case.


In order to effectively enhance circularity along the supply chain, standardized approaches to different aspects of circular economy are essential. This covers the usage of Secondary Material Content, Material Accounting, the CE-Assistant as well as the complexities of End-of-Life and Dismantling Services. The standardization provides structured frameworks based on which information can be shared across industries and stakeholders. Therefore, it enhances comparability between companies and, by reducing the chance of misunderstandings, increases data quality.

The issuance of a 'Certificate of Decommissioning' (CoDM) by an authorized dismantling company classifies a vehicle and all associated components as End-of-Life. The issuance of the certificate is exclusively handled by a company within Catena-X holding the CX-verifiable credential 'Dismantler.' Therefore, the CoDM consistently marks the conclusion of the initial lifecycle phase of an asset, initiating the End-of-Life process. Subsequently, additional certificates provide the opportunity to commence the start of a component's second life. However, a vehicle with a specific VIN is unequivocally designated as End-of-Life. The End-of-Life-Vehicle (ELV) will be consecutive dismantled. The CE-Assistant can then be used to support the dismantling company in its decision as to which components of the ELV should be reused, refurbished, remanufactured or recycled. The assistant suggests the most ecologically and economically beneficial R-strategy for the components. The asset/part/component/material/fluid/etc. must be certified - reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishment, material recycling, waste - in accordance with the decision made. This certification makes it possible to track the life cycle of the components precisely. It also offers the advantage of being able to keep statistics on what percentage of its components have been allocated to which R-strategy. In the evaluation of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of different components and their subsequent integration into the digital twin, the precise categorization of these components across different life cycle phases is a central factor. The utilization of precisely defined end-of-life (EoL) certificates enables the accurate determination of a component's current life cycle phase. This precision not only ensures a reliable assessment, but also facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact and carbon footprint of the components, seamlessly integrating this valuable information into the digital twin framework. The dismantling process is carried out in accordance with all legal requirements (e.g. documentation of pollutant removal, etc.). The vehicle is then dismantled and individual materials are separated.

The separated assets are part of further processing by any R-strategy. The second life of the asset might be Re-Use, Re-Pair, Re-Manufacture or Re-Cycle. Depending on the exact R-Strategy different data might be interesting for the second life of the asset.

Material Accounting provides standardized scrap/waste and secondary material data exchange for the ecosystem partners to create transparency about recycling activities and verifiable closed loops.

To close the loops and to understand the usage of the materials provided through the previous steps, Secondary Material Content (SMC) explores ways to incorporate secondary materials into the value chain. By facilitating a standardized data model for data exchange and introducing a calculation methodology, this framework establishes a foundation to facilitate communication between stakeholders. Through this, the secondary materials are being brought back into the loop. Those materials are processed into new products and after entering the EoL-phase the loop is closed.


As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative. The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


All participants and their solutions will need to proof, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). Please refer to the certification information page for the process of conformity assessment and certification. Since this Triangle document describes a set of standards to be fulfilled, participants MUST fulfill all mentioned standards for the relevant sub-usecase (2.3, 2.4, 2.5) and the respective conformity assessment criteria in addition to the specific criteria mentioned in this document. The specific criteria described in this document are describing the usage of the central tools as well as common tools described in the linked standardization documents and therefore compliance should be checked with the tools provided for these components.


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All usecase relevant terminologies can be found in the circularity kit

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.


This section is normative

2.1 Overall Standalone Standards

2.2 General Requirements

2.2.1 Onboarding and IAM

All participants mentioned under 1.1 MUST follow the CX Standards CX-0006 and CX-0013 to CX-0017.

2.2.2 Fetching EDC Endpoints

To find the EDC Endpoint addresses of related parties in Catena-X, app provider MUST follow the CX-0001 Standard.

2.2.3 Searching for Decentralized Digital Twin Registries

To find decentralized Digital Twin Registries of related parties in Catena-X, app provider MUST follow the CX-0002 Standard.

2.2.4 Registration at the BPN Discovery Service

To find the Business Partner Number of the related parties in Catena-X, data provider (Only relevant for the sub use cases 2.4, 2.5) MUST follow the CX-0053 standard.

Example can be found in the Digital Twin Kit

2.3 Secondary Material Content


To participate in the Secondary Material Content use-case, the following single standards MUST be fulfilled by all participants mentioned under 1.1:


Every Data Provider MUST always provide a PartAsPlanned or a PartAsBuilt together with the aspect for SecondaryMaterialContent.

2.3.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Registration of the Digital Twin and the SMC Submodel in the Digital Twin Registry

Specific asset IDs MUST be provided when registering a digital twin:

  • For AsPlanned: ManufacturerPartID & "assetLifecyclePhase=AsPlanned"
  • For AsBuilt: PartInstanceID & "assetLifecyclePhase=AsBuilt"

See the following example:

    "specificAssetIds": [
"key": "manufacturerPartId",
"value": "{{manufacturerPartId}}",
"key" : "assetLifecyclePhase",
"value": "AsPlanned"
  • The data provider also MUST provide a API Endpoint following the CX-0002.
  • Data provider MUST register the related SMC sub-model as shown in the example below.
  • The subprotocolBody definition MUST follow CX-0002
  • The id added to the subprotocolBody SHOULD be a UUIDv4
  • The href definition follows CX-0002. EDC Asset Structure

The asset structure MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit EDC Contract Definition

The contract definition MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit

2.4 EoL / Dismantling Services

2.4.1 LIST OF STANDALONE STANDARDS Dismantling Services

To participate in the EoL/Dismantling Services use-case, the following single standards are RECOMMENDED to be fulfilled by all participants for which the standard is relevant:

At least participants in the use case MUST follow Catena-X aligned data models.


