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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX - 0120 Short-Term Material Demand Exchange 1.0.0


This document defines the standardized exchange of Short-Term Material Demand data within the Catena-X network. With a focus on addressing shortages and enhancing efficiency across supply chains, this standard aims to facilitate the consistent, reliable, and secure transmission of Short-Term Material Demand data among network participants. It serves as a foundational resource for developers, solution providers, and participants in the Catena-X network by offering comprehensive guidance on implementing and adhering to the standardized exchange of Short-Term Material Demand data. The standardization of the customer's Short-Term Material Demand semantics and exchange API enables participants in the supply chain to share information about timebound Short-Term Material Demand quantities at a customer's site in an interoperable manner. To give additional context and guidance, specific process descriptions with examples are used to convey an understanding of the application.



In recent years global supply chains have significantly been affected by global crises. Ever-increasing complexity and interdependencies compound this issue. As a result small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large enterprises are exposed to an increased risk of disruptions in their supply chains. To adapt to short-term fluctuations and develop the right countermeasures, it is essential to have sound information about the Short-Term Material Demand of customers.

This document describes and standardizes a common semantic model for the Short-Term Material Demand as well as an associated API to exchange Short-Term Material Demand information between supply chain partners in an interoperable manner. The customer's Short-Term Material Demand is semantically the quantity of a material that a customer requests from a supplier in a time horizon of up to four weeks. It aims to supplement, not to replace or to duplicate, regular and legally binding orders or call-offs between partners and enable customers to provide suppliers with context regarding their demands. It is possible to distinguish in particular between those demands that are critical for the customer's planned production and those that are additional and possibly non-recurring, e.g. for building up safety stocks. Suppliers can use this additional information to better coordinate their own production and demands and to proactively propose solutions in the event of shortages.

Through the adoption of this standard, supply chain partners can efficiently communicate Short-Term Material Demand information, that supports proactive and better-founded decision-making, responsive inventory management, and effective allocation of resources to prevent or mitigate shortages.


This section is non-normative

This standard is relevant for the following roles defined in [CX-OMW]:

  • Data Providers willing to provide short-term material demand data
  • Data Consumers interested in requesting and receiving short-term material demand data
  • Business Application Providers interested in providing solutions implementing this standard
  • Consulting Services Providers interested in supporting companies fulfilling the standard

The scope of this standard is only the Planned Production Output aspect model and API. It describes the exchange of Planned Production Output data through an IDS-compliant connector (e.g. EDC).


The customer's demand is one of the key information a supplier or manufacturer uses to plan his production. The customer order represents this demand towards the supplier or customer. The Short-Term Material Demand is intended to be additional information to evaluate the partners' supply situation. The respective orders or call-offs communicated, are still contractually binding. The actions to take based on the material demand data described in this standard must be aligned between the customer and supplier.

Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of the Short-Term Material Demand exchange in the Catena-X dataspace and the central services that are involved. Both the data consumer and the data provider must be members of the Catena X network in order to communicate with each other. With the help of centrally managed Identity Access Management (IAM) each participant can authenticate itself, verify the identity of the requesting party and decide whether to authorize the request. The data provisioning is based on an asynchronous exchange of request and response messages.

Figure 1: high-level architecture of the Short-Term Material Demand exchange in the Catena-X Figure 1: high-level architecture of the Short-Term Material Demand exchange in the Catena-X


This section is non-normative

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative. The keywords MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document document are to be interpreted as described in [BCP 14] [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants and their solutions will need to prove, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). The proof of conformity for a single semantic model is done according to the general rules for proving the conformity of data provided to a semantic model or the ability to consume the corresponding data. Furthermore participants agree to follow the normative language of this standardization document and to implement the required API-Endpoints described in Chapter 4.


This section is non-normative

The following example shows a value-only JSON representation of an "Short-Term Material Demand" aspect model. It contains a demand quantity of 180 with a demand category series and a demand quantity of 100 with demand category after-sales for a material named spark plug. Also the customer location varies for the different demand series. This Short-Term Material Demand is the demand that a supplier received from a customer.

