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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0048 Demand and Capacity Management API Material Demand and Capacity Group v1.0.0

Table of Contents


This document describes and standardizes certain data exchange business processes, data models and/or APIs in connection with cross-company demand and capacity management (DCM) based on the Catena-X data ecosystem. Nothing in this document is meant to determine the contractual terms and conditions for the purchase, supply, delivery or licensing of any products or services among the participants of the DCM data exchange. These terms and conditions are separately negotiated and agreed among suppliers and customers in individual purchase, supply or license agreements. In case of any inconsistencies with the content of this document, the provisions of individual agreements among the participants shall prevail over the content of this document.


For cross-company demand and capacity management (DCM), the exchange of demand and capacity information is the foundation. The demand information describes the part-demand of a customer and is send to a supplier, in order to tell the supplier which parts and how many of them are needed in a given calendar week. The capacity group is sent from the supplier to the customer in order to communicate the production capacity for a specific material in a specific calendar week.

In this document, the exchange of the material demand and capacity group information is described and standardized.



This section is non-normative

This standard is relevant for:

  • Data Provider / Consumer
  • Business Application Providers (for tools relevant for demand and capacity management processes)

The WeekBasedMaterialDemand object will be sent by customers to their suppliers in order to communicate how many parts or materials they need in which period of time. The customers of parts therefore need to be able to create WeekBasedMaterialDemand objects and the suppliers need to be able to interpret them. As most suppliers have their own suppliers, who produce parts for them, most suppliers are therefore acting as customers as well and need to be able to also create WeekBasedMaterialDemand objects for sending their own demand to their suppliers.

The WeekBasedCapacityGroup object will be sent by suppliers to their customers in order to communicate the production capacity for a specific part or material in specific period of time. Therefore, all companies that supply parts or materials to other companies, need to be able to create WeekBasedCapacityGroup objects and send them to their customers. The customers need to be able to receive and interpret the WeekBasedCapacityGroup information.

The underlying business process is described and standardized in [CX-0046].


This section is non-normative

In this document the WeekBasedMaterialDemand API and WeekBasedCapacityGroup API are described and standardized to ensure a consistent data exchange and data consumption through EDC between the DCM participants. Thereby an identical interpretation of the data across companies is ensured.

The underlying WeekBasedMaterialDemand and WeekBasedCapacityGroup data model is standardized in [CX-0047].

The business process is standardized in [CX-0046].


This section is non-normative

General overview: the WeekBasedMaterialDemand as well as the WeekBasedCapacityGroup is a JSON string which is sent through EDC. The JSON string is standardized in this document and contains either WeekBasedMaterialDemand or WeekBasedCapacityGroup information.

The standard only describes the sending and receiving of WeekBasedMaterialDemand and WeekBasedCapacityGroup through EDC. Both objects are created and handled by applications of the companies involved, but these applications are not part of the standard.


As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED,REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


This section is non-normative

All participants and their solutions will need to proof, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). Please refer to: [!LINK Conformity Assessment] for the process of conformity assessment and certification.

  • An example WeekBasedMaterialDemand JSON as created by their solution
  • An example WeekBasedCapacityGroup JSON as created by their solution
  • A proof that their solution can process the example payload JSON as listed below

In case an assessee wants to get certified : When requesting assessment Then the assessee produces a letter affirming that they adhere to this standard And the letter is signed by person who has full power of attorney

Note that in a future revision of this standard it is planned to offer descriptions of test sets including test cases and test data for validating API implementations.


Example JSON strings for WeekBasedMaterialDemand and WeekBasedCapacityGroup can be found in the data model standard [CX-0047].


This section is non-normative

Business Partner Number Legal Entity (BPNL)A BPNL is the unique identifier of a partner within Catena-X, e.g. a company.
Business Partner Number Site (BPNS)A BPNS is the unique identifier of a partner location within Catena-X, e.g. a specific factory of a company.
WeekBasedMaterialDemandRefers to the WeekBasedMaterialDemand object with the same name from the standard [CX-0047].
WeekBasedCapacityGroupRefers to the WeekBasedCapacityGroup object with the same name from the standard [CX-0047].

