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Release: 24.03 (deprecated)

CX-0079 NaturalPersonScreeningDashboard v1.1.0


  • In view of the fact that Catena-X cannot manage Natural Persons it has to be secured that no Natural Person by accident may be processed or later stored in the pool.

  • For historical reasons, companies often have no knowledge of whether the stored Business Partner master record contains a Natural Person. For example, there is a way to change this master record as Natural Person, but this has often not been done consistently in the past.

  • In addition, the companies themselves need knowledge of Natural Persons in their systems to comply with GDPR requirements.

The Natural Person Screening application contains rules which secures with a high propability to indentify Natural Person data records. The results of the rules can get visaulized via a dashboard or consumed via logfiles, downloaded and via an API. NPS has to use the Gate API CX-0074 for pulling BP data records. NPS has be a client/ server cloud application which contains a Web Client and a Cloud Servicer Application. NPS has to contain a user and authorization management capability aligned with the CX Portal and Marketplace user management. NPS has to be available in English and German language.


The standard enables software and service companies to develop business partner master data quality dashboard applications including accessibility of external 3^rd^ party data sources.


The standard 1.1.0 extended the former version by adding the chapter NPS API.



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This standard is relevant for the following audience:

  • Catena-X certified Operational Companies acting as:
    • Core Service Provider

This document is focusing on the functionality of the Natural Person Screening Dashboard (NPS) as a screening and monitoring tool of the Golden Record process.

NPS has to be a Value Added Services (VAS) application for Data Provider and Consumer to screen all BP data records in the Inbound Persistence to find a Natural Person data record. NPS has to contain a screening capability which enables that no Natural Person data record will get passed into the Golden Record Process as the process handles solely Legal Entity data records.

NPS has to contain the storage capability of statistical data over a time frame of at least 3 years.

NPS rules have to be focused on the analysis of the BP data records on a syntactical and partially semantical content basis. NPS MUST not focus on correcting or enriching data attributes services. Those services are part of the Golden Record Process.

The description of the Gate API is stored in the standard library of Catena-X:


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The Natural Person Screening Dashboard has to be a screening tool and methodology to identify automated with a high probability if a BP data record in the Inbound Persistence is a Natural Person or a Legal Entity. The results of the validation have to be provided via a dashboard.


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As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The keywords MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants will need to prove that their solutions conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).

To prove conformity with the standard, verify your implementation aligns with the following sharing controller.


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Natural Person A Natural Person is a person that is an individual human being.

Legal Person

A Legal Person is a Legal Entity as defined in CX-0010.

The Natural Person Screening Dashboard (NPS) has to rely on a set of clearly defined screening rules which are the basis the validate if a Business Partner (BP) is a Natural Person or a Legal Entity. NPS has to capture at least 117 countries based on ISO 3166-1. NPS has to validate BP data records in the Inbound Persistence of the related CX Member who licensed NPS. Each NPS rule has to validate defined attributes of the BP data record via a specific rule set. The architecture of NPS has to based on an exclusion methodology. The outcome of NPS has to provide results if a BP data record is a Natural Person, a Legal Entity or an undefined, unknown or unable to locate person based on the data content and quality provided.

The outcome of the main NPS rule methodologies are described below:

Identifier Check

NPS has to validate if the BP data record in the Inbound Persistence is already a valid Golden Record data record with a valid BPN ID.

Locality Check

NPS has to validate the locality of the BP data record as a basis for further screening methodologies.

Identification Check

NPS has to validate the given Identifier about their formal correctness and use the content of the Identifier via the NPS rule set to identify a Legal or a Non-Legal Entity.

Check via External Data Sources

NPS has to match BP data entries with appropriate global data sources to identify Natural Persons or Legal Entities.

NPS has to validate any Legal Form indicators of the BP data record against country specific company and institutional valid organizational forms.

Final Natural Person Identifier Check

NPS has to validate the BP data records against Natural Person Identifiers on a global basis.

Inbound Persistence

The Inbound Persistence contains the BP data records which were send by a CX Member for validation and screening via the Gate API as defined in CX-0074.