"unitOfMeasure": "unit:piece",
"demandRate": {
"demandRateCode": "cw"
"materialDescriptionCustomer": "Spark Plug",
"materialDemandId": "0157ba42-d2a8-4e28-8565-7b07830c1110",
"materialNumberSupplier": "MNR-8101-ID146955.001",
"supplier": "BPNL6666666666YY",
"changedAt": "2022-02-07T12:27:11.320Z",
"materialGlobalAssetId": "urn:uuid:48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df",
"demandSeries": [
"expectedSupplierLocation": "BPNS8888888888XX",
"demands": [
"demand": 180,
"pointInTime": "2022-03-07T01:00:52.173-07:00"
"customerLocation": "BPNS8888888888XX",
"demandCategory": {
"demandCategoryCode": "SR99"
"expectedSupplierLocation": "BPNS8888888888XX",
"demands": [
"demand": 100,
"pointInTime": "2022-03-10T01:00:52.173-07:00"
"customerLocation": "BPNS7777777777XX",
"demandCategory": {
"demandCategoryCode": "A1S1"
"materialNumberCustomer": "500009086",
"customer": "BPNL8888888888XX"


This section is non-normative

Business Partner NumberBPNA BPN is the unique identifier of a partner within Catena-X as defined in [CX-0010].
Business Partner Number SiteBPNSA BPNS is the unique identifier of a partner site within Catena-X as defined in [CX-0010].
Business Partner Number AdressBPNAA BPNA is the unique identifier of a partner address within Catena-X as defined in [CX-0010].
DemandQuantity of a demand for a given time frame. The quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 and less or equal than 999999999999999999.999. It allows up to 12 digits and 3 decimal places.
Demand seriesThe demands for a dedicated material in a given time period of a given demand rate, distinguished by their demand location and demand category.
Demand categoryClassification of demands used for prioritization or allocation.
PositionA position within an order defines the product and the quantity the supplier has to manufacture / supply for a customer. A single order may contain multiple positions for different products.
OrderRequest from a customer towards a supplier to manufacture / supply a given quantity of a specific product in a predefined time frame.
ProviderThe party providing the Item Stock data.
In the context of the Item Stock Exchange API this is:
- the supplier for Item Stock of direction OUTBOUND
- the customer for Item Stock of direction INBOUND.
ConsumerThe party requesting and consuming the Item Stock data provided by the provider. Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.
CustomerThe recipient of products ordered from / manufactured by a supplier.
SupplierThe supplier / manufacturer of a product.
StockTwo way direction of material on stock
- One can have a stock of material which is ready for delivery to customers.
- One can have a stock of material which can be used for the own production.
Within this document, the term material, product, component or item refers to any kind of product that may be either used as input or output of the production. Semi-finished goods are not intended to be covered.
Material NumberUnique number of a component or material.
Production OutputThe output quantity in a defined period of time for a component or material.

Table 1: Terminology Short-Term Material Demand Standard

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association's homepage




The following Catena-X standards are prerequisites for the implementation of this standard and therefore MUST be considered / implemented by the relevant parties specified in each of them.

[CX-0001]EDC Discovery API
[CX-0003]SAMM Aspect Meta Model
[CX-0006]Registration and initial onboarding
[CX-0010]Business Partner Number (BPN)
[CX-0018]Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC)
[CX-0050]Framework Agreement Credential

Table 2: List of mandatory standards

The usage of this standard may be complemented with the following Catena-X standards to further extend the range of shortage prevention possibilities:

[CX-0118]Delivery Information Exchange
[CX-0121]Planned Production Output Exchange
[CX-0122]Item Stock Exchange

Table 3: List of non-mandatory complementary standards


No additional data requirements.


In addition to the general Catena-X terms and conditions each data provider and data consumer MUST consent to the "Predictive Unit Realtime Information Service - PURIS" framework agreement during an onboarding process defined by the Catena-X governing body. Upon requesting data, the data consumer MUST present the data provider with a proof of consent to the aforementioned framework agreement in accordance with [CX-0050] Framework Agreement Credential. The data provider MUST verify the validity of the presented proof before granting access to the requested data.


This version of the document does not define any requirements for standardized integration and governance of digital twins.


This section is normative



This section describes the "Material Demand" semantic model used in The Short-Term Material Demand Exchange standard. It defines the demand of material, product, component or items for a customer. The provided aspect model is automotive-agonistic, thus allowing for future integration and exchange with non-automotive dataspaces.


The modeling of the semantic model specified in this document was done in accordance to the "semantic driven workflow" to create a submodel template specification [SMT].

This aspect model is written in SAMM 2.0.0 as a modeling language conformant to [CX-0003] as input for the semantic driven workflow.

Like all Catena-X data models, this model is available in a machine-readable format on GitHub conformant to [CX-0003]. SHORT-TERM MATERIAL DEMAND CATEGORY HANDLING

The Material Demand data MUST consider the following demand categories shared with the DCM standard CX-0128. These Demand Categories MAY be used optionally. If no categories are to be used, the value "default" MUST be selected. If different categories apply, it is RECOMMENDED to use them to describe certain use cases such as inventory build-up, logistics optimization or series start-ups. This use case-specific categorization can be an important building block for the supplier to leverage potential in the event of possible bottlenecks or supply gaps. Demand data for demand category "Extraordinary Demand" MAY be set to actively indicate differences between call-offs or orders and the demand derived from the scheduled or planned production.

