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Release: CX-Io (preview)

CX-0126 Industry Core: Part Type 2.1.0


This standard describes the Industry Core: Part Type. It sets the foundation to describe, identify and find a component on a type level and enables traversing across several levels to ensure the creation of data chains. The core makes it possible to configure enablement services for component-based data exchange. Other use cases are meant to build upon the foundation that is given by the industry core.


This standard is designed for everybody who wants to register, describe and use digital twins on part type level.


  • Added guidance in Section 2.1.2

    • criteria for applying the industry core for part types
  • Added new content in Section 2.1.3

    • New paragraph "Conventions for Use Case Policy in context data exchange"
    • Notes for versioning
  • Changes in specificAssetIds of Digital Twins in Section 2.1.4:

    • removed assetLifeCyclePhase
    • digitalTwinType is now mandatory (before it was optional)
  • Replaced standardized aspect model in Section 3.1:

    • removed PartAsPlanned 2.0.0
    • replaced with newly standardized PartTypeInformation 1.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • New version of aspect model in Section 3.2:

    • SingleLevelBomAsPlanned 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Newly standardized aspect model in Section 3.3:

    • SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned 2.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Added Unique ID Push Notification API in Section 4.1 as content of the industry core

  • Deleted "Every certified business application relying on aspects models of this standard MUST be able to consume data conformant to the semantic models specified in this document." from Section 3

Note: This release (24.05.) contains breaking changes!


This standard contains all information on the Industry Core: Part Type. The Industry Core is a shared foundation for use cases that utilize digital twins and aspect models in Catena-X. The Industry Core: Part Type describes digital twins and aspect models that are used to represent identifiable non-instanced parts, such as catalog parts. Digital twins and aspect models are meant to be reused by other use cases as much as possible, in order to simplify data provisioning across different use cases.

The Industry Core: Part Type provides the basis for identification, description, findability of part type digital twins in the Catena-X network and the connection of those twins to build data chains across the supply chain.


This section is non-normative

This document is targeting subsets of the following roles:

  • Data Provider / Consumer
  • Business Application Provider
  • Enablement Service Provider

Note: Fulfilling a use-case standard by a data provider / consumer can be done in two ways:

  1. Purchase a certified app for the use-case. In this case the data provider / consumer does not need to proof conformity again and
  2. Data Provisioning / Consumption without a certified app for the use-case.


This section is non-normative

The aim of the Industry Core: Part Type is to build the foundation to describe, identify and find a component on an type level and to enable traversing across the levels of the supply chain in both directions to ensure the creation of data chains and enable data driven use cases over all n-tier levels without compromising data sovereignty. This standard enables data and app providers to deliver solutions for building data chains for identifiable non-instanced parts, such as catalogue parts. This is achieved via the standardized creation of digital twins of those entities as well as the logical linking to their parent and child components (Bill of Material as Planned, Usage as Planned).

The Industry Core: Part Type is not intended to include all information that may be needed in a use case. Instead, it allows the establishment of a value driven data chain and serves as a basis for further data driven use cases. It enables data owners to provide necessary data with individual access rights and usage restrictions (access and usage policies) to ensure privacy and security. Additional information might be shared by utilizing the Asset Administration Shell through additional aspects or submodels.

The Industry Core: Part Type is supporting the availability of data of identifiable non-instanced parts and the connection to their parent and child parts. It describes the concrete digital reflection of a generic (not physically produced) part on material- or catalog-level and its provisioning towards Catena-X including Interoperability and Data Sovereignty standards and components by the participants willing to share such data. This standard also defines which components (e.g. Digital Twin Registry, IDS compliant Connector) must be used in order to be interoperable and sovereign in a data exchange as defined in Catena-X.


This section is non-normative

All sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants* and their solutions will need to prove, that they are conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). Please refer to: for the process of conformity assessment and certification.

The specific criteria described in this document are describing the usage of the central tools as well as common tools described in the linked standardization documents and therefore compliance should be checked with the tools provided for these components.

The versions of the standardization documents valid for this standard are mentioned in sections where the standalone standards, normative references and non-normative references are listed. The valid versions are not specifically mentioned in the body text.

Disclaimer: The operating model released by the Catena-X association will define the roadmap, content and scope for the certification process. This will include the roles, certification and further assessment procedures as well as the rollout phases.


Examples for data models: See according subsection 3 Aspect Models.