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NPS has to contain the following dashboard-based functionalities:

Visualization of BP data records by defined NPS screening methodologies:

Filter capabilities of BP data results

  1. By time (year, quarter, month) for rolling 3 years at a minimum
  2. By NPS validation classification (Natural Person, Legal Entity, Undefined)
  3. By Country
  4. By Status Code (Red, Yellow, Green)
  5. BP data record detailed with NPS rule results

Number of rules used Search function and scrollbars Number of data records validated by NPS

NPS has to rely on the Catena-X style guide. See details under

NPS has to contain an administration screen with the following functionalities

  1. User Role definition and allocation
  2. Regional settings
  3. Country and Subregion settings
  4. Notification settings
  5. Layout and View settings

There is the intend that the results of NPS has to be accessible via a logfile of each CX Member.

The NPS dashboard design relies on the Catena-X style guide. See details under: Open-Source Repository:

NPM package:


The Natural Person Screening (NPS) MUST perform the validation if a BP data record which was uploaded into the Inbound Persistence is a Natural Person that is an individual human being, or a Legal Entity based as defined in CX-0010 Version 2.0.0 or higher. To perform the Natural Person Screening rules, NPS MUST use the Gate API as defined in CX-0074 Version 1.1.0 or higher which MUST be implemented based on the OpenAPI 3.0.1 specification or higher.

Preconditions and Dependencies

To run the NPS the BPDM, Gate API and Pool API SHOULD be set up:

NPS Specifications

The NPS rule set MUST use the following BP data record attributes based on the CX-0074 Version 1.1.0 or higher:

  1. Legal Entity which contains the following attributes
  2. External ID
  3. BPNL
  4. Legal Name Parts
  5. Legal Form
  6. Classifications
  7. Legal Address
  8. Created at
  9. Updated at
  10. Legal Entity Identifier
  11. Value
  12. Type
  13. Issuing Body3. Site
  14. Address
  15. Identifier Type
  16. Changelog Entry
  17. Identifier Array (Commercial Registry, Company Tax ID, VAT ID, Tax Jurisdiction Code, DUNS)

NPS usage of Norms

The NPS rule set MUST use the following ISO Norms:

**ISO 20275 **The NPS rule set MUST use the content of the ISO Norm 20275 to validate the correctness of legal names in long form and/or abbreviation in a transliterated form.

[ISO 20275: Code-Liste für Rechtsträgerformen - GLEIF-Blogbeiträge - Newsroom & Medien -- GLEIF]

ISO 3166-1

The NPS rule set MUST use the ISO Norm 3166-1 related codes for at least 117 countries as listed below

Country List based on ISO 3166-1


[ISO - ISO 3166 --- Country Codes]

NPS usage of External Data sources

The NPS rule set MUST use defined external data sources supporting the identification of a Natural Person or Legal Entity using a Natural First and Last Name.

NPS usage of Synonymous technologies

The NPS rule set MUST use a Synonymous Technology to identify variances of business partner attributes as defined under 2.2 NPS Specifications. Such variances cover multiple forms of abbreviations, usage of special characters or syntactical errors.

NPS Results

The NPS rule set MUST provide for each CX Member business partner data record in the Inbound Persistence a result in the NPS Dashboard.

NPS Dashboard

The NPS Dashboard MUST provide the following results:

Visualization of BP data records based on defined NPS screening methodologies:

Filter capabilities of BP data results

  1. By time (year, quarter, month) for the duration of up to 3 years into the past
  2. By NPS validation classification (Natural Person, Legal Entity, Undefined)
  3. By Country
  4. By Error Code Status (Red, Yellow, Green)
  5. BP Data record detailed with NPS rule results
  6. Number of rules used
  7. Search function and scrollbars
  8. Number of data records validated by NPS

The NPS Dashboard Admin Screen MUST provide the following capabilities:

  1. User Role definition and allocation
  2. Regional settings
  3. Country settings
  4. Notification settings
  5. Layout and View settings

NPS has to rely on the Catena-X style guide. See details under

NPM package:



NPS Architecture

The NPS Architecure defines the usage of the NPS API. It secures the intercommuncation between a user and the NPS application to i.e. consume the NPS results out of the NPS logfile.

