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Release: CX-Jupiter (current)

CX-0146 Supply Chain Disruption Notifications 1.0.0


The Catena-X Supply Chain Disruption Notifications Standard is created for all members of the automotive supply chain. The aim is to have a functionality to easily and quickly inform the affected supply chain partners in case of supply chain disruptions at some point in the value chain. Having this information is key to be able to take the right countermeasures and make the whole value chain more resilient. Recent incidents (e.g. semi-conductor-crisis or COVID pandemic) have demonstrated the requirement for such a fast standardized process among all partners.



This is the first version of the standard.


This standard focuses on any kind of supply chain disruptions and aims to tackle the following challenges:

  • information exchange between supply chain partners regarding their short-/mid- and long-term demand and capacity status is slow and error prone
  • lack of standards complicates the exchange of information
  • lack of trust between the partners involved prevents the exchange of data
  • current IT solutions provide bilateral (i.e. one-to-one) data exchange and often do not scale well (i.e. one-to-n)

This often leads to shortages, high expenses for "fire fighting" in the supply chain, production disruptions, and ultimately to dissatisfied customers.

The Supply Chain Disruption Notifications exchange contributes to the early detection and management of supply chain disruptions (e.g. bottlenecks, capacity surpluses, etc.).

This is enabled by the following standardized components:

  • common understanding of the Supply Chain Disruption Notifications objects as a basis for its exchange between partners in a sovereign manner through a data model and the associated semantics
  • application interoperability through the description of an API for the actual notification exchange
  • processes for the actual notification provisioning in order to support the contextual and legal correctness

In summary, the standardization provides a unified and streamlined method for notification exchange between supplier and customer, thus improving efficiency, reducing errors, and ensuring quick responses to any potential supply chain related challenges.


This section is non-normative

This standard is intended for:

  • Data Provider
  • Data Consumer
  • Business Application Provider

who are involved in a customer and supplier relationship within the automotive industry.

For clarity on the roles and responsibilities of each actor, please see Chapter 5.2. The scope of this standard is the exchange of Supply Chain Disruption Notifications. It does not cover any specific countermeasures between partners in the one-to-one business relationship as a result of the notification process.

Illustrations and descriptions of roles are provided to help explain concepts and processes but are not mandatory (see Chapter 5.2).

This standard requires that data consumers, providers and business application providers must adopt the uniform business logic (according to Chapter 5), data models and data exchange protocols to ensure interoperable data exchange.

This standard focuses on direct one-to-one business relationships between customers and suppliers.


This section is non-normative

This standard defines the data models and APIs required for the exchange of Supply Chain Disruption Notifications. Implementing it ensures that:

  • all actors exchange Supply Chain Disruption Notifications in an identical manner.
  • all actors process Supply Chain Disruption Notifications data in an identical manner.
  • all actors exchange Supply Chain Disruption Notifications data only via a connector conformant to [CX-0018].
  • all actors interpret the exchanged Supply Chain Disruption Notifications data in an identical manner.

The APIs must only be used in the context of Catena-X and must only be accessible via a connector conformant to [CX-0018].


This section is non-normative

Non-mandatory sections include authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples and notes. All other content is mandatory.

The capitalized key words such as MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT are to be interpreted as defined in [BCP 14] [RFC2119] [RFC8174].

Participants must demonstrate conformity with Catena-X standards. Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) verify that standards are correctly applied.

Proof of Conformity for Data Models

Participants must implement and conform to the standardized Data Models as outlined in Chapter 3.

Proof of Conformity for APIs

Participants must implement and conform to the standardized APIs as detailed in Chapter 4.

Proof of Conformity for Process & Core Business Logic

Participants must implement and conform to the Supply Chain Disruption Notifications core business logic as described in Chapter 5.


The following JSONs provide an example of the value-only serialization of the Supply Chain Disruption Notification aspect model for a sample notification. The notification informs about a strike resulting in a demand reduction between 12.12.2023 and 17.12.2023.