For a description of further terms please refer to the data model in the standard [CX-0047].

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.

2. WeekBasedMaterialDemand API

This section is normative

The WeekBasedMaterialDemand contains the material demand information which is send from the customer to the supplier.

All participants participating in Catena-X DCM in the role of a customer MUST be able to send the WeekBasedMaterialDemand. All participants participating in Catena-X DCM in the role of a supplier MUST be able to receive and process the WeekBasedMaterialDemand.


The WeekBasedMaterialDemand API MUST be published towards the network using a Data Asset/Contract Offer in terms of the Dataspace Protocol as defined by IDSA, following the Catena-X standard SOV-001.


2.2.1 API Endpoints & Resources

To support the exchange of WeekBasedMaterialDemand data, a business application MUST define a single endpoint supporting the HTTP POST request method as described in [RFC9110]. The structure of the endpoint MAY be freely chosen. The address of the endpoint MUST be provided as part of the EDC Data Asset defined in chapter 2.2.5 of this document.

2.2.2 Data Exchange

The WeekBasedMaterialDemand data MUST be sent from the customer to the supplier using an HTTP POST request. The data format described here MUST be followed for the exchange of the material demand information.

Multiple WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspects MAY be sent in one transfer as a JSON list. If only one WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspect is transmitted, it MUST still be sent as a list with one entry.

The serialized JSON MUST NOT be larger than 15 MiB in size.

The WeekBasedMaterialDemand endpoint MUST be implemented by all participants who wish to participate in the Catena-X DCM network as a supplier. Customers MUST be able to send material demand objects to their suppliers.

The data payload itself MUST be a valid JSON string.

All attributes marked as mandatory in the standard [CX-0047] MUST be included in the dataset. Attributes marked as 'Optional' MAY be included in the data set.

The usage of the attributes in the data model MUST follow the attribute descriptions in the definitions in [CX-0046]. While some attributes are technically a string, not any string is valid. For example, expectedSupplierLocations MUST be formatted as a BPNS.

The calenderWeek MUST be set to a Monday of the week for that specific demand. The date format MUST be in accordance with [ISO8601] and MUST be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (for example 2023-02-13).

The attributes 'demandCategory' and 'unitOfMeasure' MUST be set to one of the defined values as defined in the standard [CX-0046].

Definition from [CX-0046] (Standardized there, non-normative quote here) "The customer owns and MUST publish its own demand with its supplier for the future horizon and it is highly RECOMMENDED to avoid any gaps as far as possible and to share demand data at least till month 9, to ensure DCM participants to have also sufficient demand data to work with. If more demand data is available (i.e. demand related to a horizon that spans beyond month 9), the customer MAY ideally provide them until month 24. If a customer has even more demand data available (i.e. demand related to a horizon that spans beyond month 24), he MAY also provide this to his supplier. The data series MAY start already from week n+2. Although the data series MAY start already from week n+2 and can be elaborated from a technical perspective, the DCM process have a clear focus on the tactical mid- to long-term horizon (typically considered from month 4 to 24) to enable a more resilient supply chain."

In addition to the definitions from [CX-0046] quoted above, the following rules have to be followed:

The data series in the WeekBasedMaterialDemand SHOULD start already from week n+2.

The demand for the current week (n=0) and the next week (n=1) MAY be included in the dataset. The WeekBasedMaterialDemand MUST include at least one week other than the current or the next week (meaning it may not be empty). Every week MUST NOT be included multiple times in the same WeekBasedMaterialDemand.

If the demand for one of the weeks changes, the whole dataset MUST be sent to the supplier; sending the changes only (delta update / incremental update) is not possible. By this procedure, inconsistent or incomplete data sets are avoided. One data transfer MUST contain at least one WeekBasedMaterialDemand data set.

