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Release: CX-Jupiter (current)


Summary of Release Jupiter (Preview)

  • 13 new standards
  • 35 updated standards
  • 67 deprecated standards

  • 3 new non-functional requirements

A) List of new and updated standards

Note: Be aware that more information regarding the changes can be found within the standard documents within the section "COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE STANDARD"

Sovereign Data Exchange & Semantics

CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0002Digital Twins in Catena-X2.2
  • Remove all normative references to the EDC implementation.
  • Declare outdated typization mechanism (asset:prop:type) optional
CX-0018Dataspace Connectivity3.1
  • Adopt pinned versions of IATP, DSP, policy definitions.
  • Specify HTTPS and AmazonS3 transfer processes
CX-0067Ontology Models in Catena-X1.1
  • New subchapters Digital Twin and Ontologies, Taxonomy, Asset Content Description, Modeling of the Functions have been added.
  • Text, images and code snippets have been modified to make them easier to understand.
CX-0084Federated Queries In Data Spaces1.2
  • External links have been changed to improve readability.
  • The examples have been updated to reflect recent developments.
  • The the Asset Content Description subsection has been added.
  • Code snippets and text updates in Agent-Related EDC Assets
CX-0126Industry Core: Part Type 2.0
  • Added new content in Section 2.1.3
    • New paragraph "Conventions for Use Case Policy in context data exchange"
    • Notes for versioning
  • Changes in specific AssetIds of Digital Twins in Section 2.1.4:
    • removed assetLifeCyclePhase
    • digitalTwinType is now mandatory (before it was optional)
  • Replaced standardized aspect model in Section 3.1:
    • removed PartAsPlanned 2.0.0
    • replaced with newly standardized PartTypeInformation 1.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • New version of aspect model in Section 3.2:
    • SingleLevelBomAsPlanned 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Newly standardized aspect model in Section 3.3:
    • SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned 2.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Added Unique ID Push Notification API in Section 4.1 as content of the industry core
  • deleted "Every certified business application relying on aspects models of this standard MUST be able to consume data conformant to the semantic models specified in this document." from Section 3
CX-0127Industry Core: Part Instance2.0
  • New versions of aspect models in Section 3
    • SerialPart 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
    • Batch 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
    • JustInSequencePart 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
    • SingleLevelBomAsBuilt 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Newly standardized aspect models in Section 3
    • SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt 3.0.0 (see link to changelog in section of the aspect model)
  • Aspect model JustInSequencePart now MUST be provided when creating a digital twin for a Just-In-Seuqence-Part (was optional before) in Section 2.1.2
  • Changes in specificAssetIds of Digital Twins in Section 2.1.4
    • Removed assetLifeCyclePhase
    • DigitalTwinType is now mandatory (before it was optional)
    • Added intrinsicId specifically for Digital Twins for serialized parts, batches and just-in-sequence-parts
    • Removed partInstanceId from Digital Twins for batches and just-in-sequence-parts
  • Added Unique ID Push Notification API in Section 4.1 as content of industry core
  • New paragraph "Conventions for Use Case Policy in context data exchange" in Section 2.1.3
  • Added notes for versioning in Section 2.1.3
  • Deleted "Every certified business application relying on aspects models of this standard MUST be able to consume data conformant to the semantic models specified in this document." from Section 3

