CX-0142 Shop Floor Information Service v1.0.0
A Modular Production is part of the value chain. On the one hand, it has to guarantee flexibility and availability, and on the other, it has to allow for product mixes with small lot sizes. The effects of disturbances and decisions in this network are not limited to a local area, but also have a major impact on other partners in the value chain network. It is therefore necessary to exchange values from the shop floor directly with other members of the network, such as customers or their representatives, like logisticians. This communication is realized with the Shop-Floor-Information-Service (SIS). This service provides different types of information that a factory can offer to its customers. It is not dedicated to a specific purpose, as customers may decide how to handle the information themselves.
The current version of the standard provides two different kinds of data: Production Forecasting, and Production Tracking data. To give an example of forecasting data, suppose a customer wants to know when production is expected to start. He can use the Shop-Floor-Information-Service in order to get the information either directly, via cyclic messages or via notifications when the calculated production dates change. As an example of production tracking, a customer can request certain production attributes collected during production, such as the torque of a particular process step. This data can then be used for both documentation and tracking.
In order to exchange the data the Shop-Floor-Information-Service defines the necessary data models, such as the GetProductionForecast data and the ProvideProductionForecast data model as well as GetProductionTracking data and ProvideProductionTracking data model. This data exchange mechanism between Modular Production and the data consumer is realized via the Shop-Floor-Information API.
- Release 24.05
- Merge CX-0068, CX-0069 and CX0075 by combining the different standards that describe the data model, the API and and the process into this combined standard.
- Additional functionality added: production tracking aspects.
- Update of Production Forecast Models due to update of CX-header.
- Release 23.09
- Initial Release