This section is non-normative

Aspect Model

A formal, machine-readable semantic description (expressed with RDF/turtle) of data accessible from an Aspect.

An Aspect Model must adhere to the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM), i.e., it utilizes elements and relations defined in the Semantic Aspect Meta Model and is compliant to the validity rules defined by the Semantic Aspect Meta Model. Aspect models are logical data models which can be used to detail a conceptual model in order to describe the semantics of runtime data related to a concept. Further, elements of an Aspect model can/should refer to terms of a standardized Business Glossary (if existing).

Asset Administration Shell (AAS) The Asset Administration Shell is a digital representation of an asset. It is a form of a digital twin.

Business Partner Number (BPN) A BPN is the unique identifier of a partner within Catena.

Tractus-X Eclipse Dataspace Connector (Tractus-X EDC): The Tractus-X EDC is a reference implementation for a connector conformant to CX-0018 currently acting as a de-facto standard and/or reference Implementation within Catena-X. When mentioning the Tractus-X EDC in this standard, any other CX-0018 conformant connector is also a valid option.

IDSA/IDSA Protocol Protocol being used for data exchange in an International Dataspace. This includes contract negotiation.

International Data Space (IDS) International Data Space and its protocol for data exchange foresees a compliant connector handling contract negotiations before each data transfer and defines a general architecture for data exchange.

Part Instance A part instance is a physically produced instance (e.g. serialized part, batch, just-in-sequence-part) of a part type.

Part Type A part type is a generic (not physically produced) part on material- or catalog-level as a representation for a designed part.

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.


This section is normative



To participate in Data Provisioning in the Industry Core: Part Type, the following single standards MUST be fulfilled by all participants for which the standard is relevant:

  • CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X 2.2.0
  • CX-0018 Dataspace Connectivity 3.0.0
  • CX-0045 Data Chain Template 1.3.0


A digital twin MAY be created for part types developed by a manufacturer within Catena-X. The digital twin MUST be provisioned as an Asset Administration Shell as per CX-0002 and registered in a decentral Digital Twin Registry hosted by each CX member as described in CX-0002.

The aspect model "PartTypeInformation" MUST be attached to the Asset Administration Shell of each part type, describing a part (e.g. catalog part).

The aspect model "SingleLevelBomAsPlanned" MAY be linked to the Asset Administration Shell of each catalog part holding the information on part relationships top-down on catalog part level. Information on the Bill of Material of those catalog parts MUST NOT be provided in any other way than with the aspect model "SingleLevelBomAsPlanned".

The aspect model "SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned" MAY be linked to the Asset Administration Shell of each catalog part holding the information on usage of this part in to be assembled or produced catalog products. Information on the usage of those catalog parts MUST NOT be provided in any other way than with the aspect model "SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned".

The submodel data MUST be transferred using the IDS Protocol as described in CX-0018. The Tractus-X EDC as a reference implementation is RECOMMENDED to be used as a connector conformant to CX-0018.

Whenever data related to a single part type or on specific material number level is shared between partners, the use case MUST check which of the two cases mentioned below apply and act accordingly.

Case 1: Aspect model contains data that describe the properties of a part type and are typically created by the manufacturer Examples are product name, product properties, product handling instructions, product passport, product carbon footprint

It is RECOMMENDED to create a digital twin as described above. It is RECOMMENDED to attach the use case specific aspect models to the digital twin following the CX-0002 standard. If no twin exists it is RECOMMENDED to create the digital twin and attach the data as a submodel.

Note: With the Saturn-Release (2025) this requirement will be changed from RECOMMENDED to MUST.

Notifications MAY be used in addition but SHOULD be reduced to a minimum. Duplicate digital twins SHOULD be avoided, therefore applications SHOULD scan the existing Digital Twin Registry for already existing twins for the same part type before creating a new one. In case of an existing twin, only submodel information SHOULD be attached to the existing twin.

Case 2: Aspect model contains data that relate to different stages of the life cycle of the part type and are potentially created by other participants in the data chain Examples are product demands, product capacities, product stock, product end of life

It is RECOMMENDED to create a digital twin as described above. The use case specific aspect models SHOULD be attached to the digital twin following the CX-0002 standard Notifications MAY be used in addition. Several participants in the data chain MAY create digital twins related to that part type following the CX-0002 standard.


As the IDS protocol is being used, data MUST NOT be transferred before a corresponding contract negotiation has been successfully passed by the participants of the data exchange and a valid contract is present as described in CX-0018. The required data offers MUST be discoverable through the Digital Twin Registry as submodel endpoints.