Business Partner Data Management

CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0012Business Partner Data Pool API4.0
  • changed and added the detailed asset structure
  • removed classification sub-object
  • added "is Catena-X Member data" attribute
  • removed "api/catena/" from the endpoint definitions
  • added data sovereignty chapters as additional requirements
  • fix changelog controller endpoint for business-partners to match the reference implementation
CX-0074Business Partner Gate API3.0
  • Changed and added the detailed asset structure
  • removed classification sub-object
  • removed business partner state and introduced separate states at representation classes
  • removed "api/catena/" from the endpoint definitions
  • added data sovereignty chapters as additional requirements
CX-0076Golden Record End to End Requirements Standard1.2
  • Adjustment of Table 2 in chapter 2.1.9 Golden Record Output Requirements].
  • Adding Tax Jurisdiction Code
  • Adjustment in chapter 2.1.11 Confidence Level
  • Adjust text for validation interval
  • District and Region is now mandatory for Romania as listed in Table 2
CX-0077Data Quality Dashboard1.2
  • Corrected 2.3.3 - country list
  • Added chapter 3.5 Data Types and 3.6 Data Attributes
  • Added chapter 3.7 for data sovereignty as additional requirement
CX-0078Bank Data Verification Dashboard1.2
  • Corrected 2.3. - country list
  • Added chapter 3.4 Data Types and 3.5 Data Attributes
  • Added chapter 3.6 for data sovereignty as additional requirement
  • Corrected 2.3. - Enhanced usage policies of BDV API
CX-0079Natural Person Screening Dashboard1.2
  • Natural Person Screening Dashboard v1.2
  • Corrected 2.3 - country list
  • Added chapter 3.6 Data Types and 3.7 Data Attributes
  • Added chapter 3.8 for data sovereignty as additional requirement
CX-0080BPDM Fraud Prevention Service1.1
  • Added chapter 2.6 Data Types and 2.8 Data Attributes.
  • Added chapter 2.7 for data sovereignty as additional requirement.
CX-0081BPDM Country Risk2.2
  • Update on data asset and added new context for Country Risk
  • Added new section for Additional Requirements
  • Affected chapters are 2.2.3 Data Asset Structure & 2.2.5 Additional Requirements
CX-0116Sanction Watchlist Dashboard1.2
  • Corrected 2.3 - country list
  • Added chapter 3.4 Data Types and 3.5 Data Attributes
  • Added chapter 3.6 for data sovereignty as additional requirement
CX-0135Company Certificate Management2.0
  • Added a new attribute 'status' to the data model (1.5.11 Status)
  • Added new certificate types (1.5.2 TYPE)

Identity Management

CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0013Identity of Member Companies2.0Deprecation of the Summary Credential.
CX-0049DID Document Schema2.0Re-definition of the structure of the did-document.
CX-0050Framework Agreement Credential2.1
  • No Use Case-specific Framework Agreement Credentials anymore.
  • Re-definition of the Framework Agreement structure.
CX-0149Verified Company Identity1.0
  • This document combines the previous standards CX - 0016 Company Attribute Verification v.1.1.0 and CX - 0017 Company Role by the Connector v.1.0.1 including all needed information for the identification of a participant and the Dataspace clients acting on behalf of them
  • Introducing the Identity and Trust Protocol (IATP) used within the identity presentation flow
  • Introducing an API specification for the Creation of Participants Wallet as a foundation for the usage of multiple Wallet providers.


CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0006Registration and Initial Onboarding2.0Updated following chapters:
  • 2.3.4 Company Data Validation
  • 2.3.8 Gaia-X
And added:
  • 2.3.5 Business Partner Number Creation
  • 2.3.6 Wallet Tenant Creation
  • Credential Storage
  • Registration Approval and Dataspace Access
CX-0009CX Registration API2.0Update of the endpoint details which MUST/SHOULD get followed by the Core Service Provider and/or Onboarding service provider. Endpoint path as well as request/response body.

Data Chain Management

CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0005Item Relationship Service API2.1
  • Adoption of the industry core standards (CX-0126 and CX-0127)
  • Update of optional endpoints
CX-0045Aspect Model Data Chain Template1.3
  • Adoption of the industry core standards (CX-0126 and CX-0127)
  • Update of the template from BAMM to SAMM
CX-0055Data Processing Patterns for IT System Integration1.2New data processing patterns for IT system integration have been added.
CX-0139Information as a Service – External Data Provider1.0 The Scope of this Standard is to enable Third-Party Information Provider to deliver Data from outside Catena-X inside Catena-X. This Standard is generic to every Use Case and qualifies Information aaS Provider as a potential Data Provider for a Use Case defined Business Application. The Data can be delivered only to a specific Use Case within Catena-X, realised in an certified Business Application. By this way the Standard enables Third-Party Information Provider to deliver Data from outside Catena-X inside Catena-X and at the same time limits Data Delivery to existing Use Cases, avoiding Violations or Bypasses of existing Standards and Regulations within Catena-X.


CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0115Manufacturing Capability Exchange1.0Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS) scenarios focus on connecting buyers looking for manufacturers in possession of the available production know-how and resources to produce specific products. The standard makes use of the newly introduced all-in-one use-case template. The Manufacturing Capability data model is being expanded to include the entities Machine, Tool, and Material, along with their corresponding properties. Additionally, an API is defined, so that these Manufacturing Capabilities can be exchanged in a standardized way.
Note: The CX-0115 standard obsoletes CX-0052 Manufacturing Capability Aspect Mode l v1.0.0
CX-0118Delivery Information Exchange2.0Changes:
  • integration and usage of digital twins as defined in CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X
  • harmonization of aspect model in accordance with CX-0126 Industry Core: Part Type
  • discontinuation of the proprietary API used in v1.0.0 of this standard
  • grammatical, spelling and semantic improvements
New Content:
  • added a note on the obligation of standard implementers to make aware that sensitive data is being handled, see Chapter 2.1.3.
CX-0120Short-Term Material Demand Exchange2.0Changes:
  • integration and usage of digital twins as defined in CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X
  • harmonization of aspect model in accordance with CX-0126 Industry Core: Part Type
  • new specific submodel io.catenax.short_term_material_demand:1.0.0:ShortTermMaterialDemand from io.catenax.material_demand:1.0.0:MaterialDemand
  • discontinuation of the proprietary API used in v1.0.0 of this standard
  • grammatical, spelling and semantic improvements
New Content:
  • added a note on the obligation of standard implementers to make aware that sensitive data is being handled, see Chapter 2.1.3
CX-0121Planned Production Output Exchange2.0Changes:
  • integration and usage of digital twins as defined in CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X
  • harmonization of aspect model in accordance with CX-0126 Industry Core: Part Type
  • discontinuation of the proprietary API used in v1.0.0 of this standard
  • grammatical, spelling and semantic improvements
New Content:
  • added a note on the obligation of standard implementers to make aware that sensitive data is being handled, see Chapter 2.1.3
CX-0122Item Stock Exchange2.0Changes:
  • integration and usage of digital twins as defined in CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X
  • harmonization of aspect model in accordance with CX-0126 Industry Core: Part Type
  • discontinuation of the proprietary API used in v1.0.0 of this standard
  • grammatical, spelling and semantic improvements
New Content:
  • added a note on the obligation of standard implementers to make aware that sensitive data is being handled, see Chapter 2.1.3
CX-0128Demand and Capacity Management Data Exchange2.0
  • Replaced MaterialDemand with WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspect model
  • Added deactivation of WeekBasedCapacityGroup to Section
  • Added deactivation of WeekBasedMaterialDemand to Section
  • Added Chapter 2.3 Additional Requirements
  • Added Chapter 5.10 Supply Chain Disruption Notifications
  • Added Chapter 5.11 Demand Volatility Metrics
  • Added Agreed Capacity to Section 5.6.1
  • Added Repositories to Annexes
  • Updated References in Chapter 7
  • Updated WeekBasedCapacityGroup aspect model
  • Updated WeekBasedMaterialDemand aspect model
  • Updated MessageHeaderAspect version in Chapter 4
  • Updated Policies in Chapter 6
  • Updated choice of words and writing pattern throughout this standard
CX-0129Request-for-Quotation Exchange2.0In this version of the standard, the processes entity of the RequestForQuotation semantic model has been replaced by the "Bill of Process" data model (cf. Chapter 3.2)
CX-0133Online Control and Simulation2.0
  • Updated references to new versions
  • Providers must ensure BPNL provisioning to OSim
CX-0142Shop-Floor-Information-Service1.0The current version of the standard provides two different kinds of data: Production Forecasting, and Production Tracking data. To give an example of forecasting data, suppose a customer wants to know when production is expected to start. He can use the Shop-Floor-Information-Service in order to get the information either directly, via cyclic messages or via notifications when the calculated production dates change. As an example of production tracking, a customer can request certain production attributes collected during production, such as the torque of a particular process step. This data can then be used for both documentation and tracking.
Note: This standard
  • Merges CX-0068, CX-0069 and CX0075 by combining the different standards that describe the data model, the API and and the process into this combined standard.
  • Additional functionality added: production tracking aspects.
  • Update of Production Forecast Models due to update of CX-header.
CX-0145Days of supply Exchange1.0Days of Supply (DoS) in logistics is a critical metric used to estimate how long current inventory levels will last under normal consumption patterns. This calculation is essential in supply chain management as it assists in forecasting when stock replenishment is needed, thereby preventing stock shortages or overstocking. It plays a significant role in ensuring efficient inventory turnover, maintaining a balance between having enough stock to meet demand and avoiding excess inventory that ties up capital. To effectively address the challenges associated with manual calculation and estimation of Days of Supply, the standardization and interoperable exchange of this data among Catena-X business partners is essential. Establishing a standardized semantic definition to describe Days of Supply and a common API is a fundamental step to enable this exchange and foster compatibility. This approach maximizes the range of solutions available to mitigate potential supply shortages and supports precise inventory planning.
CX-0146Supply Chain Disruption Notifications1.0The Catena-X Supply Chain Disruption Notifications Standard is created for all members of the automotive supply chain. The aim is to have a functionality to easily and quickly inform the affected supply chain partners in case of supply chain disruptions at some point in the value chain. Having this information is key to be able to take the right countermeasures and make the whole value chain more resilient. Recent incidents (e.g. semi-conductor-crisis or COVID pandemic) have demonstrated the requirement for such a fast standardized process among all partners.