For the combination of the attributes supplier, customer and materialNumberCustomer in the object WeekBasedMaterialDemand, there MUST NOT be more than one WeekBasedMaterialDemand object in existence. This means that the customer needs to collect all demands for all factories and send them aggregated as one WeekBasedMaterialDemand to the supplier.

If the demand in a certain week has the value 0, it MUST be explicitly included as such in the WeekBasedMaterialDemand, meaning the week cannot be left out (as there is a difference between null and 0). Weeks with an unknown demand (value null) SHOULD be left out.

2.2.3 UUID generation and handling

When exchanging demand data, the usage of UUIDv4 is required in order to reduce the probability of collision as well as to eliminate certain attack vectors. For technical purposes the UUIDv4 MUST be treated as unique within the supplier-customer relationship. For the combination of attributes: supplier, customer and materialNumberCustomer in the object WeekBasedMaterialDemand there MUST be exactly one unique UUIDv4.

The UUIDv4 MUST be generated according to [RFC4122].

Refer to chapter 2.2.7 for further handling information.

2.2.4 Available Data Types

The API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTPS.

2.2.5 EDC Data Asset Structure

The HTTP POST endpoint introduced in chapter 2.2.1 MUST NOT be called from a supply chain partner directly. Rather, it MUST be called via an EDC communication. Therefore, the endpoint MUST be offered as an EDC Data Asset. The latter MUST have a property asset:prop:dcm with value weekbasedmaterialdemand-endpoint. This property SHOULD be used to identify the asset when searching the assets catalog of a supplier. Because the asset reflects the contractual relationship between a supplier and its customers, only one asset with the aforementioned property MUST be visible to the customer at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example EDC Data Asset definition with a corresponding access / usage policy and contract definition are shown below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

// Asset definition
"asset": {
"properties": {
"asset:prop:id": "1",
"asset:prop:dcm": "weekbasedmaterialdemand-endpoint",
"asset:prop:description": "Endpoint for provisioning of week based material demands"
"dataAddress": {
"properties": {
"type": "HttpData",
// Access and Usage Policy definition
"id": "1",
"policy": {
"prohibitions": [
"obligations": [
"permissions": [
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:permission",
"action": {
"type": "USE"
"constraints": [
"edctype": "AtomicConstraint",
"leftExpression": {
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:literalexpression",
"value": "BusinessPartnerNumber"
"rightExpression": {
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:literalexpression",
"value": "{{ **CUSTOMER-BPN** }}"
"operator": "EQ"
// Contract definition
"id": "1",
"criteria": [
"operandLeft": "asset:prop:id",
"operator": "=",
"operandRight": "1"
"accessPolicyId": "1",
"contractPolicyId": "1"

2.2.6 Error Handling

Every API endpoint defined in chapter 2.2.1 MUST respond to incoming requests with HTTP status codes as described in [RFC9110]. All of the following HTTP status codes, except for codes 200 and 201, MUST be interpreted as failures. Therefore, it may be sufficient for a business application to simply check if the status code is 200 or 201 or not. If not, the request failed.

HTTP Status CodeHTTP Status MessageDescription
200OKThe request has succeeded. The WeekBasedMaterialDemand has been successfully processed in the backend system.
201CreatedThe request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a new WeekBasedMaterialDemand in the backend system.
400Bad requestThe server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
403ForbiddenThe WeekBasedMaterialDemand in question is not available for the client (e.g. it belongs to a different company)
405Method not allowedThe method used to request the data was not POST
422Unprocessable EntityThe request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors, e.g. the JSON payload could not be parsed.
503Service Unavailable

If one WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspect is transmitted in one HTTP request, the return codes MUST be used as stated in the table above.

If a list of multiple WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspects is transmitted in one HTTP request, the status code 400 MUST be used if at least one WeekBasedMaterialDemand in the list cannot be processed. Applications MAY choose to process valid entries from a list which also contains invalid entries. If a list of multiple WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspects is transmitted in one HTTP request, and all of them can be processed successfully, the status code 200 MUST be used.