"affectedSitesSender": [
"affectedSitesRecipient": [
"materialNumberSupplier": [
"contentChangedAt": "2023-12-13T15:00:00+01:00",
"startDateOfEffect": "2023-12-13T15:00:00+01:00",
"materialNumberCustomer": [
"leadingRootCause": "strike",
"effect": "demand-reduction",
"notificationId": "urn:uuid:d8b6b4ca-ca9c-42d9-8a34-f62591a1c68a",
"relatedNotificationId": "urn:uuid:d8b6b4ca-ca9c-42d9-8a34-f62591a1c68a",
"sourceNotificationId": "urn:uuid:d8b6b4ca-ca9c-42d9-8a34-f62591b7d13c",
"text": "Capacity reduction due to ongoing strike.",
"expectedEndDateOfEffect": "2023-12-17T08:00:00+01:00",
"status": "open"


This section is non-normative

The following terms are especially relevant for the understanding of the standard:

Aspect ModelAn Aspect Model is a structured, machine-readable description of data. It utilizes the Turtle file format to serialize a Resource Description Framework (RDF) graph, that relates to a specific Aspect. It must follow the Semantic Aspect Meta Model (SAMM) guidelines, meaning it uses defined elements and rules from SAMM. Aspect Models help to clarify the meaning of data at runtime and should link to standardized Business Glossary terms, if available.
BottleneckA facility, function, department, or resource whose capacity is less than the demand placed upon it. For example, a bottleneck machine or work center exists where jobs are processed at a slower rate than they are demanded (Source: ASCM Supply Chain Dictionary, 17th edition).
Business Partner Number Legal Entity (BPNL)A BPNL is a unique identifier for a company or partner within the Catena-X network.
Business Partner Number Site (BPNS)A BPNS is a unique identifier for a specific location, such as a factory, within the Catena-X network.
Capacity1. The capability of a system to perform its expected function. 2. The capability of a worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization to produce output per time period. (Source: ASCM Supply Chain Dictionary, 17th edition)
CommentA feature that allows two business partners to exchange messages about material demand and capacity, facilitating direct collaboration and quick issue resolution.
CommentsThese are purely text-based exchanges without the transfer of documents or attachments.
CustomerA role within the Supply Chain Disruption Notifications process. Participating companies can have multiple roles at the same time. Customers provide demands to and receive capacities from suppliers.
Digital TwinBased on [CX-0002] Standard a digital twin (DT) describes a digital representation of an asset sufficient to meet the requirements of a set of use cases. For detailed information please refer to [CX-0002] Digital Twins in Catena-X.
MaterialThe elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made. Usually referred to by a material number.
(Material) demandA need for a particular product or component. The demand could come from any number of sources (e.g., a customer order or forecast, an interplant requirement, a branch warehouse request for a service part, or the manufacturing of another product). At the finished goods level, demand data is usually different from sales data because demand does not necessarily result in sales (i.e., If there is no stock, there will be no sale (Source: ASCM Supply Chain Dictionary, 17th edition). Material demand may comprise multiple demand series by location and demand categories. When the term is written as one word (MaterialDemand), the term refers specifically to the respective aspect model.
SupplierA role within the Supply Chain Disruption Notifications process. Participating companies can have multiple roles at the same time. Suppliers provide capacities to and receive demands from customers.
SurplusA surplus is a situation in which an oversupply exists.

Table 1: List of terminology helpful for understanding the standard

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.


This section is normative



The following Catena-X standards are prerequisite for the implementation of this standard and therefore MUST be considered / implemented by the relevant parties specified in each of them.

[CX-0001]EDC Discovery API1.0.2
[CX-0003]SAMM Aspect Meta Model1.1.0
[CX-0006]Registration and initial onboarding2.0.0
[CX-0010]Business Partner Number (BPN)2.0.0
[CX-0018]Dataspace Connectivity3.0.0
[CX-0126]Industry Core Part Type2.0.0

Table 2: List of mandatory standards

The usage of this standard MAY be complemented with the following Catena-X standards to further extend the range of shortage prevention possibilities:

[CX-0118]Delivery Information Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0120]Short Term Material Demand Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0121]Planned Production Output Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0122]Item Stock Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0128]Demand and Capacity Management Data Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0145]Days of Supply Exchange1.0.0

Table 3: List of non-mandatory, but complementary standards


No additional data requirements.



In alignment with our commitment to data sovereignty, a specific framework governing the utilization of data within the Catena-X use cases has been outlined. A set of specific policies on data offering and data usage level detail the conditions under which data may be accessed, shared, and used, ensuring compliance with legal standards.

For a comprehensive understanding of the rights, restrictions, and obligations associated with data usage in the Catena-X ecosystem, we refer users to

  • the detailed ODRL policy repository [CX-ODRL]. This document provides in-depth explanations of the terms and conditions applied to data access and utilization, ensuring that all engagement with our data is conducted responsibly and in accordance with established guidelines.
  • the ODRL schema template. This defines how policies used for data sharing/usage should get defined. Those schemas MUST be followed when providing services or apps for data sharing/consuming.