The CX-verifiable credential “Dismantler” MUST be held by the issuing business partner in order to be able to issue the following certificates:

The CX-0099 Standard is the pre condition for the other mentioned certificates for the sub use case EoL/Dismantling Services. It MUST be created first.

Application Provider for EoL/Dismantling Services MUST be able to handle the following certificates: Registration of the Digital Twin and the Submodel in the Digital Twin Registry

Additionally, depending on the lifecycle, the following asset IDs MUST be provided:

  • For AsPlanned: ManufacturerPartID & "assetLifecyclePhase=AsPlanned"
  • For AsBuilt: PartInstanceID & "assetLifecyclePhase=AsBuilt"
  • For the CustomerPartID" a external externalSubjectId a BPN MUST be set.

See the following example:

    "specificAssetIds": [
"key": "manufacturerPartId",
"value": "{{manufacturerPartId}}",
"externalSubjectId": {
"key" : "assetLifecyclePhase",
"value": "AsPlanned"
  • A data provider also MUST provide a API Endpoint following the CX-0002.
  • A Data provider MUST register the related certificate sub-models.
  • The subprotocolBody definition MUST follow CX-0002
  • The id added to the subprotocolBody SHOULD be a UUIDv4
  • The href definition follows CX-0002.

For the following assets a digital twin MUST be registered by a data provider participating in the sub use case EoL/Dismantling Services:

  • Vehicle
  • Every part that is subject to recycling EDC Asset Structure for EoL/Dismantling Services

The asset structure MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit EDC Contract Definition for EoL/Dismantling Services

The contract definition MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit EDC Policy Structure for EoL/Dismantling Services

For the sub use case EoL/Dismantling Services the condition mentioned under 2.6 MUST be fulfilled. In addition the application MUST verify the presence of the dismantler credential (see CX-0052) before attaching the certificate to the twin. Prior to issuing a certificate, it is necessary to check whether a certificate has already been issued for this asset. If this is the case, it should be indicated to the issuing party.


"constraint": {
"leftOperand": "Dismantler.activityType",
"operator": "eq",
"rightOperand": "vehicleDismantle"

2.5 CE-Assistant


To participate in the CE-Assistant use-case, the following single standards are RECOMMENDED to be fulfilled by all participants for which the standard is relevant:

2.5.2 DATA REQUIRED for CE Assistant

Currenty there are no data models that are mandatory to be used.

2.5.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Registration of the Digital Twin and the Submodel in the Digital Twin Registry

Digital Twins MUST be registered in the decentralized digital twin registry. For looking up the twin ID for vehicles, the data provider MUST register the twins with the specificAssetIds: VIN and assetLifecyclePhase= AsBuild.

"specificAssetIds": [
"key": "VIN",
"value": "{{VIN}}",
"key" : "assetLifecyclePhase",
"value": "AsBuild",

Digital Twins MUST be registered in the decentralized digital twin registry. For looking up the twin ID for components, the data provider MUST register the twins with the specificAssetIds: manufacturerPartID and assetLifecyclePhase= AsPlanned.

For components:

"specificAssetIds": [
"key": "manufacturerPartId",
"value": "{{manufacturerPartId}}",
"key" : "assetLifecyclePhase",
"value": "AsPlanned",
  • The data provider also MUST provide a API Endpoint following the CX-0002.
  • Data provider MUST register the related C sub-model as shown in the example below.
  • The subprotocolBody definition MUST follow CX-0002
  • The id added to the subprotocolBody SHOULD be a UUIDv4
  • The href definition follows CX-0002.

The data provider also MUST provide an API Endpoint following CX-0002. EDC Asset Structure for CE Assistant

The asset structure MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit EDC Contract Definition for CE Assistant

The contract definition MUST follow the CX-Standard 0018. For examples we recommend to use the official connector kit

2.6 EDC Policy Structure

The policies mentioned in this chapter MUST be fulfilled by each use case mentioned in this document as well as a participant mentioned under 1.1 MUST sign the overall Catena-X Terms and Condition as well as the circular economy framework agreement. This follows the first SSI setup following the IAM Standards in CX covering the new SSI infrastructure which will released with release 3.2.

The minimum set of membership and the circular economy framework agreement

"@context": {
"odrl": ""
"@type": "PolicyDefinitionRequestDto",
"@id": "{{POLICY_ID}}",
"policy": {
"@type": "Policy",
"odrl:permission": [
"odrl:action": "USE",
"odrl:constraint": {
"@type": "LogicalConstraint",
"odrl:and": [
"@type": "Constraint",
"odrl:leftOperand": "Membership",
"odrl:operator": {
"@id": "odrl:eq"
"odrl:rightOperand": "active"
"@type": "Constraint",
"odrl:leftOperand": "FrameworkAgreement.sustainability",
"odrl:operator": {
"@id": "odrl:eq"
"odrl:rightOperand": "active"

For more examples have a look here.



The circular economy concepts and solutions developed are based on that of the proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on requirements for the circular design of vehicles and on the disposal of end-of-life vehicles the disposal of end-of-life vehicles, amending Regulations (EU) 2018/858 and (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC:


This section is non-normative

To understand the standard, the following use case related papers can be helpful:



This section is non-normative


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