The return codes 401, 405, 422 and 503 in the table above MAY also be applicable to a list of multiple WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspects.

Further status codes may be included in a later revision of this standard. The ability to send and receive one status code per sent or received list item might be included in a later revision of this standard.

2.2.7 Validating payload

The following tables are supposed to answer questions regarding what business logic MUST be executed when receiving a WeekBasedMaterialDemand which has been formed in a specific way.

A non-normative overview of all rules can be found in [PayloadValidationRules].

The order of rules is indicated by the 'Number' row. The rules MUST be executed in exactly this order, starting from the lowest number.

The first rule that matches MUST be executed. All other rules MUST be ignored.

'value' indicates the actual value written in quotation marks and without any specific formatting (e.g. italic).

Valid value indicates that the value is valid according to [CX-0047] and [CX-0048] (this standard) and [CX-0046].

Invalid value indicates that the value is invalid according to [CX-0047] and [CX-0048] (this standard) and [CX-0046].

Any value indicates that the value can by anything, valid or not.

A whitespace or an empty cell indicates that for this specific rule that row is not applicable.

Meta propertiesAny propertyInvalid value
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiescustomerCustomer BPNL does not match the sending EDCs registered BPNL
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiessupplierSupplier does not match any Supplier BPNL that I am responsible for
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiesmaterialDemandIDKnown value
changedAtMore recent than all previously received WeekBasedMaterialDemand with the same materialDemandID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicOverwrite all existing values
Return Code200 – OK
PropertiesmaterialDemandIDUnknown value, but there exists another UUID for the exact same combination of supplier, customer and materialNumberCustomer
customerKnown value
supplierKnown value
materialNumberCustomerKnown value
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiesmaterialDemandIDUnknown value
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicSave as new material demand with received values
Return Code201 - Created
PropertiesmaterialDemandIDKnown value
changedAtOlder than any previously received WeekBasedMaterialDemand with the same materialDemandID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiesmaterialDemandIDKnown value
changedAtIdentical to the most recent of all previously received WeekBasedMaterialDemand with the same materialDemandID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicOverwrite all existing values with received values
Return Code200 – OK

3. WeekBasedCapacityGroup API

This section is normative

The WeekBasedCapacityGroup contains the capacity group information which is send from the supplier to the customer.

All participants participating in Catena-X DCM in the role of a supplier MUST be able to send the WeekBasedCapacityGroup. All participants participating in Catena-X DCM in the role of a customer MUST be able to receive and process the WeekBasedCapacityGroup.


The WeekBasedCapacityGroup API MUST be published towards the network using a Data Asset/Contract Offer in terms of the Dataspace Protocol as defined by IDSA, following the Catena-X standard SOV-001.


3.2.1 API Endpoints & Resources

To support the exchange of WeekBasedCapacityGroup data, a business application MUST define a single endpoint supporting the HTTP POST request method as described in [RFC9110]. The structure of the endpoint MAY be freely chosen. The address of the endpoint MUST be provided as part of the EDC Data Asset defined in chapter 3.2.5 of this document.

3.2.2 Data Exchange

The WeekBasedCapacityGroup data MUST be sent from the supplier to the customer using an HTTP POST request. The data format described here MUST be followed for the exchange of the capacity group information.

Multiple WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspects MAY be sent in one transfer as a JSON list. If only one WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspect is transmitted, it MUST still be sent as a list with one entry.

The serialized JSON MUST NOT be larger than 15 MiB in size.

The WeekBasedCapacityGroup endpoint MUST be implemented by all participants who wish to participate in the Catena-X DCM network as a customer. Suppliers MUST be able to send WeekBasedCapacityGroup objects to their customers.

The data payload itself MUST be a valid JSON string.

All attributes marked as mandatory in the standard [CX-0047] MUST be included in the dataset. Attribute marked as 'Optional' CAN be included in the data set.