A Data Provider may tie certain access authorizations ("Access Policies") to its data offers for members of Catena-X and one or several Data Consumers. By limiting access to certain Participants, Data Provider maintains control over its anti-trust obligations when sharing certain data. In particular, Data Provider may apply Access Policies to restrict access to a particular data offer for only one Participant identified by a specific business partner number.

  • Membership
  • BPNL

In the context of data usage policies (“Usage Policies”), Participants and related services MUST use the following policy rules:

  • Use Case Framework (“FrameworkAgreement”)
  • at least one use case purpose (“UsagePurpose”) from the above mentioned ODRL policy repository.

Additionally, respective usage policies MAY include the following policy rule:

  • Reference Contract (“ContractReference”).

Details on namespaces and ODRL policy rule values to be used for the above-mentioned types are provided via the ODRL policy repository [CX-ODRL].


This version of the document does not define any requirements for standardized integration and governance of digital twins for a notification. Supply Chain Disruption Notifications do not rely on Asset Administration Shell or Digital Twin APIs. This standard utilizes the Catena-X Material Global Asset ID as an optional property in the DemandAndCapacityNotification aspect model, that needs to be compliant to standard [CX-0126] Industry Core: Part Type.


This section is normative

3.1 ASPECT MODEL "Demand and Capacity Notification"


This section describes the DemandAndCapacityNotification semantic model used in the Catena-X network. For the complete semantics and detailed description of its properties refer to the SAMM model in Chapter

Business partners that are exchanging (sending and receiving) Demand and Capacity Notifications MUST implement the data model DemandAndCapacityNotification.

Every data provider of DemandAndCapacityNotification MUST provide the data conformant to the semantic model specified in this document.

Every business application relying on DemandAndCapacityNotification MUST be able to consume data conformant to the semantic model specified in this document.

This semantic model MUST be made available in the central Semantic Hub.

Data consumers and data provider MUST comply with the license of the semantic model defined in Chapter 3.1.3.

In the Catena-X data space DemandAndCapacityNotification MUST be exchanged via a connector conformant to [CX-0018].

The JSON Payload of data providers MUST be conformant to the JSON Schema as specified in this document.

The characteristics BPNL and BPNS MUST be used according to the standard [CX-0010].


The modeling of the semantic model specified in this document was done in accordance to the "semantic-driven workflow" to create a submodel template specification [SMT].

This aspect model is written in SAMM 2.1.0 as a modeling language conformant to [CX-0003] as input for the semantic driven workflow.

Like all Catena-X data models, this model is available in a machine-readable format on GitHub conformant to [CX-0003].


This Catena-X data model is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, which is available at Creative Commons.


The semantic model has the unique identifier


This identifier MUST be used by the data provider to define the semantics of the data being transferred.


The RDF turtle file, an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model, is the master for generating additional file formats and serializations. It can be found under the following link:

The open source command line tool of the Eclipse Semantic Modeling Framework is used for generation of other file formats like for example a JSON Schema, aasx for Asset Administration Shell Submodel Template or a HTML documentation. JSON SCHEMA

A JSON Schema can be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The JSON Schema defines the Value-Only payload of the Asset Administration Shell for the API operation "GetSubmodel". AASX

An AASX file MUST be generated from the RDF Turtle file. The AASX file defines one of the requested artifacts for a Submodel Template Specification conformant to [SMT].


This section is normative


The "DemandAndCapacityNotification API" defined in this section enables the exchange of the Demand and Capacity Notifications between Catena-X participants in an interoperable manner. Figure 1 shows a high level overview of the intended data exchange flow without including a Connector. In practice, the data must be exchanged via a Connector as described in Chapter 3.1.1.

Demand and Capacity Notification API overview Figure 1: Demand and Capacity Notification API overview

The API relies on synchronous communication between the involved parties.

  1. The data exchange is initiated by the data provider.
  2. The data provider is submitting a request to the data consumer.
  3. The data consumer accepts a valid request and confirms the successful receipt.

The lifecycle of a DemandAndCapacityNotification is defined by the set of states shown in Figure 2. The data provider, i.e. the initiator of the Demand and Capacity Notification, must use the status "open" when opening a thread for the first time.