Demand CategoryDescriptionDemand Category Code (Based on Data Model)
DefaultNo Assignment0001
After-SalesAfter sales demand of spare partsA1S1
SeriesDependent demand e.g. production, assembly, raw materialSR99
Phase-In-PeriodRamp up of a new product or new material introductionPI01
Single-OrderDemand outside the normal spectrum of supplyOS01
Small SeriesShort time frame for demand and pose to higher volatilityOI01
Extraordinary DemandTemporary demand on top of standard demand. Used e.g. in the following scenarios:
- logistic optimization (e.g., full use of container)
- preventing shortage by building stock (banking)
- restocking safety stock
Phase-Out-PeriodRamp down; Product or material retires from the marketPO01

Table 4: Short-Term Material Demand categories SHORT-TERM MATERIAL DEMAND - DEMAND-RATE HANDLING

The demandRate of a Short-Term Material Demand MUST be set to "d" (day). For more information see the semantic model specified in Chapter


This Catena-X data model is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, which is available at Creative Commons.


The semantic model has the unique identifier


This identifier MUST be used by the data provider to define the semantics of the data being transferred.


The rdf turtle file, an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model, is the master for generating additional file formats and serializations. It can be found under the following link:

The open source command line tool of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework is used for generation of other file formats like for example a JSON Schema, aasx for Asset Administration Shell Submodel Template or a HTML documentation. JSON SCHEMA

A JSON Schema MUST be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The JSON Schema defines the Value-Only payload of the Asset Administration Shell for the API operation "GetSubmodel". AASX

An AASX file can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The AASX file defines one of the requested artifacts for a Submodel Template Specification conformant to [SMT].



The "Short-Term Material Demand" defined in this section enables the exchange of Short-Term Material Demand data between Catena-X participants in an interoperable manner. Figure 2 shows a high-level overview of the intended data exchange flow.

Figure 2: High-level overview of Short-Term Material Demand data exchange Figure 2: High-level overview of Short-Term Material Demand data exchange

The API relies on asynchronous communication between the involved parties.

  1. A data exchange is initiated by a data consumer requesting a Short-Term Material Demand
  2. Upon receiving a valid request, the data provider accepts it for further processing, thus confirming the receipt of the request.
  3. The data provider determines the requested Short-Term Material Demand.
  4. The data provider sends the requested Short-Term Material Demand to the data consumer.
  5. The data consumer confirms the successful receipt of the requested Short-Term Material Demand by accepting it.

The data provider may also optionally offer an endpoint, which can be used by the data consumer to track the status of the request it made. Figure 2 shows an overview of the steps involved in fetching the state of a previously made "Short-Term Material Demand Request".

Figure 3: Checking the status of a "Short-Term Material Demand Request" Figure 3: Checking the status of a "Short-Term Material Demand Request"

  1. The data consumer requests the status of a previously made request.
  2. The data provider determines the request's status.
  3. The data provider responds instantly informing the data consumer about the request's status.

The lifecycle of a "Short-Term Material Demand Request" is defined by the set of states shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: States of a "Short-term Material Demand Request" Figure 4: States of a "Short-term Material Demand Request"


To use this standard the participants MUST have an existing business relationship that defines demand and supply relationship.

Each partner MUST be registered and onboarded to Catena-X CX-006. To participate in the Catena-X dataspace, the Eclipse Data Space Connector MUST be used to make the API available CX-0018


Catena-X participants interested in exchanging Material Demand information MUST implement the endpoints as defined in the table below based on their role in the data exchange process.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

RoleEndpointRouteREQUIREDHTTP MethodPurpose
ProviderRequest Endpoint{{MATERIAL-DEMAND-REQUEST-ENDPOINT}}YesPOSTThis endpoint receives the "Short-Term Material Demand" Requests from a consumer.
ConsumerResponse Endpoint{{MATERIAL-DEMAND-RESPONSE-ENDPOINT}}YesPOSTThis endpoint receives the "Short-Term Material Demand" responses to the consumer's requests.
ProviderRequest Status Endpoint{{MATERIAL-DEMAND-STATUS-ENDPOINT}}NoPOSTThis endpoint allows the consumer to OPTIONALLY check the current status of a "Short-Term Material Demand" Request it already made.

Table 5: Short-Term Material Demand roles in data exchange process SHORT-TERM MATERIAL DEMAND REQUEST

When sending a request to the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Endpoint", the body MUST be composed out of two parts: a header object according to the shared aspect model MessageHeader and a content object. Together they form the HTTP body that MUST be formatted as JSON.

Request Header

Note: This is not the HTTP Header but rather part of the HTTP Body.

The following table lists all fields of the message header and how they are used.