PLM and Quality

CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0059Behavioral Twin Endurance Estimator Use Case2.0This standard upgrades the triangle (previously CX-0059:1.2) to an Use Case Standard and consolidates the contents of the previously independent standards CX-0056, CX-0057 and CX-0058 within a single comprehensive standard.
CX-0105Asset Tracking Use Case1.1This standard upgrades the triangle (previously CX-0105:1.0) to an Use Case Standard and consolidates the contents of the previously independent standards CX-0070, CX-0083, CX-0004 and CX-0106 within a single comprehensive standard. Note: No content relevant to the certification has been changed.
CX-0123Quality Use Case Standard2.0
  • Update semantic models QualityTask, PartsAnalyses, ManufacturedPartsQualityInformation, Fleet.DiagnosticData, Fleet.ClaimData
  • Update model Fleet.Vehicles and integrate model Vehicle.ProductDescription
  • New semantic models Early Warning Norification and Failure Pattern
  • Update 2.1 Data Sharing Rules
  • Define Notification Process and API
CX-0125Traceability Use Case2.0
  • Redundancies to the standard CX-0127 in all relevant chapters removed: Submodel SerialPart, Submodel Batch, Submodel SingleLevelBoMAsBuilt
  • Adapted parts (introductions, examples) of the standard document contents to suit the use case specifications
  • Quality Alerts are set to mandatory
  • New paragraph "Conventions for Use Case Policy in context data exchange" in Section 2.1.3
  • Added notes for versioning in Section 2.1.3
  • Deleted "Every certified business application relying on aspects models of this standard MUST be able to consume data conformant to the semantic models specified in this document." from Section 3
  • Deleted old references in Section 6.1
CX-0138Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Estimator1.0The 1.0 version changed from a triangle (originally CX-0089) to an Use Case Standard and consolidates the contents of the previously independent standards CX-0057, CX-0088, CX-0090 within a single comprehensive standard.
CX-0141Health Indicator Use Case1.0This standard focuses on the Health Indicator Use Case. The Health Indicator recieves dynamic input data, that has been recorded in the vehicle, through the Catena-X network. The input data, combined with additional product knowledge by the service provider, is used to calculate precise health indicator values for specific components


CX-Nr.Standard NameVersionManagement Summary
CX-0117Use Case Circular Economy - Secondary Marketplace1.0CX-0117 Use Case Circular Economy - Secondary Marketplace v1.0.0 is a new standard which is based on the deprecated CX-0100 Triangle for Secondary Marketplace v.1.0.0 standard. The data models from:
  • CX-0033 Data Model ReturnRequest (deprecated)
  • CX-0034 Data Model Battery Pass (deprecated)
  • CX-0035 Data Model Marketplaceoffer (deprecated)have been included with their newest released versions to assure consistency between standards.
CX-0131Circularity Core1.1Adoption of the industry core standards (CX-0126 and CX-0127)
Additionally, CX-0131 merges (and, thus, obsoletes) the following aspect models:
  • CX-0036: Aspect Model: QualityTask
  • CX-0037: Aspect Model: Vehicle.ProductionData
  • CX-0038: Aspect Model: Fleet.DiagnosticData
  • CX-0039: Aspect Model: Fleet.ClaimData
  • CX-0040: Aspect Model: PartAnalyses
  • CX-0041: Aspect Model: ManufacturedPartsQualityInformation
  • CX-0091: Aspect Model: Fleet.Vehicles
  • CX-0092: Aspect Model: QualityTaskAttachment
  • CX-0107: Aspect Model: Reuse Certificate 
  • CX-0109: Aspect Model: Refrubishing Certificate
  • CX-0111: Aspect Model: Remanufacturing Certificate
  • CX-0147: Aspect Modelt Non-ReusableParts
  • CX-0148: Aspect Model Repair Certificate
CX-0136Use Case PCF2.0This standard focuses on the PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) exchange use case. This includes relevant requirements for:
  • data provider, that want to provide PCF data through Catena-X,
  • data consumer, that are want to consume PCF values in Catena-X and
  • application developer/ provider supporting the provisioning and consuming of PCF values.
It will provide information about the used core components as well as the structure of the Digital Twin Registry entry, the data model exchanged and the EDC (Eclipse Dataspace Connector) data structure.
Additionally in v2.0 next to the APIs the aspect model urn:samm:io.catenax.pcf:6.0.0 has been updated to urn:samm:io.catenax.pcf:7.0.0.
CX-0143Use Case Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport Standard1.0This standard focuses on the digital product passport use case. This includes relevant requirements for
  • data provider, that want to provide different passports through Catena-X,
  • data consumer, that are searching for different passports in Catena-X, and
  • application developer / provider supporting the provisioning and consuming of passport data.
Specific passports that shall be mentioned here are the battery passport and the transmission passport, which are first realizations of product passports in Catena-X.
CX-0144ESS Use Case Standard1.0Catena-X aims to support supply chain due diligence obligations in a market environment that miss full up- and downstream transparency. This is argued to be relevant for Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) incident tracking, without compromising GAIA-X and Catena-X principles like data sovereignty, interoperability, standardization, and use of federated services.
In case a violation against these laws occurs, an ESS incident can be created and transmitted to the Catena-X network. The Catena-X network and the ESS use case standard support the Catena-X members in this process.
Note: The ESS incident aspect model, which was described in CX-0113, has been integrated into this document.