To mark a notification as resolved, the data provider MUST send the updated notification, where

  • the notificationId MUST be equal to the notification ID of the notification that should be updated and
  • the status MUST be equal to "resolved".

Refer to Chapter 5 for the handling of notification updates.

States of the Demand and Capacity Notifications Figure 2: States of the Demand and Capacity Notifications


To use this standard the participants MUST have an existing business relationship.

To participate in the Catena-X dataspace, both the data consumer and the data provider MUST be registered and onboarded as defined in [CX-006].

A dataspace connector conformant to [CX-0018] MUST be used to make the API available to network participants.

The API endpoint defined in Chapter MUST therefore be offered as data asset / contract offer as defined in [CX-0018].


Catena-X participants interested in exchanging Demand and Capacity Notifications MUST define and implement a single endpoint supporting the HTTP POST request. The structure of the endpoint MAY be freely chosen. The address of the endpoint MUST be provided as part of the Data Asset defined in Chapter 4.1.3. DATA EXCHANGE

The DemandAndCapacityNotification data MUST be sent from the sender to the receiver using an HTTP POST request. The data format described here MUST be followed for the exchange of the Demand and Capacity Notification.

The endpoints are defined in the table below based on their role in the data exchange process.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

RoleEndpointRouteREQUIREDHTTP MethodPurpose
ReceiverRequest Endpoint{{DEMAND-AND-CAPACITY-NOTIFICATION-API-ENDPOINT}}YesPOSTThis endpoint receives the DemandAndCapacityNotification to the sender requests.

Table 4: Endpoint in the data exchange process

The serialized JSON MUST NOT be larger than 15 MiB in size.

The "Demand and Capacity Notification API" endpoint MUST be implemented by all Catena-X participants who wish to receive DemandAndCapacityNotification data. Senders MUST be able to send DemandAndCapacityNotification object to their receivers.

The data payload itself MUST be a valid JSON string.

All attributes marked as mandatory in the aspect model standard MUST be included in the dataset. Attributes marked as optional MAY be included in the data set.

The usage of the attributes in the data model MUST follow the attribute descriptions of the respective aspect model and the definitions in Chapter 3.1.

While some attributes are technically a string, not any string is valid. For example, each entry of affectedSitesSender MUST be formatted as a BPNS. In that case, the aspect model will have constraints describing how a valid value should look like.

When consuming a payload, that contains unknown properties not described within the data model but is otherwise correct, those properties MUST be ignored.

Message Header

Note: This is not the HTTP Header but rather part of the HTTP Body.

When exchanging data described in this chapter, the POST request payload MUST be structured as follows:

"header": <messageHeader>,
"content": {
"demandAndCapacityNotification": <DemandAndCapacityNotification>

This format keeps the header, which includes metadata about the message, separated from the content, which includes the actual data being exchanged.

The master reference for generating additional file formats and serializations is the RDF turtle file, which is an instance of the Semantic Aspect Meta Model. The RDF turtle file for the messageHeaderObject is defined in a centralized shared aspect model and can be accessed at the following URL:

The RDF turtle file provides detailed description on how to use the message header.

The following table lists all fields of the message header and how they are used.

FieldREQUIREDPurposeDatatypeExample value
messageIdYesUnique ID identifying the message. The purpose of the ID is to uniquely identify a single message, therefore it MUST NOT be reused. This ID must not be confused with the notification id within the payload and thus, should be different.UUID v4 [RFC4122]urn:uuid:375e75f0-913e-4b71-a96c-366fc8f6bf8f
relatedMessageIdNoFor the "Demand and Capacity Notification" this information MUST NOT be set. Correlations of notifications is handled within the payload as described in Chapter 5.UUID v4 [RFC4122]
contextYesThis field MUST contain the namespace of the Demand and Capacity Notification API that is sent within the content section of the message. The version is not specified according to the SAMM version of the DemandAndCapacityNotification SAMM model in use.URICX-DemandAndCapacityNotification:1.0
versionYesThis field MUST specify the version of the header's aspect model that has been used to create the header.Version of the shared aspect model MessageHeader3.0.0
senderBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL) of the responding party.BPNL according to [CX-0010]BPNL7588787849VQ
receiverBpnYesThe business partner number (BPNL) of the receiving party.BPNL according to [CX-0010]BPNL6666787765VQ
sentDateTimeYesThe date and time including time zone offset on which the request has been created.[ISO8601] with time zone2023-06-19T21:24:00+07:00

Table 5: Message header fields used in the Demand and Capacity Notification API

Message Content

The message content consists of a single demandAndCapacityNotifcation object containing a single JSON-serialization of the DemandAndCapacityDemand SAMM model (see Chapter 3) following the rules defined in Chapter 5.