FieldREQUIREDPurposeDatatypeExample value
messageIdYesUnique ID identifying the message.The purpose of the ID is to uniquely identify a single message, therefore it MUST NOT be reused.UUID v4 [RFC4122]48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df
relatedMessageIdNoFor the "Short-Term Material Demand Request" this information SHOULD NOT be set.UUID v4 [RFC4122]b50e7c60-31d1-4682-af01-6ab33477c3f6
contextYesInformation about the context the message should be considered in. The value MUST consist of two parts: constant of a given endpoint RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequest: followed by the version number 1.0URIRES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequest:1.0
versionYesThis field MUST specify the namespace and version of the headers aspect model that has been used to create the header.Namespace and version of the shared aspect MessageHeaderurn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0
senderBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the requesting party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789ZZ
receiverBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the receiving party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789YY
sentDateTimeYesThe date and time including time zone offset on which the request has been created.[ISO8601] with time zone2023-04-25T10:54:12+00:00

Table 6: Short-Term Material Demand message header

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid header:

"context": "RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequest:1.0",
"version": "urn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0",
Request Content

The content consists of a single shortTermMaterialDemand object containing the list of material numbers for which the consumer would like to receive the Material Demand information. Each material is described by the following fields:

FieldREQUIREDPurposeDatatypeExample value
materialNumberCustomerYesThe material number given by the customer MUST unambiguously identify the material on customer side. It SHOULD be used by the supplier to identify the requested material.StringMNR-7307-AU340474.001
materialNumberSupplierNoThe material number given by the supplier MUST unambiguously identify the material on supplier side. Material number given by the supplier MAY be used by the supplier to identify the material in case the materialNumberCustomer is not known by the supplier.StringMNR-8101-ID146955.001
materialNumberCatenaXNoThe material number given by the Catena-X network MUST unambiguously identify the material in the Catena-X network and MAY be used to identify the digital twin of the material. This number MAY be used instead of the materialNumberCustomer or the materialNumberSupplier to identify the material when consumer and provider both know the digital twin of the materialUUID v4 [RFC4122]urn:uuid:055c1128-0375-47c8-98de-7cf802c3241d

Table 7: Short-Term Material Demand request content

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid content:

Request Example

The following snippet shows an example consisting of both, the header and the content for a given "Short Term Material Demand Request".

"context": "RES-PURIS-InformationObjectRequest:1.0",
"version": "urn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0",
Responding to a "Short Term Material Demand Request"

The consumer MUST respond with one of the HTTP status codes defined in the corresponding section of Chapter 4.1.4.

The response MUST be JSON formatted and MUST contain only the messageId field specifying the ID of the message received. The value MUST therefore be also equal to the relatedMessageId value contained in the header of the "Short Term Material Demand" response described in Chapter

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid response:


When provisioning data to the "Short-Term Material Demand Response Endpoint", the body MUST be composed out of two parts: a header object according to the shared aspect model MessageHeader and a content object. Together they form the HTTP body that MUST be formatted as JSON.

Response Header

Note: This is not the HTTP Header but rather part of the HTTP Body.

The following table lists all fields of the message header and how they are used.

FieldREQUIREDPurposeDatatypeExample value
messageIdYesUnique ID identifying the message. The purpose of the ID is to uniquely identify a single message, therefore it MUST NOT be reused.UUID v4 [RFC4122]375e75f0-913e-4b71-a96c-366fc8f6bf8f
relatedMessageIdYesFor the "Short-Term Material Demand Response" this information MUST be set to the messageId of the corresponding "Short-Term Material Demand Request" received.UUID v4 [RFC4122]48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df
contextYesInformation about the context the message should be considered in. The value MUST consist of two parts: constant of a given endpoint RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandResponse: followed by the version number 1.0URIRES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandResponse:1.0
versionYesThis field MUST specify the namespace and version of the header's aspect model that has been used to create the header.Namespace and version of the shared aspect model MessageHeaderurn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0
senderBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the responding party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789ZZ
receiverBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the receiving party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789YY
sentDateTimeYesThe date and time including time zone offset on which the request has been created.[ISO8601] with time zone2023-04-25T10:54:12+00:00

Table 8: Short-Term Material Demand response header

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid header:

"relatedMessageId": "48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df",
"context": "RES-PURIS-InformationObjectResponse:1.0",
"version": "urn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0",
Response Content

The content MUST consist of a single shortTermMaterialDemand object containing a list of Material Demands. Each Short-Term Material Demand MUST be built according to the MaterialDemand SAMM model defined in Chapter 3.1. An example content for a single Material Demand is given below.

"content": {
"materialDescriptionCustomer":"Spark Plug",
Response Example

The following snippet shows an example consisting of both, the header and the content for a given Short-Term Material Demand Response.