The usage of the attributes in the data model MUST follow the attribute descriptions in the standard [CX-0047] and the definitions in [CX-0046]. For example, an exact definition of the different capacities is provided there and needs to be observed.

While some attributes are technically a string, not any string is valid. For example, supplier MUST be formatted as a BPNL (see table above).

The calenderWeek MUST be set to a Monday of the week for that specific WeekBasedCapacityGroup. The date format MUST be in accordance with [ISO8601] and MUST be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (for example 2023-02-13).

The data payload itself MUST be a valid JSON file.

The attributes 'demandCategory' and 'unitOfMeasure' MUST be set to one of the defined values as defined in the standard [CX-0047].

The capacities for the current week (n=0) and the next week (n=1) MAY be included in the dataset. The WeekBasedCapacityGroup MUST include at least one week other than the current or the next week (meaning it may not be empty). Every week MUST NOT be included multiple times in the same WeekBasedCapacityGroup.

If the capacity for one of the weeks changes, the whole dataset MUST be sent to the customer, sending the changes only (delta update / incremental update) is NOT possible. By this procedure, inconsistent or incomplete data sets are avoided. One data transfer MUST contain at least one WeekBasedCapacityGroup data set.

Additional business-process related rules are specified in the 'process template', these MUST be followed as well. For example, the 'process template' defines a capacity and how it is to be interpreted or that a demand must be consistent with other exchanged information such as call-offs. All WeekBasedCapacityGroup objects MUST only use a mutually agreed unit of measure (as defined in the standard [CX-0046]).

The property linkedDemandSeries is used to indicate to which WeekBasedMaterialDemand object a WeekBasedCapacityGroup object refers to. More specifically, the linkedDemandSeries refers to a demand for a specific demandCategory / customerLocation / materialNumberCustomer combination.

One specific combination of demandCategory / customerLocation / materialNumberCustomer MAY be referred to in multiple WeekBasedCapacityGroup objects. Therefore, one materialNumberCustomer MAY be contained in linkedDemandSeries of several different WeekBasedCapacityGroup objects.

The order of the entries listed in the linkedDemandSeries of a WeekBasedCapacityGroup is arbitrary and MUST be treated as such.

3.2.3 UUID generation and handling

When exchanging demand data, the usage of UUIDv4 is required in order to reduce the probability of collision as well as to eliminate certain attack vectors. For technical purposes the UUIDv4 MUST be treated as unique within the supplier-customer relationship.

The UUIDv4 MUST be generated according to [RFC4122].

Refer to chapter 3.2.7 for further handling information.

3.2.4 Available Data Types

The API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTPS.

3.2.5 EDC Data Asset Structure

The HTTP POST endpoint introduced in chapter 3.2.1 MUST NOT be called from a supply chain partner directly. Rather, it MUST be called via an EDC communication. Therefore, the endpoint MUST be offered as an EDC Data Asset. The latter MUST have a property " asset:prop:dcm" with value " weekbasedcapacitygroup-endpoint". This property SHOULD be used to identify the asset when searching the assets catalog of a customer. Because the asset reflects the contractual relationship between a customer and its suppliers, only one asset with the aforementioned property MUST be visible to the supplier at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example EDC Data Asset definition with a corresponding access / usage policy and contract definition are shown below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

// Asset definition
"asset": {
"properties": {
"asset:prop:id": "1",
"asset:prop:dcm": "weekbasedcapacitygroup-endpoint",
"asset:prop:description": "Endpoint for provisioning of week based capacity groups"
"dataAddress": {
"properties": {
"type": "HttpData",
// Access and Usage Policy definition
"id": "1",
"policy": {
"prohibitions": [
"obligations": [
"permissions": [
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:permission",
"action": {
"type": "USE"
"constraints": [
"edctype": "AtomicConstraint",
"leftExpression": {
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:literalexpression",
"value": "BusinessPartnerNumber"
"rightExpression": {
"edctype": "dataspaceconnector:literalexpression",
"value": "{{SUPPLIER-BPN}}"
"operator": "EQ"
// Contract definition
"id": "1",
"criteria": [
"operandLeft": "asset:prop:id",
"operator": "=",
"operandRight": "1"
"accessPolicyId": "1",
"contractPolicyId": "1"

3.2.6 Error Handling

Every API endpoint defined in chapter 3.2.1 MUST respond to incoming requests with HTTP status codes as described in [RFC9110]. All of the following HTTP status codes, except for codes 200 and 201, MUST be interpreted as failures. Therefore, it may be sufficient for a business application to simply check if the status code is 200 or 201 or not. If not, the request failed.