Message Example

The following JSON provides an example of the value-only serialization of the Supply Chain Disruption Notification aspect model for a sample notification including a message header.

"header": {
"senderBpn": "BPNL7588787849VQ",
"context": "CX-DemandAndCapacityNotification:1.0",
"messageId": "3b4edc05-e214-47a1-b0c2-1d831cdd9ba9",
"receiverBpn": "BPNL6666787765VQ",
"sentDateTime": "2023-06-19T21:24:00+07:00",
"version": "3.0.0"
"content": {
"demandAndCapacityNotification": {
"affectedSitesSender": [
"affectedSitesRecipient": [
"materialNumberSupplier": [
"contentChangedAt": "2023-12-13T15:00:00+01:00",
"startDateOfEffect": "2023-12-13T15:00:00+01:00",
"relatedNotificationId": "urn:uuid:d05cef4a-b692-45bf-87cc-eda2d84e4c04",
"materialNumberCustomer": [
"leadingRootCause": "strike",
"materialGlobalAssetId": [
"effect": "demand-reduction",
"notificationId": "urn:uuid:d9452f24-3bf3-4134-b3eb-68858f1b2362",
"text": "Capacity reduction due to ongoing strike.",
"expectedEndDateOfEffect": "2023-12-17T08:00:00+01:00",
"sourceNotificationId": "urn:uuid:c69cb3e4-16ad-43c3-82b9-0deac75ecf9e",
"status": "resolved"
} UUID generation and handling

When exchanging DemandAndCapacityNotification data, the usage of UUIDv4 is REQUIRED in order to reduce the probability of collision as well as to eliminate certain attack vectors. For technical purposes the UUIDv4 MUST be treated as unique within the supplier-customer relationship.

The UUIDv4 MUST be generated according to RFC4122. AVAILABLE DATA TYPES

The API MUST use JSON as the payload is transported via HTTPS.


The endpoints introduced in Chapter 4.1.2 MUST NOT be directly called neither from a provider nor from a consumer. Rather, these MUST be called via a connector conformant to [CX-0018]. Therefore, the endpoints MUST be offered as data assets. To make these assets easily identifiable in the connector's catalog, each asset MUST be configured with a set of properties as described in the corresponding sections below.

The API version described in this standard MUST be published in the property as version 1.0 in the asset. The requester of an asset MUST be able to handle multiple assets for this endpoint, being differentiated only by the version. The requester SHOULD choose the asset with the highest compatible version number implemented by themselves. If the requester cannot find a compatible version with their own, the requester MUST terminate the data transfer.

The following table provides an overview of the data assets that the parties MUST offer to be able to provision and/or consume DemandAndCapacityNotification data.

ConsumerYes"Demand and Capacity Notification API"Allows a provider to submit a Demand and Capacity Notification.

Table 6: Data assets

Data Asset Structure for "Demand and Capacity Notification API Endpoint"

To receive DemandAndCapacityNotification data, the receiver MUST register a data asset specifying the address of the "Demand and Capacity Notification API" Endpoint described in Chapter 4.1.2.

The data asset MUST be configured with the set of properties as defined in the table below.

PropertyPurposeUsage & Constraints
@idIdentifier of the asset.The asset ID MUST be unique and therefore MUST NOT be reused elsewhere.
properties. the "Demand and Capacity Notification API" endpoint according to the Catena-X taxonomy.MUST be set to {"@id": ""} to allow filtering the data assets catalog for the respective "Demand and Capacity Notification API".
properties. version of the standard defining the implemented API.MUST correspond to the version of the standard defining the "Demand and Capacity Notification API". The value MUST be set to "1.0" for APIs implementing this standard. @typeType of the DataAddress node.MUST be set to "DataAddress". baseUrlDefines the HTTPS endpoint of the corresponding "Demand and Capacity Notification API" endpoint.The {{DEMAND_AND_CAPACITY_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST_ENDPOINT}} refers to an URL under which the API endpoint is available. HTTPS transport protocol MUST be used. proxyBodyDefines whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS body.MUST be set to "true" to allow the API endpoint to receive a HTTPS body via the HTTPS request. proxyMethodDefines whether the endpoint allows to proxy the HTTPS method.MUST be set to "true" to allow the API endpoint to receive POST requests. typeDefines the type of data plane extension handling the data exchange.MUST be set to "HttpData" to provide an API via an HTTPS proxy endpoint.