Conventions for Use Case Policy in context data exchange

In alignment with our commitment to data sovereignty, a specific framework governing the utilization of data within the Catena-X use cases has been outlined. A set of specific policies on data offering and data usage level detail the conditions under which data may be accessed, shared, and used, ensuring compliance with legal standards.

For a comprehensive understanding of the rights, restrictions, and obligations associated with data usage in the Catena-X ecosystem, we refer users to

  • the detailed ODRL policy repository. This document provides in-depth explanations of the terms and conditions applied to data access and utilization, ensuring that all engagement with our data is conducted responsibly and in accordance with established guidelines.
  • the ODRL schema template. This defines how policies used for data sharing/usage should get defined. Those schemas MUST be followed when providing services or apps for data sharing/consuming.
Additional Details regarding Access Policies

A Data Provider MAY tie certain access authorizations ("Access Policies") to its data offers for members of Catena-X and one or several Data Consumers. By limiting access to certain Participants, Data Provider maintains control over its anti-trust obligations when sharing certain data. In particular, Data Provider may apply Access Policies to restrict access to a particular data offer for only one Participant identified by a specific business partner number:

  • Membership
  • BPNL
Additional Details regarding Usage Policies

In the context of data usage policies (“Usage Policies”), Participants and related services MUST use the following policy rules:

  • Use Case Framework (“FrameworkAgreement”)
  • at least one use case purpose (“UsagePurpose”) from the above mentioned ODRL policy repository.

Additionally, respective usage policies MAY include the following policy rule:

  • Reference Contract (“ContractReference”).

Details on namespaces and ODRL policy rule values to be used for the above-mentioned types are provided via the ODRL policy repository.


The Aspect Models that are deployed as Digital Twins MUST be published in dcat:Dataset ( in the property that holds the full URN of the Aspect Model Versions are explicitly contained in the URN.

The API versions MUST be published in the property as version X.Y in dcat:Dataset (

Note: Data Assets differentiated only by major version MUST be offered in parallel. The current standard and API versions mark the start of Life Cycle Management in Catena-X operations. Previous versions are dismissed.


The asset's globalAssetId MUST be equal to the unique id used in Catena-X

The following specific asset IDs not marked as optional MUST be available in the decentral Digital Twin Registry when registering a digital twin or when adding the above mentioned submodels to an existing twin for a part type in order to allow searching for that specific asset ID. (see CX-0002 that provides additional information), while customerPartId is RECOMMENDED to be added to the twin whenever possible, as customers usually do not have access to the manufacturer part number in their logistics processes. The specific asset IDs marked as optional MAY be used in addition.

The following conventions for specific Asset IDs apply to all digital twins:

Key Availability Description Type
manufacturerId Mandatory The Business Partner Number (BPNL) of the manufacturer of the part. BPNL
manufacturerPartId Mandatory The ID of the type/catalog part from the manufacturer. String
customerPartId Optional The ID of the type/catalog part from the customer.

The main reason why this property is optional is that it cannot be guaranteed that every manufacturer knows the customerPartId for their parts. If known, it is recommended to always add the customerPartId for easier lookup.
digitalTwinType Mandatory The types of the digital twins:
  • "PartInstance" for serialized parts, batches, and JIS parts
  • "PartType" for catalog parts
DigitalTwinType was added to allow data consumers to search for all digital twins of a particular type, e.g, only for catalog parts by using digitalTwinType="PartType" as filter. Without this filter, a search for a particular manufacturer part ID would not only return the digital twin of the catalog part, but also all digital twins of instances of this catalog part, i.e., of the corresponding serial parts.
Authorization: Visbility of Specific Asset IDs in the DTR

To enforce a strict need-to-know principle (and prevent data from being exposed to non-authorized parties), the visibility of entries in the attribute specificAssetIds must be protected, i.e.,their visibility must be restricted to only the manufacturer of the part (which is represented by the digital twin) and the customers of the part. For more information on the semantics of the mentioned properties, see AAS Pt. 1. For more information on the use of Digital Twins in Catena-X, see CX - 0002 Catena-X Standard Library.


This section is normative

Relevant semantic models of this standard are:

Semantic models MAY be used individually or together.

Semantic models MUST be made available in the central Semantic Hub.

Data consumers and data provider MUST comply with the license of the semantic models. The submodel data MUST be requested and exchanged via a CX-0018 and CX-0002 compliant connector (e.g. Ecplise Dataspace Connector).