"materialDescriptionCustomer":"Spark Plug",
Invalid Data Handling

The endpoint MUST NOT process shortTermMaterialDemand objects for which the following values are NOT set:

  • unitOfMeasureIsOmitted = "false"
  • demandRate.demandRateCode = "DAY"
Responding to a "Short-Term Material Demand Response"

The consumer MUST respond with one of the HTTP status codes defined in the corresponding section of Chapter 4.1.4.

The response MUST be JSON formatted and MUST contain only the messageId field specifying the ID of the message received. The value MUST therefore be also equal to the messageId value contained in the header of the Short-Term Material Demand Response.

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid response:


When sending a request to the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status Endpoint", the body MUST be composed out of two parts: a header object and a content object. Together they form the HTTP body that MUST be formatted as JSON.

Status Request Header

Note: This is not the HTTP Header but rather part of the HTTP Body.

FieldREQUIREDPurposeDatatypeExample value
messageIdYesUnique ID identifying the message.The purpose of the ID is to uniquely identify a single message, therefore it MUST not be reused.UUID v4 [RFC4122]1b2a5f4c-0215-4a85-9191-146931c11da8
relatedMessageIdYesUnique ID identifying the Material Demand Request message sent before.UUID v4 [RFC4122]48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df
contextYesInformation about the context the message should be considered in. The value MUST consist of two parts: constant of a given endpoint RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatus: followed by the version number 1.0.URIRES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatus:1.0
versionYesThis field MUST specify the namespace and version of the header's aspect model that has been used to create the header.Namespace and version of the shared aspect MessageHeaderurn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0
senderBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the requesting party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789ZZ
receiverBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL/S) of the receiving party.BPN according to [CX-0010]BPNS0123456789YY
sentDateTimeYesThe date and time including time zone offset on which the request has been created.[ISO8601] with time zone2023-04-25T10:54:12+00:00

Table 9: Short-Term Material Demand request status header

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid header:

"relatedMessageId": "48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df",
"context": "RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatus:1.0.0",
"version": "urn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:1.0.0",
Status Request Content

The content MUST be an empty object.

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid content:

"content": {

Status Request Example

The following snippet shows an example consisting of both, the header and the content for a given "Short Term Material Demand Request Status API" request.

"relatedMessageId": "48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df",
"context": "RES-PURIS-ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatus:1.0",
"version": "urn:samm:io.catenax.message_header:2.0",

Responding to a "Short-Term Material Demand Status Request

The provider MUST respond with one of the HTTP status codes defined in the corresponding section of Chapter 4.1.4.

The response MUST be JSON formatted and MUST contain the following fields:

  • messageId: the ID of the "Short-Term Material Demand Request", for which one would like to know the current status
  • requestState: the current state of the request on provider side

The following table contains the list of valid request states and their meaning.

ReceivedThe provider accepted the request for processing.
WorkingThe provider is processing the request and preparing the response.
CompletedThe provider was able to successfully process AND respond to the request.
ErrorThe provider was unable to process OR respond to the request.

Table 10: Short-Term Material Demand valid request states

More information about the different states and the transitions between them is provided in the beginning of Chapter 4.1.

The following JSON object gives an example of a valid response:

"messageId": "48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df",
"requestState": "Working"

The API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTPS. More information on the data objects supported by the endpoints is provided in the corresponding sections of Chapter 4.1.2.


The endpoints introduced in Chapter 4.1.2 MUST NOT be directly called from a provider or from a consumer. Rather, these MUST be called via an IDS-compliant connector (e.g. EDC). Therefore, the endpoints MUST be offered as EDC data assets. To make this assets easily identifiable in the connector's catalog, each asset MUST be configured with a set of properties as described in the corresponding sections below.

The following table provides an overview of the EDC data assets that the parties MUST offer to be able to provision and/or consume Short-Term Material Demand data.

ProviderYes"Short-Term Material Demand Request"Allows a consumer to request Material Demand information.
ProviderNo"Short-Term Material Demand Request Status"Allows a consumer to check the status for a "Short-Term Material Demand Request".
ConsumerYes"Short-Term Material Demand Response"Allows a consumer to receive the requested Material Demand information.

Table 11: EDC data assets

EDC Data Asset Structure for "Short-Term Material Demand Request API Endpoint"

In order to receive "Short-Term Material Demand Requests", the provider MUST register an EDC data asset specifying the address of the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.

The data asset MUST be configured with the set of properties as defined in the table below.