API Endpoints and Resources

The resources MUST use the well-known HTTP request methods for CRU(D) operations:

  • POST MUST be used for create requests  
  • PUT MUST be used for update requests  
  • GET MUST be used for read requests  

POST MAY also be used for read requests, if input is not given by parameters but rather by an HTTP body to bypass maximum URL length. PUT MAY also be used for upsert requests (create or update) if this is required. A state (active / inactive) at each entity MUST be used for a soft delete, so that the request method DELETE SHALL NOT be used. Other HTTP request methods SHALL NOT be used, including PATCH.

Uploading and downloading data to/from the NPS API MUST follow a staging concept with two stages, so that consumers of the NPS API can compare what they have uploaded into the input stage against what kind of NPS rule results and status code was provided for each business partner data in the output stage. The following controllers MUST distinguish between an input and an output stage.

NPS Data Model

The NPS data model as detailed in the Annex chapter defines all Business Partner data attributes which are needed that NPS can perform the defined screening rules. Furthermore it contains all attributes the NPS dashboard requires to publish the NPS screening results.

Natural Person Controller

The natural person controller MUST allow to create, update, or read (search / return) business partner data records related to an External Identifier or BPN ID in the input and output stage. It MUST have the following resources:

Business partner Data Controller Resources Description  
PUT/api/nps/input/business partner data Creates business partner data record or updates existing business partner data record in the input stage.
GET/api/nps/output/business partner recordReturns business partner data record from the output stage by different search parameters. 
GET/api/nps/input/business partner recordsReturns business partner data record by different search parameters from the input stage. 

Natural Person Sharing State Controller

The sharing state controller MUST allow to create, update, or read sharing state entries of business partner data records.  The sharing state controller MUST have the following resources:

Sharing State Resources Description 
GET/api/nps/sharing-state Returns sharing states of business partner data filtered by natural person flag, legal name, legal form, External Identifier, address, BPN ID and type, country and status code 
PUT/api/nps/sharing-state Creates or updates a sharing state of a business partner data record 

Each NPS rule creates results which can get accessed via a NPS changlog containing defined status codes by rule

EDC Data Asset Structure

For each read and write (create and update) resource in the NPS API input stage there MUST be a dedicated EDC data asset definition. For each read resource in the NPS API output stage there MUST be a dedicated EDC data asset definition. Write resources (create and update) of the NPS API output stage MUST not be called from outside of the Catena-X operating environment. Consequently, EDC data assets for them are NOT REQUIRED. The NPS API MUST support the EDC functionality based on Sovereign Data Exchange, 2.0.1, CX - 0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC).



Business Partner Pool API

Business Partner Gate API

CX-0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC)

ISO 3166-1 for referencing to the country codes ISO 20275 for referencing to the globally valid legal forms