Table 7: Data assets request properties

When searching the Catalog of a provider, a consumer MUST use the following properties AND their values to identify the Data Asset specifying "Demand and Capacity Notification API". In the connector Data Asset descriptions the API version valid for this standard is mentioned for the property The requester of a Data Asset MUST be able to handle multiple Data Asset for this endpoint, being differentiated only by the version. The requester SHOULD choose the Data Asset set with the highest compatible version number implemented by themselves. If the requester cannot find a compatible version with their own, the requester MUST terminate the data transfer.

properties.dct:type{"@id": ""}

Table 8: Data assets request properties values

Because the data asset reflects the existing contractual relationship between a customer and its suppliers, only one data asset with the aforementioned combination of properties AND their values MUST be visible to the data consumer at any time to avoid ambiguity.

An example Data Asset definition is given below.

Note: Expressions in double curly braces {{}} must be substituted with a corresponding value.

"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"cx-taxo": "",
"cx-common": "",
"dct": ""
"properties": {
"dct:type": {
"@id": "cx-taxo:DemandAndCapacityNotificationApi"
"cx-common:version": "1.0",
"description": "Demand and Capacity Notification API Endpoint"
"dataAddress": {
"@type": "DataAddress",
"type": "HttpData",
"proxyBody": "true",
"proxyMethod": "true",
"method": "POST",
"contentType": "application/json"


Every API endpoint defined in Chapter 4.1.2 MUST respond to incoming requests with HTTP status codes as described in [RFC9110]. All of the following HTTP status codes, except for codes 200 and 201, MUST be interpreted as failures. Therefore, it may be sufficient for a business application to simply check if the status code is 200 or 201 or not. If not, the request failed. The status codes for each endpoint are defined in the following sections.

HTTP Codes for Demand and Capacity Notification Response Endpoint

Status CodeDescriptionUsage
400Response body malformed or validation failed as defined in Chapter 4.1.5When the HTTP Body is not matching the API description, the consumer MUST respond with error code 400
401Not authorizedWhen the authorization of the response fails, the consumer MUST respond with error code 401
404Endpoint not foundWhen the HTTP path is not available, the consumer MUST respond with error code 404
405Method not allowedIn case the HTTP call is not a POST, the provider MUST respond with error code 405
503Service unavailableThe server is not ready to handle the request

Table 9: Request error handling

Further status codes may be included in a later revision of this standard. The ability to send and receive one status code per sent or received list item might be included in a later revision of this standard.


The following tables are supposed to answer questions regarding what business logic MUST be executed when receiving a DemandAndCapacityNotification which has been formed in a specific way.

The order of rules is indicated by the 'Number' row. The rules MUST be executed in exactly this order, starting from the lowest number.

The first rule that matches MUST be executed. All other rules MUST be ignored.

'value' indicates the actual value written in quotation marks and without any specific formatting (e.g. italic).

Valid value indicates that the value is valid according to aspect model, API and process.

Invalid value indicates that the value is invalid according to aspect model, API and process.

Any value indicates that the value can by anything, valid or not.

A whitespace or an empty cell indicates that for this specific rule that row is not applicable.

Meta PropertiesAny propertyinvalid value
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 - Bad Request
PropertiesaffectedSitesSenderOne or more BPNS do not match to the sending Connector's registered BPNS
Meta PropertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 - Bad Request
PropertiesaffectedSitesRecipientOne or more BPNS do not match BPNS that I am responsible for
Meta PropertiesAny property
All other propertiesAny value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 - Bad Request
PropertiesnotificationIdValid UUID which matches a received notificationId of the same partner
contentChangedAtValid Timestamp which is older than or equal to the Timestamp of contentChangedAt from the previously received notification.
Meta PropertiesAny property
senderBpnNot equal to the senderBpn which originally sent the notification with this notificationId
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values due to old content
Return Code400 - Bad Request
PropertiesnotificationIdValid UUID which matches a received notificationId of the same partner
statusEqual to "resolved"
Meta PropertiesAny property
senderBpnNot equal to the senderBpn which originally sent the notification with this notificationId
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicIgnore received values
Return Code400 - Bad Request
PropertiesnotificationIdValid UUID which matches a received notificationId of the same partner
contentChangedAtValid Timestamp which is newer than the Timestamp of contentChangedAt from the previously received notification.
Meta PropertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicOverwrite all existing values with received values
Return Code200 - OK
PropertiesnotificationIdValid UUID which does not match any received notificationId of the same partner
Meta PropertiesAny property
All other propertiesValid value
ActionsBusiness LogicAccept new notification
Return Code200 - OK