PropertyPurposeUsage & Constraints
@typeDefines the asset type.The asset MUST be set to Asset.
@idIdentifier of the assetThe asset ID MUST be unique and therefore MUST NOT be reused elsewhere.
properties.dct:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand API Request Endpoint" according to the Catena-X taxonomy.MUST be set to {"@id": ""} to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Request API".
properties.asset:prop:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand Request API Endpoint" for filtering purposes.MUST be set to data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandRequestApi to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Request API". version of the standard defining the implemented APIMUST correspond to the version of the standard defining the "Short-Term Material Demand Exchange API". The value MUST be set to 1.0 for APIs implementing this standard. of the DataAddress node.MUST be set to DataAddress. the HTTPS endpoint of the corresponding "Short-Term Material Demand Request API Endpoint".The {{SHORT_TERM_MATERIAL_DEMAND_REQUEST_ENDPOINT}} refers to an URL under which the API endpoint is available. HTTPS transport protocol MUST be used. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS bodyMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to receive a HTTPS body via the HTTPS request. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS methodMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to also receive POST requests. the type of data plane extension handling the data exchangeMUST be set to HttpData to provide an API via an HTTPS proxy endpoint.

Table 12: EDC data assets request properties

When searching the data assets catalog of a provider, a consumer MUST use the following combination of properties AND their values to identify the data asset specifying the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.


Table 13: EDC data assets request properties values

Because the data asset reflects the existing contractual relationship between a customer and its suppliers, only one data asset with the aforementioned combination of properties AND their values MUST be visible to the consumer at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example EDC Data Asset definition is given below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"cx-taxo": "",
"cx-common": "",
"dct": ""
"@type": "Asset",
"properties": {
"dct:type": {
"@id": "cx-taxo:ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestApi"
"asset:prop:type": "data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandRequestApi",
"cx-common:version": "1.0",
"description": "Short-Term Material Demand Request API Endpoint"
"dataAddress": {
"@type": "DataAddress",
"type": "HttpData",
"proxyBody": "true",
"proxyMethod": "true",
EDC Data Asset Structure for "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API Endpoint"

In order to receive "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status" requests, the provider MAY register an EDC data asset specifying the address of the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.

The data asset MUST be configured with the set of properties as defined in the table below.

PropertyPurposeUsage & Constraints
@typeDefines the asset type.The asset MUST be set to Asset.
@idIdentifier of the assetThe asset ID MUST be unique and therefore MUST NOT be reused elsewhere.
properties.dct:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API Endpoint" according to the Catena-X taxonomy.MUST be set to {"@id": ""} to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API".
properties.asset:prop:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API Endpoint" for filtering purposes.MUST be set to data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatusApi to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API". version of the standard defining the implemented API.MUST correspond to the version of the standard defining the "Short-Term Material Demand Exchange API". The value MUST be set to 1.0 for APIs implementing this standard. of the DataAddress node.MUST be set to DataAddress. the HTTPS endpoint of the corresponding "Item Stock Request Status API Endpoint".The {{SHORT_TERM_MATERIAL_DEMAND_REQUEST_STATUS_ENDPOINT}} refers to an URL under which the API endpoint is available. HTTPS transport protocol MUST be used. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS bodyMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to receive a HTTPS body via the HTTPS request. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS methodMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to also receive POST requests. the type of data plane extension handling the data exchangeMUST be set to HttpData to provide an API via an HTTPS proxy endpoint.

Table 14: EDC data assets request status properties

When searching the data assets catalog of a provider, a consumer MUST use the following combination of properties AND their values to identify the data asset specifying the "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.


Table 15: EDC data assets request status properties values

Because the data asset reflects the existing contractual relationship between a customer and its suppliers, only one data asset with the aforementioned combination of properties AND their values MUST be visible to the consumer at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example EDC Data Asset definition is given below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"cx-taxo": "",
"cx-common": "",
"dct": ""
"@type": "Asset",
"properties": {
"dct:type": {
"@id": "cx-taxo:ShortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatusApi"
"asset:prop:type": "data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandRequestStatusApi",
"cx-common:version": "1.0",
"description": "Short-Term Material Demand Request Status API Endpoint"
"dataAddress": {
"@type": "DataAddress",
"type": "HttpData",
"proxyBody": "true",
"proxyMethod": "true",
EDC Data Asset Structure for "Short-Term Material Demand Response API Endpoint"

In order to receive the Material Demand data it requested, the consumer MUST register an EDC data asset specifying the address of the "Short-Term Material Demand Response Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.

This asset MUST be configured with the set of properties as defined in the table below.