B) List of new / updated non-functional requirements

PCF-Rulebookv3.0To reduce the room for interpretation, Catena-X developed this Product Carbon Footprint Rulebook with a focus on the exchange of production carbon footprints from tier to tier with increased consistency for PCF accounting. This increased consistency will ensure comparability for the PCFs of parts and components and allow for part and supplier selection. Consequently, the Catena-X Rulebook focusses on the production stage of vehicles.
PCF-Verification Framework v1.0v1.0The scope of this document is to provide guidelines for the verification of the product carbon footprint according to the PCF rulebooks. The document is applicable to all companies and suppliers in the automotive and chemical supply chains or all those outside the aforementioned industries who opt to report according to those PCF rulebooks. The framework covers the entire certification process for PCF programs and the verification process of PCF datasets, including the planning, execution, and creation of the verification report and the verification statement.
ESS Code of Conduct (EN | DE)v1.0In the Catena-X use case sustainability / environmental and social standards, principles are established with the aim of establishing transparent and trustworthy practices within the Catena-X network.

C) List of deprecated standards

CX-Nr.Standard NameReason to depricate
CX-0019SerialPartMerged by CX-0127 Industry Core Part Instance
CX-0020BatchMerged by CX-0127 Industry Core Part Instance
CX-0021SingleLevelBoMAsBuiltMerged by CX-0127 Industry Core Part Instance
CX-0042Aspect Model - SinglelevelBomAsPlannedMerged by CX-0126 Industry Core Part Type
CX-0043Aspect Model - PartAsPlannedMerged by CX-0126 Industry Core Part Type
CX-0022Notification APIMerged by CX-0125 Traceability Use Case
CX-0023Notification ProcessMerged by CX-0125 Traceability Use Case
CX-0060Tracebility BomAsBuild TriangleMerged by CX-0125 Traceability Use Case
CX-0036Aspect Model: QualityTaskMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0037Aspect Model: Vehicle.ProductionDataMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0038Aspect Model: Fleet.DiagnosticDataMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0039Aspect Model: Fleet.ClaimDataMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0040Aspect Model: PartAnalysesMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0041Aspect Model: ManufacturedPartsQualityInformationMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0065Triangle for Dismantling ServiceMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0066Aspect Model: End of Life of Vehicle ComplianceMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0071Triangle Quality Early Warning Field and Root CauseMerged by CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0091Aspect Model: Fleet.VehiclesMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards
CX-0092Aspect Model: QualityTaskAttachmentMerged by CX-0131 Circularity and CX-0123 Quality Use Case Standards Core
CX-0098Aspect Model: Secondary Material ContentMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0099Data Model: Certificate of DecommissioningMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0107Aspect Model: Reuse Certificate Merged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0108Aspect Model: Waste CertificateMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0109Aspect Model: Refrubishing CertificateMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0111Aspect Model: Remanufacturing CertificateMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0112Aspect Model: Material Recycling CertificateMerged by CX-0131 Circularity Core
CX-0033Data Model ReturnRequestMerged into CX-0117 Use Case Circular Economy - Secondary Marketplace
CX-0035Data Model MarketplaceofferMerged into CX-0117 Use Case Circular Economy - Secondary Marketplace
