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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Expert Group

The aim of the Expert Groups within the Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. is to develop results together with the members in line with the association's strategic direction. The Expert Groups are initiated and managed by the related Committee. Depending on their scope, Expert Groups don't exist forever. They work on dedicated topics, present the results to the Committee and are then retired. If a follow up is required, a new Expert Group has to be initiated.

Expert Group Lifeline

The life of an Expert Group is devided into three phases:

  1. Initiaion
  2. Working Phase
  3. Closing

The overview of the existing Expert Groups can be found in the organizational chart on the Catena-X homepage.

Product strategy

The product strategy involves the specific operational activities within a Expert Groups. It deals with the day-to-day tasks and processes that need to be executed to support the business domain strategy.

The focus lies on implementation, realisation and the delivery of tangible results.

Expert Group Initiation

  1. Request Submission: Interested individuals or organizations seeking to form an Expert Group may submit their requests to the Catena-X Association. These requests will be assigned to a committee for consideration. The committee will add the request to its agenda for validation.
  2. Validation and approval: The committee will conduct an initial validation of the request. If deemed valid, the requester will be required to submit a one-page document outlining the challenge the Expert Group aims to address, the current status, and the objectives the group should achieve. This document ensures a clear understanding of the group's goals and scope.
  3. Application Phase: The one-page document serves as the foundation for the Application Phase. Employees of association members are invited to apply for a seat in the Expert Group. Members of the group will be selected based on predefined criteria.
  4. Notification and Kick-Off: All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application (core team, review team, or rejected). Core team members will be invited to a kick-off meeting for the group's inaugural session, typically scheduled two weeks after the conclusion of the application phase.

Working phase

During their working phase, Expert Groups are expected to continuously develop and advance their assigned topics. This involves regular meetings, collaborative research, and consistent communication among members to ensure progress. Additionally, planned work and results should be regularly shared within the association to promote transparency and collective insight. The groups should also provide periodic updates to the committee, highlighting key milestones, challenges encountered, and any adjustments to their objectives. Active engagement and a commitment to innovation and improvement are essential to the success of the Expert Groups in achieving their goals.

The working phase should be viewed as a cyclical series of regular activities that align with the release cycles and its phases of the association.

The composition of the Expert Groups is not static and is expected to change over the life time. In any case people that want to join an existing Expert Group need to be approved the same way, as applicants for new Expert Groups. If a Expert Group member is stepping down from its position, it can not be handed over to another employee of the same company.

Closing of Expert Groups

Once a Expert Group delivered its dedicated topic, a regulated closing takes place. The Committee validates the results of the Expert Group as after the closure of the Expert Group, the responsibility for the topic transitions to the Committee. When the results are validated. The Expert Group is then officially discharged and closed by Committee.

A final documentation of the work results on the digital collaboration platform is mandatory, and every Expert Group member is required to contribute to this. The documentation is to be made accessible to every member in coordination with the office.

Expert Group roles

Lead and Co-Lead

Each Expert Group is required to elect both a Lead and a Co-Lead. These roles serve as the primary points of contact for all inquiries and requests directed towards the Committee.

The Leads are tasked with ensuring that the Expert Group effectively delivers on the product strategy. They have the authority, where they deem appropriate, to delegate task execution to other Expert Group members or create additional roles within the group.

The Leads of the Working Group assumes the responsibility of monitoring and ensuring that members fulfill their time commitments effectively. Should a member consistently fail to meet their obligations, the Lead has the authority to escalate the issue to the primary contact within the member company.

The Lead roles are designed to be "first among equals," responsible for maintaining cohesion and coordination within the Expert Group. They ensure that all efforts align with the Committee's objectives and facilitate efficient progress towards achieving them.