PropertyPurposeUsage & Constraints
@typeDefines the asset type.The asset MUST be set to Asset.
@idIdentifier of the assetThe asset ID MUST be unique and therefore MUST NOT be reused elsewhere.
properties.dct:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand Response API Endpoint" according to the Catena-X taxonomy.MUST be set to {"@id": ""} to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Response API".
properties.asset:prop:typeDefines the "Short-Term Material Demand Response API Endpoint" for filtering purposes.MUST be set to data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandResponseApi to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Short-Term Material Demand Response API". version of the standard defining the implemented APIMUST correspond to the version of the standard defining the "Short-Term Material Demand Exchange API". The value MUST be set to 1.0 for APIs implementing this standard. of the DataAddress node.MUST be set to DataAddress. the HTTPS endpoint of the corresponding "Short-Term Material Demand Response API Endpoint".The {{SHORT_TERM_MATERIAL_DEMAND_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT}} refers to an URL under which the API endpoint is available. HTTPS transport protocol MUST be used. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS bodyMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to receive a HTTPS body via the HTTPS request. whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS methodMUST be set to true to allow the API endpoint to also receive POST requests. the type of data plane extension handling the data exchangeMUST be set to HttpData to provide an API via an HTTPS proxy endpoint.

Table 16: EDC data assets response properties

When searching the data assets catalog of a provider, a consumer MUST use the following combination of properties AND their values to identify the data asset specifying the "Short-Term Material Demand Response Endpoint" described in Chapter 4.1.2.


Table 17: EDC data assets response properties values

Because the asset reflects the existing contractual relationship between a customer and its suppliers, only one asset with the aforementioned combination of properties AND their values MUST be visible to the provider at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example EDC Data Asset definition is given below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"cx-taxo": "",
"cx-common": "",
"dct": ""
"@type": "Asset",
"properties": {
"dct:type": {
"@id": "cx-taxo:ShortTermMaterialDemandResponseApi"
"asset:prop:type": "data.res.shortTermMaterialDemandResponseApi",
"cx-common:version": "1.0",
"description": "Short-Term Material Demand Response API Endpoint"
"dataAddress": {
"@type": "DataAddress",
"type": "HttpData",
"proxyBody": "true",
"proxyMethod": "true",


Every API endpoint defined in Chapter 4.1.2 MUST respond to incoming requests with HTTP status codes as described in [RFC9110]. The status codes for each endpoint are defined in the following sections.

HTTP Codes for Short-Term Material Demand Request Endpoint
Status CodeDescriptionUsage
202Short-Term Material Demand request was acceptedWhen the request had been accepted by the provider, the latter MUST respond with status code 202
400Request body malformedWhen the request BODY is not matching the API description, the provider MUST respond with error code 400
401Not authorizedWhen the authorization of the request fails, the provider MUST respond with error code 401
404Endpoint not foundWhen the HTTP path is not available, the provider MUST respond with error code 404
405Method not allowedIn case the HTTP method used is not a POST, the provider MUST respond with error code 405
422A request with the same message ID already existsWhen the message ID (header.messageId) was already used for another request

Table 18: Request error handling

HTTP Codes for Short-Term Material Demand Response Endpoint
Status CodeDescriptionUsage
202Short-Term Material Demand response was acceptedWhen the received Short-Term Material Demand data is accepted by the consumer, it MUST respond with status code 202
400Response body malformedWhen the HTTP Body is not matching the API description, the consumer MUST respond with error code 400
401Not authorizedWhen the authorization of the response fails, the consumer MUST respond with error code 401
404Endpoint not foundWhen the HTTP path is not available, the consumer MUST respond with error code 404
405Method not allowedIn case the HTTP method used is not a POST, the provider MUST respond with error code 405
422The message ID does not match any open requestWhen the message ID (header.messageId) does not match the ID of any open request, the consumer MUST respond with error code 422

Table 19: Response error handling

HTTP Codes for Short-Term Material Demand Request Status Endpoint
Status CodeDescriptionUsage
200Short-Term Material Demand status request was successfulWhen the request was successful, the provider MUST respond with status code 200
400Request body malformedWhen the request BODY is not matching the API description, the provider MUST respond with error code 400
401Not authorizedWhen the authorization of the request fails, the provider MUST respond with error code 401
404Endpoint not foundWhen the HTTP path is not available, the provider MUST respond with error code 404
405Method not allowedIn case the HTTP method used is not a POST, the provider MUST respond with error code 405
422The message ID is not knownWhen the message ID (header.messageId) does not match the ID of any known request, the provider MUST respond with error code 422

Table 20: Request status error handling


This section is normative

The Short-Term Material Demand is intended to provide more details and insights about the customer's demand. It is not meant to replace regular and legally binding orders or call-offs between partners but to offer supplementary information. Therefore the Short-Term Material Demand aspect model provides several categories that MAY be used to differentiate between different types of demand. The categories originate from the joint use of the aspect model of the Demand and Capacity Standard [CX-0128] and may not necessarily apply. Categories should only be used if they are beneficial for at least one of the partners involved. If in doubt, "Default" can always be used.