Data providers MUST provide data as part of a digital twin of the asset for serialized parts conformant to CX – 0002 DIGITAL TWINS IN CATENA-X.

The JSON Payloads of data providers MUST be conformant to the JSON Schemas as specified in this document. The unique identifier of the semantic model specified in this document MUST be used by the data provider to define the semantics of the data being transferred.

3.1 ASPECT MODEL "PartTypeInformation"


This semantic model describes a part/material at type level. The original intent is to attach this aspect to a material-specific twin in an Asset Administration Shell but is not limited to that use case. The aspect allows several identifications: of a component from a manufacturer ID and/or part type and optionally a validity period in order to determine the unique ID with which the part is identified within Catena-X at a given time.

Note: The Aspect model PartTypeInformation v1.0.0 is mandatory. Versions higher than that are optional, but might become mandatory in future releases of this standard. For the changelog of the aspect model, see here.


The modeling of the semantic model specified in this document was done in accordance to the "semantic driven workflow" to create a submodel template specification SMT.

The aspect model PartTypeInformation v1.0.0 is written in SAMM 2.1.0 as a modeling language conformant to CX-0003 SAMM Semantic Aspect Meta Model as input for the semantic driven workflow.

Like all Catena-X data models, this model is available in a machine-readable format on GitHub conformant to CX-0003.


This Catena-X data model is an outcome of Catena-X use case group Industry Core. This Catena-X data model is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, which is available at Creative Commons1.

The license information is available in GitHub. In case of doubt the license, copyright and authors information in github overwrites the information in this specification document.


The semantic model PartTypeInformation v1.0.0 has the unique identifier:



The rdf turtle file, an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model, is the master for generating additional file formats and serializations. This can be viewed by following link:

The open source command line tool of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework2 is used for generation of other file formats like for example a JSON Schema, aasx for Asset Administration Shell Submodel Template or a HTML documentation. JSON SCHEMA

A JSON Schema can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The JSON Schema defines the Value-Only payload of the Asset Administration Shell for the API operation "GetSubmodel". AASX

A AASX file can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The AASX file defines one of the requested artifacts for a submodel template specification conformant to SMT.

Note: As soon as the specification v3.0 of the Asset Administration Shell specification is available an update will be provided.


Example JSON payload: Submodel "PartTypeInformation" v2.0.0 that is mandatory in this standard version.

"catenaXId" : "urn:uuid:580d3adf-1981-44a0-a214-13d6ceed9379",
"partTypeInformation" : {
"partClassification" : [
"classificationStandard": "GIN 20510-21513",
"classificationID": "1004716",
"classificationDescription": "Generic standard for classification of parts in the automotive industry."
"classificationStandard": "OEM Part Classification 1022-102",
"classificationID": "Exterior mirror",
"classificationDescription": "OEM standard for classification of parts."
"manufacturerPartId" : "123-0.740-3434-A",
"nameAtManufacturer" : "Mirror left"
"partSitesInformationAsPlanned" : [
"functionValidUntil" : "2024-01-29T12:00:00.123+02:00",
"catenaXsiteId" : "BPNS1234567890ZZ",
"function" : "production",
"functionValidFrom" : "2024-01-29T12:00:00.123+02:00"

3.2 ASPECT MODEL "SingleLevelBomAsPlanned"


The aspect SingleLevelBomAsPlanned provides information on the child parts (one structural level down) from which a given object is to be assembled or produced. It describes the relationship of parts/materials in a planned stage. It does not hold serial number or batch specific information, but supports navigation through the potential supply chains (top-down) for a given material/part number.

This model was modelled conform to the Catena-X standard CX-0045 Aspect Model Data Chain Template.

Note: The Aspect model SingleLevelBomAsPlanned v3.0.0 is mandatory. Versions higher than that are optional, but might become mandatory in future releases of this standard. For the changelog of the aspect model, see here.


The modeling of the semantic model specified in this document was done in accordance to the "semantic driven workflow" to create a submodel template specification SMT.

The aspect model SingleLevelBomAsPlanned v3.0.0 is written in SAMM 2.1.0 as a modeling language conformant to CX-0003 SAMM Semantic Aspect Meta Model as input for the semantic driven workflow.

Like all Catena-X data models, this model is available in a machine-readable format on GitHub conformant to CX-0003.


