On this page you will always find the current timelines for the Tractus-X/Catena-X releases. The ecosystem release Io will incorporate the reference implementations from Tractus-X 24.12 and 25.03.
Please have a look at Release management, to get more information.
Overview of further upcoming releases
Overall timeline for Releases from 24.12 to 25.12
Overview of Catena-X and Eclipse Tractus Release Schedules
Below are the current timelines for the upcoming releases. Milestones marked with the Tractus-X logo are open to all and can be accessed through the Tractus-X Open Meetings page. Milestones featuring the Catena-X logo indicate closed meetings, which are organized by invitation only and facilitated by the Catena-X Association.
Catena-X Io, incl. Eclipse Tractus-X Release 24.12 & 25.03
Catena-X Saturn, incl. Eclipse Tractus-X Release 25.06 & 25.09
Catena-X Titan, incl. Eclipse Tractus-X Release 25.12 & 26.03
The timeline for Release 26.03 will be published soon.