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BPDM Catena-X Website


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NPS Data Model

NPS BP Data ModelDescriptionType
Legal Entity BPNUnique Identification of a legal entityAlphanumeric
Legal FormValid Lagel Form content based on ISO 20275Alphanumeric
Site BPNUnique Identification of a Site location of a defined legal entityAlphanumeric
Legal Entity External IdentifierUnique Identifier of a business partner data record of a specific CX MemberAlphanumeric
Site External IdentifierUnique Identifier of a site business partner data record of a specific CX MemberAlphanumeric
IdentifierAn array of unique official identifier from grovernmantel organisations or 3rd party data providerEnum
Legal Entity Roles (Customer, Supplier)An array of defined business partner roles like supplier, customer, one time supplier, one time customer of business partnerEnum
Legal Name PartsThe complete name of a business partner including the legal form which could based on the length needs multiple name part fieldsString Array
CountryCountry is represented by the ISO 3166-1 country codeAlphanumeric String (2 Bytes)
RegionRegion is field which enables each CX Member to summarize multiple countries to one regional areaEnum
IsLegal AddressRepresents the relationship between a legal entity and their related addressBoolean
StreetRepresents the offical street name of the entityString Array
Postal Address (Postal Code, City)Represents the official addess of the entityString (Array)
LongitudeRepresents the official part of the GEO data based on WGS84Float
LatitudeRepresents the official part of the GEO data based on WGS84Float
AltitudeRepresents the official part of the GEO data based on WGS84Float
NPS Dashboard Data Model
Total BP Records PoolRepresents the active BP data records in the CX BP PoolNumeric
Total Legal BP Records PoolRepresents the active Legal BP data records in the CX BP Pool containing a BPNL IDNumeric
Total Site BP Records PoolRepresents the active Site BP data records in the CX BP Pool containing a BPNS IDNumeric
Total Address BP Records PoolRepresents the active Address BP data records in the CX BP Pool containing a BPNA IDNumeric
Total BP Records CX MemberRepresents the active BP data records in the CX BP Pool of the CX Member using the NPS solutionNumeric
Total Legal BP Records CX MemberRepresents the active legal BP data records in the CX Inbound Persistence of the CX Member using the NPS solutionNumeric
Total Site BP Records CX MemberRepresents the active site BP data records in the CX Inbound Persistence of the CX Member using the NPS solutionNumeric
Total Address BP Records CX MemberRepresents the active address BP data records in the CX Inbound Persistence of the CX Member using the NPS solutionNumeric
Total BP Records OverlapRepresents the number of how many different CX Members are using the same business partner data recordNumeric
Total Legal BP Records OverlapRepresents the number of how many different CX Members are using the same legal business partner data recordNumeric
Total Site BP Records OverlapRepresents the number of how many different CX Members are using the same site business partner data recordNumeric
Total Address BP Records OverlapRepresents the number of how many different CX Members are using the same site address partner data recordNumeric
Implemented Rule SetDefines the number of NPS rules used by the NPS applicationNumeric
White ListDefines company names by using a natural person name being a legal entityString Array
Black ListDefines a list of natural persons which are no legal entity and indentified via the NPS rukesString Array
NPS Dashboard Result DateDefines the date by which a NPS screening result was performedNumeric
Total Number Natural Persons (L,S,A)Defines the number of natural persons found by performing NPSNumeric Array
Total Number Natural Persons (L,S,A)Defines the percentage of natural persons found by performing NPS in related to the total number of BP data records of the CX MemberPercentage Array
Total Number No Natural Persons (L,S,A)Defines the number of non-natural persons found by performing NPSNumeric Array
Total Number No Natural Persons (L,S,A)Defines the percentage of non-natural persons found by performing NPS in related to the total number of BP data records of the CX MemberPercentage Array
Total Number Natural Persons - Supplier (L,S,A)Defines the number of natural persons found by performing NPS on the BP type - supplierNumeric Array
Total Number Natural Persons - Supplier Undefined (L,S,A)Defines the number of natural persons found by performing NPS on the BP type - supplier undefinedNumeric Array
Total Number Natural Persons - Customer (L,S,A)Defines the number of natural persons found by performing NPS on the BP type - customerNumeric Array
Total Number Natural Persons - Customer Undefined (L,S,A)Defines the number of natural persons found by performing NPS on the BP type - customer undefinedNumeric Array
Hit ScoreDefines a percentage how many hits were found against total number of BP data records of a CX MemberPercentage Array
Traffic Light Marker ( Red, Yellow, Green)Visualize the NPS results by catagory allocated by the color red, yello and greenString Array
Warning TextContains for each NPS rule a text result category warningString
ErrorContains for each NPS rule a text result category errorString Array
Help TextContains the user manual and help text components to guide the user how to use NPSString
User SettingsThe user setting enables individual customization of NPS dashboard functionalities and contentEnum
Legal Form White List incl. Synonymous termsContains a list of natural persons acting a legal entities which are valid and variations of the nameTable
Legal Form Black List incl. Synonymous termsContains a list of natural persons acting a legal entities by error and variations of the nameTable
Synonymous Table Legal Form long versionContains variations of legal formsTable
Synonymous Table Legal Form AbbreviationsContains variations of legal form abbreviationsTable


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