The key purpose of the Short-Term Material Demand is to indicate the actual required quantities that are critical for the customer's planned production. To do so it is RECOMMENDED to use the Categories "Default" or "Series". Quantities deviating from this, e.g. to build up stock or to optimize logistics, MAY be mapped to "Extraordinary Demand". All other categories should be selected and used after aligning with with the respective partner to ensure a mutual understanding and intention of use.

The following chapter should contribute to the understanding by providing different process representations and examples.


The following actors and roles occur in the described processes.

SupplierThe supplier acts as the data consumer in this standard.Is a business partner that supplies items to a customer. As such, a supplier is interested in detailed information about the customer's Short-Term Material Demand.
CustomerThe customer acts as the data provider in this standard.Is a business partner that procures items from suppliers and provides information about his Short-Term Material Demand.

Table 21: Actors and roles



In this most basic example the customer procures materials from a single supplier to fulfill its demands for a specific material. Also the call-off or order quantities exactly match the quantities that are required for the customer's production on a daily basis.

The following table visualizes the data which may be transferred as Short-Term Material Demand.

Table 22: Single sourcing with one demand category and daily ordering Table 22: Single sourcing with one demand category and daily ordering

Another scenario in this context might be that the delivery date stated in the call-off or order does not match the actual expected consumption date for the material.

Table 23: Single sourcing with one demand category and non-daily ordering Table 23: Single sourcing with one demand category and non-daily ordering

The additional information can be e.g. used to smooth out the supplier's production and to jointly agree between partners on a split of the total order quantity across different delivery days. The same applies for a shortage case where the supplier is not able to deliver the ordered quantity on day 1.


Additional information about the customer's Short-Term Material Demand can be provided via categories. The following example shows a scenario where the customer is signaling that the ordered amount of material on day 2 is partially intended to build up safety stock and is not directly related to a planned consumption.

Table 24: Single sourcing with multiple demand categories to signal stock building Table 24: Single sourcing with multiple demand categories to signal stock building

With this additional information the supplier can distinguish which quantity is the absolute minimum required to fulfill the customer's production needs and which is e.g., to build up a safety stock or to replenish stock. In the event of a production bottleneck, the supplier can suggest stretching the delivery of the additional parts. The supplier is also informed that this is not a regular increase in demand, which in turn can be used while communicating with its upstream suppliers and may therefore contribute to reduce the bullwhip effect.

In the same manner, the customer can make use of the categories e.g., to indicate that a partial quantity is attributed to logistical optimizations. This might be e.g. due to fixed container sizes. The following example shows a scenario in which one container always carries a batch of 15 pieces.

Table 25: Single sourcing with multiple demand categories to distinguish quantities for logistical optimizations Table 25: Single sourcing with multiple demand categories to distinguish quantities for logistical optimizations


A multisourcing strategy is a common approach in supply chain management to mitigate supply risks. This means that a customer works with two or more suppliers to procure equivalent materials. However, to use the Short-Term Material Demand Exchange" standard, participants must comply with legal restrictions, such as competition laws. Furthermore, it is in the interests of the customer not to disclose any company secrets about existing business relationships and their extent with third parties.

Therefore, in case of multisourcing, each participant needs to prevent potential prohibited or disadvantageous data leakage during the information provisioning. Any Short-Term Material Demand provided must be partner-specific. In case of multi-sourcing the demand data can be e.g., broken down based on the partner's proportion of the customer's total demand volume. Using supplier-specific material numbers may support the data provisioning system-wise.

In the following example a customer has two suppliers, that are sourced 60% and 40% respectively. Therefore demands need to be split according to the given quota. In addition to the demand directly derived from the customer's material consumption, the customer orders additional material on Day 1 and Day 2 to build up a safety stock.

Table 26: Multi sourcing with multiple demand categories to signal stock building Table 26: Multi sourcing with multiple demand categories to signal stock building



[CX-0001]EDC Discovery API1.0.2
[CX-0003]SAMM Aspect Meta Model1.1.0
[CX-0006]Registration and initial onboarding1.1.3
[CX-0010]Business Partner Number (BPN)2.0.0
[CX-0018]Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC)2.1.0
[CX-0050]Framework Agreement Credential1.0.0
[CX-0118]Delivery Information Exchange1.0.0
[CX-0121]Planned Production Output Exchange1.0.0
[CX-0122]Item Stock Exchange1.0.0
[CX-0128]Demand and Capacity Management1.0.0

Table 27: List of normative standards


This section is non-normative

[CX-OMW]Catena-X Operating Model Whitepaper. Download from:
[ISO8601]ISO 8601: Date and time format
[RFC2119]Bradner, S. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. Available online:
[RFC4122]A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) URN Namespace (
[RFC8174]Leiba, B. Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. Available online:
[RFC9110]HTTP Semantics (
[SMT]How to create a submodel template specification. Guideline. Download from:

Table 28: List of non-normative standards


This section is non-normative

Not applicable

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