This section is normative


Supply Chain Disruption Notifications (further called "notification(s)" in Chapter 5) are a collaboration functionality business partners MAY use to interact with each other. Focus is to quickly inform the relevant business partners in the supply chain about an upcoming disruption. Notifications functionality SHOULD be used by any value chain partner, if the expected impact goes beyond the regular one-to-one business relationship between one-up and one-down and might therefore be relevant for part or even the whole supply chain network. Typical cases in real business are force major events (e.g. natural disaster, production incidents, wars, pandemics etc.). Even though a notification MUST be always sent between one-up and one-down partner, the intention is, that the recipient will further forward the adjusted notification up or down the supply chain. If, after internal evaluation, the recipient decides to inform further business partners, the notification MUST be modified and cannot simply be identically forwarded. This results into a new notification ID.

Therefore a partner MUST be able to receive and process notifications. Being able to send notifications is highly RECOMMENDED in order to participate in a collaborative environment and make full use of the notifications feature. Furthermore, notifications MUST work in both directions (up- and downstream). In case a business partner needs to send a notification up- and downstream the supply chain at the same time, two individual notifications MUST be sent resulting into individual notification IDs (see Figure 4).

The notification consists of a message header (see Table 5) and a notification payload (see Table 10) which MUST be filled by the sender of the notification and are explained in the mentioned tables. Mandatory (M) fields MUST be filled to correctly send a notification and optional (O) fields MAY be filled by the sender. Once completely and correctly filled, the notification can be shared with one-up or one-down business partners. Each partner receiving a notification MAY decide, after having evaluated the impact, if they need to inform their potentially affected business partners up- or downstream the supply chain (depending on the notification direction) following the same process logic as written above. Each new notification MUST receive its individual notification ID and a sender of a notification MAY link a reference to a previously sent notification ID or source notification ID. Only the referred notification ID itself is added to the notification (neither content nor other information e.g. at which tier-level the incident started). If several value chain partners e.g. refer to the same initially shared notification ID within their notification, a recipient is able to understand the impact of the problem. The sender of the notification MUST respect data privacy laws and MUST follow antitrust rules. Update of further objects (e.g. MaterialDemand) is not directly part of the notifications functionality as this happens in separate collaboration between one-up and one-down (e.g. comment function). Updating a notification content results into an update of the ContentChangedAt using the same notification ID. With that information the recipient is able to identify when the content of the original notification was updated. Resolving a notification MUST be done only by the sender and this update of the notification follows the same logic via new ContentChangedAt timestamp as described before.

Demand and Capacity Notification Payload Description

Field name / StructureMandatory / OptionalData typeDescriptionExample
Notification IDMUUIDUnique ID identifying the notification.urn:uuid:d9452f24-3bf3-4134-b3eb-68858f1b2362
Affected Sites SenderOCollection - BPNS - StringThe affected Business Partner site Numbers of the sender.It is RECOMMENDED to send the senderBpns. It MUST be possible to select multiple senderBpns.BPNS7588787849VQ
Affected Sites RecipientOCollection - BPNS - StringThe affected Business Partner site Numbers of the recipient.It is RECOMMENDED to send the recipient Bpns. It MUST be possible to select multiple recipient BPNS.BPNS6666787765VQ
Leading Root CauseMEnumerationPossible values:
- strike
- natural disaster
- production incident
- pandemic / epidemic
- logistics disruption
- war
- other
EffectMEnumerationNotification Category / ImpactFrom a business perspective, demand or capacity reduction are the most relevant values in connection with above mentioned root causes. For technical completeness demand or capacity increase are also added to the value list.demand-reduction, capacity-reduction, capacity-increase, demand-increase
TextOStringFree text description for notification (max. 4000 characters)"HelloWorld"
Material Number CustomerOCollection - ID - StringIf the customer is the sender to send Customer Material number is RECOMMENDED. It MUST be possible to send n customer material numbers.MNR-7307-AU340474.002
Material Number SupplierOCollection - ID - StringIf the supplier is the sender sending supplier material number is RECOMMENDED. It MUST be possible to send n supplier material numbers.MNR-8101-ID146955.001
Material Global Asset IDOCollection - ID - StringMaterialGlobalAssetID references a digital twin. Via a digital twin a recipient is able to identify the own affected material numbers as the digital twin connects sender and recipient material numbers. If a digital twin is available it is RECOMMENDED only exchanging the digital twin material number.urn:uuid:48878d48-6f1d-47f5-8ded-a441d0d879df
Start Date of EffectMTimestampExpected start date of the impact MUST be shared by the sender of the message.This also applies to cases where the sending of the message and start date of the effect differ from each other.2023-06-05T08:00:00+02:00
Expected End Date of EffectOTimestampExpected end date of the impact MAY be mentioned by the sender of the notification.2023-06-19T08:00:00+02:00
StatusMEnumerationNotification status"open", "resolved"
Content Changed AtMTimestampTime where any property of the notification was updated the last time.2023-06-19T08:00:00+02:00
Related Notification IDOUUIDUnique ID identifying a previously received notification triggering the exchange of the current notification.urn:uuid:d05cef4a-b692-45bf-87cc-eda2d84e4c04
Source Notification IDOUUIDUnique ID identifying a source notification related to the current one.urn:uuid:c69cb3e4-16ad-43c3-82b9-0deac75ecf9e