This Catena-X data model is an outcome of Catena-X use case group Industry Core. This Catena-X data model is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, which is available at Creative Commons1.

The license information is available in GitHub. In case of doubt the license, copyright and authors information in github overwrites the information in this specification document.


The semantic model SingleLevelBomAsPlanned v3.0.0 has the unique identifier:



The rdf turtle file, an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model, is the master for generating additional file formats and serializations. This can be viewed by following link:

The open source command line tool of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework2 is used for generation of other file formats like for example a JSON Schema, aasx for Asset Administration Shell Submodel Template or a HTML documentation. JSON SCHEMA

A JSON Schema can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The JSON Schema defines the Value-Only payload of the Asset Administration Shell for the API operation "GetSubmodel". AASX

An AASX file can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The AASX file defines one of the requested artifacts for a submodel template specification conformant to SMT.

Note: As soon as the specification v3.0 of the Asset Administration Shell specification is available an update will be provided.


Example JSON payload: Submodel "SingleLevelBomAsPlanned" v3.0.0 for a PartTypeInformation that is mandatory in this standard version.

"catenaXId": "urn:uuid:055c1128-0375-47c8-98de-7cf802c3241d",
"childItems": [
"validityPeriod": {
"validFrom": "2023-03-21T08:17:29.187+01:00",
"validTo": "2024-07-01T16:10:00.000+01:00"
"catenaXId": "urn:uuid:055c1478-0395-47m8-94de-7cf802c5724a",
"quantity": {
"value": 20,
"unit": "unit:piece"
"businessPartner": "BPNL50096894aNXY",
"createdOn": "2022-02-03",
"lastModifiedOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z"

3.3 ASPECT MODEL "SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned"


The "Industry Core: Part Type" aims on planned product genealogy information throughout the supply chain. Therefore it is required to link a planned part with its predecessor items and its successor items. SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned is the submodel to build a successor linkage between the digital twins. It contains the customers and the unique identifiers of the successor items (usage) of a planned product and therefore allows bottom-up navigation through the supply chain by Catena-X identifiers.

More specific, the aspect provides information on the customers and the parent items (one structural level up) that will be produced or assembled from the given object. It creates the relationship of one part type in the asPlanned lifecycle phase with its parent items by referencing the part type digital twin of such item.

To be able to reference the unique identifiers of the successor items (usage) the data provider of this aspect model has to rely on their customer to provide them the correct information of that item. If the data provider does not have that information they are unable to provide the successor item but only the customer.

This model was modelled conform to the Catena-X standard CX-0045 Aspect Model Data Chain Template.

Note: The Aspect model SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned v2.0.0 is mandatory. Versions higher than that are optional, but might become mandatory in future releases of this standard. For the changelog of the aspect model, see here.


The modeling of the semantic model specified in this document was done in accordance to the "semantic driven workflow" to create a submodel template specification SMT.

The aspect model SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned v2.0.0 is written in SAMM 2.1.0 as a modeling language conformant to CX-0003 SAMM Semantic Aspect Meta Model as input for the semantic driven workflow.

Like all Catena-X data models, this model is available in a machine-readable format on GitHub conformant to CX-0003.


This Catena-X data model is an outcome of Catena-X use case group Industry Core. This Catena-X data model is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, which is available at Creative Commons1.

The license information is available in GitHub. In case of doubt the license, copyright and authors information in github overwrites the information in this specification document.


The semantic model SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned v2.0.0 has the unique identifier:



The rdf turtle file, an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model, is the master for generating additional file formats and serializations. This can be viewed by following link:

The open source command line tool of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework2 is used for generation of other file formats like for example a JSON Schema, aasx for Asset Administration Shell Submodel Template or a HTML documentation. JSON SCHEMA

A JSON Schema can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The JSON Schema defines the Value-Only payload of the Asset Administration Shell for the API operation "GetSubmodel". AASX

An AASX file can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The AASX file defines one of the requested artifacts for a submodel template specification conformant to SMT.

Note: As soon as the specification v3.0 of the Asset Administration Shell specification is available and update will be provided.


Example JSON payload: Submodel "SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned" v2.0.0 for a PartTypeInformation that is mandatory in this standard version.