HTTP Status CodeHTTP Status MessageDescription
200OKThe request has succeeded. The WeekBasedCapacityGroup has been successfully processed in the backend system.
201CreatedThe request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a new WeekBasedCapacityGroup in the backend system.
400Bad requestThe server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
403ForbiddenThe WeekBasedCapacityGroup in question is not available for the client (e.g. it belongs to a different company)
405Method not allowedThe method used to request the data was not POST
422Unprocessable EntityThe request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors, e.g. the JSON payload could not be parsed.
503Service Unavailable

If one WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspect is transmitted in one HTTP request, the return codes MUST be used as stated in the table above.

If a list of multiple WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspects is transmitted in one HTTP request, the status code 400 MUST be used if at least one WeekBasedCapacityGroup in the list cannot be processed. Applications MAY choose to process valid entries from a list which also contains invalid entries. If a list of multiple WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspects is transmitted in one HTTP request, and all of them can be processed successfully, the status code 200 MUST be used.

The return codes 401, 405, 422 and 503 in the table above MAY also be applicable to a list of multiple WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspects.

Further status codes may be included in a later revision of this standard. The ability to send and receive one status code per sent or received list item might be included in a later revision of this standard.

3.2.7 Validating Payload

The following tables are supposed to answer questions regarding what business logic MUST be executed when receiving a WeekBasedCapacityGroup which has been formed in a specific way.

An overview of all rules can be found in [PayloadValidationRules].

The order of rules is indicated by the 'Number' row.

The first rule that matches MUST be executed. All other rules MUST be ignored.

'value' indicates the actual value written in quotation marks and without any specific formatting (e.g. italic).

Valid value indicates that the value is valid according to [CX-0047] and [CX-0048] (this standard) and [CX-0046].

Invalid value indicates that the value is invalid according to [CX-0047] and [CX-0048] (this standard) and [CX-0046].

Any value indicates that the value can by anything, valid or not.

A whitespace or an empty cell indicates that for this specific rule that row is not applicable.

Meta propertiesAny propertyInvalid value
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiessupplierSupplier BPNL does not match the sending EDCs registered BPNL
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiescustomerCustomer does not match any Customer BPNL that I am responsible for
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiescapacityGroupIDKnown value
changedAtMore recent than all previously received WeekBasedCapacityGroup with the same capacityGroupID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicOverwrite all existing values
Return Code200 – OK
PropertiescapacityGroupIDUnknown value
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicSave as new capacity group with received values
Return Code201 - CREATED
PropertiescapacityGroupIDKnown value
changedAtOlder than any previously received WeekBasedCapacityGroup with the same capacityGroupID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 – Bad Request
PropertiescapacityGroupIDKnown value
changedAtIdentical to the most recent of all previously received WeekBasedCapacityGroup with the same capacityGroupID
Meta propertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicOverwrite all existing values with received values
Return Code200 – OK



[CX-0046] Demand and Capacity Management Process & Core Business Logic, Version 1.0.0

[CX-0047] Demand and Capacity Management Data Models, Version 1.0.0


This section is non-normative

[RFC4122] A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace (

[RFC9110] HTTP Semantics (

[ISO8601] Date and time format

[PayloadValidationRules] PayloadValidationRules.xlsx


This section is non-normative

Not applicable.



This section is non-normative

Not applicable.


This section is non-normative

Not applicable.

Copyright © 2024 Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit here.