Table 10: Demand and Capacity Notification Payload Description


SenderThe sender is the author of the notification. The sender is responsible to properly fill all necessary data fields and send the notification to its direct business partner (one-up or one-down). This means the sender acts as data provider within the notifications process and is sharing the notification with its direct business partners (one-up or one-down). Customer and supplier can both act as the sender of the notification.
RecipientThe recipient receives a notification from its direct business partner (one-up or one-down). The recipient needs to check the impact and might inform its further business partners up- or downstream the value chain. This means the recipient acts as a data consumer within the notifications process as the recipient is receiving the notification from its direct business partners (one-up or one-down). Customer and supplier can both act as the recipient of a notification.
Business application providerThe business application provider provides and operates an application/tool which enables the notifications process and follows core business logic, data model and API as described in this standard document.

Table 11: Overview of Actors & Roles


Visualization Notifications Process I Figure 3: Visualization Notifications Process I

Visualization Notifications Process II Figure 4: Visualization Notifications Process II



This section is normative

[CX-0001]EDC Discovery API1.0.2
[CX-0003]SAMM Aspect Meta Model1.1.0
[CX-0006]Registration and initial onboarding2.0.0
[CX-0010]Business Partner Number (BPN)2.0.0
[CX-0018]Dataspace Connectivity3.0.0
[CX-0126]Industry Core Part Type2.0.0


This section is non-normative

[CX-0118]Delivery Information Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0120]Short-term Material Demand Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0121]Planned Production Output Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0122]Item Stock Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0128]Demand and Capacity Management Data Exchange2.0.0
[CX-0145]Days of Supply Exchange1.0.0
[ISO8601]ISO 8601: Date and time format
[RFC2119]Bradner, S. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. Available online:
[RFC4122]A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) URN Namespace (
[RFC8174]Leiba, B. Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. Available online:
[RFC9110]HTTP Semantics (
[CX-ODRL]Catena-X ODRL Profile repository:
[SMT]How to create a submodel template specification. Guideline. Download from:


This section is non-normative

Not applicable.



This section is non-normative

Figure 1Demand and Capacity Notification API overview4.1
Figure 2States of the Demand and Capacity Notifications4.1
Figure 3Visualization Notifications Process I5.3
Figure 4Visualization Notifications Process II5.3

Table 14: List of Figures


This section is non-normative

Table 1List of terminology helpful for understanding the standard1.5
Table 2List of mandatory standards2.1.1
Table 3List of non-mandatory, but complementary standards2.1.1
Table 4Endpoint in the data exchange process4.1.2.2
Table 5Message header fields used in the Demand and Capacity Notification API4.1.2.2
Table 6Data assets4.1.3
Table 7Data assets request properties4.1.3
Table 8Data assets request properties values4.1.3
Table 9Request error handling4.1.4
Table 10Demand and Capacity Notification Payload Description5.1
Table 11Overview of Actors & Roles5.2
Table 12List of normative standards6.1
Table 13List of non-normative standards6.2
Table 14List if FiguresAnnexes
Table 15List of TablesAnnexes

Table 15: List of Tables

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