"catenaXId": "urn:uuid:055c1128-0375-47c8-98de-7cf802c3241d",
"parentItems": [
"validityPeriod": {
"validFrom": "2023-03-21T08:17:29.187+01:00",
"validTo": "2024-07-01T16:10:00.000+01:00"
"catenaXId": "urn:uuid:055c1478-0395-47m8-94de-7cf802c5724a",
"quantity": {
"value": 20,
"unit": "unit:piece"
"businessPartner": "BPNL50096894aNXY",
"createdOn": "2022-02-03",
"lastModifiedOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z"
"customers": [


This section is normative


Unique ID Push notifications provide the possibility to push specific information to a business partner in the value chain (one level up). This can help to provide faster information to reduce necessary information collection activities.

The Unique ID Push Notification API MAY be used to push the information “Connect to Parent” to a business partner. The information “Connect to Parent” MUST NOT be provided in any other way than with the Unique ID Push Notification API.

Connect to Parent

Unique ID Push notifications of type "connect-to-parent" are a way for a manufacturer to notify a customer as soon as possible when a new digital twin for a part is available.

The sender of the notification is the supplier of a part item and the receiver of the notification is the customer of that part item. The Unique ID of that part is sent in the notification.

Connect to Parent notifications MAY BE applied to Digital Twins for part instances and for part types.


Application providers MUST prove their conformity by providing: An openAPI specification of the endpoints described. Examples of the data asset and contract definition structure in their Tractus-X EDC or any other CX-0018 compliant connector.

The Unique ID Push Notification API MUST be published towards the network using a Data Asset/Contract Definition in terms of the IDSA Protocol as described by the reference implementation CX-0018.

The Eclipse Dataspace Connector as a reference implementation SHOULD BE used and is referenced in this document. Other connectors fulfilling the same standards towards Catena-X MAY be leveraged as well.

It is of importance to mention, that there MUST be an API available behind each of the data offers described in the dataspace connector, which works according to the openAPI specifications description. Nevertheless, the APIs are OPTIONAL to follow the same structure, as there could even be APIs taking over the job of several of the endpoints mentioned.

The dataspace connector SHOULD act as a reverse proxy towards those APIs, as it holds the Data Offers linked to the respective implemented endpoints.


The Unique ID Push Notification API MUST be implemented as specified in the openAPI documentation as stated here: openAPI.

To enable compatibility with future versions, additional, unknown attributes in the API can be ignored.

The Unique ID Push Notification API MUST implement one endpoint:


In fact, it is OPTIONAL to implement the endpoint paths exactly as described above. The reason is that those endpoints are not called from any supply chain partner directly. Rather, they are called from the Tractus-X EDC as part of data assets. In that sense, it is just important to implement endpoints that can process the defined request body and respond with the HTTP status codes and - if required - reply with the defined response body.

The data assets will act similar to a reverse proxy for the notification endpoints, therefore rather the data assets are of significance, which SHOULD be exposed towards Catena-X through the Data Offer Catalogues in the Tractus-X EDC or any other CX-0018 compatible connector AVAILABLE DATA TYPES

The notification API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTP. API RESOURCES & ENDPOINTS

The HTTP POST endpoints introduced in this standard MUST be called via Data Space Protocol. The sending and receiving of notifications MUST be built on the basis of HTTP POST endpoints.



When using the Tractus-X EDC or any other CX-0018 conformant connector, the following asset MUST be registered. Other connectors implementing the CX-0018 standard require a similar data asset with the same structure and provisioning towards Catena-X.

The following properties must be set for this asset:

"@context": {
"edc": "",
"cx-common": "",
"cx-taxo": "",
"dct": ""
"@id": "{{ _.assetId }}",
"properties": {
"dct:type": { "@id": "cx-taxo:UniqueIdPushConnectToParentNotification" },
"cx-common:version": "2.0"

Properties "dct:type" and "cx-common:version" are used to classify the asset and are explained in the Digital Twin KIT in more detail.


The API version described in this standard document MUST be published in the property as version 2.0 in dcat:Dataset (


This section is normative

There is no prcoess defintion in this standard version available.



This section is normative

  • CX-0001 EDC DISCOVERY API 1.0.2
  • CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X 2.2.0
  • CX-0003 SAMM Aspect Meta Model 1.1.0
  • CX-0018 Dataspace Connectivity 3.0.0
  • CX-0045 Data Chain Template 1.3.0
  • CX-0053 BPN Discovery Services 1.1.0


This section is non-normative

How to create a submodel template specification. Guideline. Download from:


This section is non-normative

Item Relationship Service



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This section is empty.


This section is non-normative

This section is empty.

Copyright © 2024 Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit here.


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