CX-0057Aspect Model for user estimated loadingMerged into CX-0059 and CX-0138 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Estimator
CX-0056Semantic Model: Classified Load SpectrumMerged into CX-0059 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Predictor
CX-0058API: Endurance PredictorMerged into CX-0059 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Predictor
CX-0088Aspect Model for Remaining Useful Life dataMerged into CX-0138 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Estimator Digital Product Pass
CX-0090API Endurance EstimatorMerged into CX-0138 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Estimator
CX-0089Triangle Behavioral Twin Endurance Estimator ServiceMerged into CX-0138 Use Case Behaviour Twin Endurance Estimator Digital Product Pass
CX-0026PCF Data ModelMerged into CX-0136 Use Case PCF
CX-0027Product Carbon Footprint Aspect ModelMerged into CX-0136 Use Case PCF
CX-0028PCF Request APIMerged into CX-0136 Use Case PCF
CX-0134PCF Calculation IntegrationMerged into CX-0143 Use Case PCF
CX-0063PCF TriangleMerged into CX-0136 Use Case PCF
CX-0052Manufacturing Capability Aspect ModelMerged into CX-0115 Manufacturing Capability Exchange
CX-0100Triangle for Secondary MarketplaceMerged into CX-0117 Use Case Circular Economy - Secondary Marketplace
CX-0016Company Attribute VerificationMerged into CX-0149 Verified Company Identity
CX-0017Company Role by the ConnectorMerged into CX-0149 Verified Company Identity
CX-0051Summary CredentialsDeprecated with the introduction of IATP (see CX-0018 and CX-0149)
CX-0061Triangle Traceability Data Provisioning Digital Twin As PlannedMerged into CX-0125 Traceability Use Case
CX-0062Traceability Notifications TriangleMerged into CX-0125 Verified Company Identity
CX-0093Aspect Model Traction Battery CodeMerged into CX-0125 Verified Company Identity
CX-0070Asset Tracking Platform API StandardizationMerged into CX-105 Asset Tracking Use Case Identity
CX-0083Aspect Model IotSensorDeviceDefinitionMerged into CX-105 Asset Tracking Use Case Identity
CX-0104Aspect Model AssetTrackerLinks v1.0.0Merged into CX-105 Asset Tracking Use Case Identity
CX-0106Aspect Model IotSensorDataMerged into CX-105 Asset Tracking Use Case Identity
CX-0096Triangle For Digital Product PassMerged into CX-0143 Use Case Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport Standard
CX-0034Data Model Battery PassMerged into CX-0143 Use Case Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport Standard
CX-0095Data Model: Transmission PassMerged into CX-0143 Use Case Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport Standard
CX-0103Aspect Model Digital Product PassportMerged into CX-0143 Use Case Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport Standard
CX-0068MP Shop Floor Information Service APIMerged into CX-0142 Shop Floor Information Service
CX-0069Shop-Floor-Information-Service Aspect ModelMerged into CX-0142 Shop Floor Information Service
CX-0075Shop-Floor-Information-Service ProcessMerged into CX-0142 Shop Floor Information Service
CX-0113Aspect Model ESS Incident Data ModelMerged into CX-0144 Shop Floor Information Service
CX-0072OSim Process & Core Business LogicMerged into CX-0133 Online Control and Simulation
CX-0073OSim APIMerged into CX-0133 Online Control and Simulation
CX-0087OSim Data Model: Materialflow Simulation ResultMerged into CX-0133 Online Control and Simulation
CX-0085Product Stock Aspect ModelMerged into CX-0133 Online Control and Simulation
CX-0086Product Stock Exchange APIMerged into CX-0133 Online Control and Simulation
CX-0046Demand and Capacity Management Process and Core Business LogicMerged into CX-0128 Demand and Capacity Data Exchange
CX-0047Demand and Capacity Management Data Model Material Demand and Capacity GroupMerged into CX-0128 Demand and Capacity Data Exchange
CX-0048Demand and Capacity Management API Material Demand and Capacity GroupMerged into CX-0128 Demand and Capacity Data Exchange