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Release: Jupiter (preview)


Committees are specialized bodies appointed by the board to address specific topics or tasks relevant to the association and the related eco system. The purpose and mandate Committees are to formulate the mission, vision and the roadmap related to their specific domain.

The Committee is encouraged to take initiative to address emerging challenges and opportunities, and to collaborate with other Committees and Expert Groups to achieve the organization's objectives. The success of the association hinges on the proactive and collaborative efforts of the Committee to lead with vision, communicate effectively, and prioritize features that align with our mission and strategic goals.

The overview of the existing committees can be found in the organizational chart on the Catena-X homepage.

Business domain strategy

The Committee is responsible for developing a clear and forward-looking strategy for the business domain. The strategy should contain a vision that guides the direction for the coming years and serve as a beacon for all strategic decisions.

Decisions at this level focus on how each Expert Group can effectively contribute to the overall mission and goals of the association.

The Committee creates a roadmap outlining key initiatives and milestones for the upcoming year. This roadmap is continuously reviewed and updated to respond to changes in the market and within the organization.

During the release planning process, the Committee acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring that standard change requests and feature requests align with the strategic objectives.

The Committee promotes the organization and its projects within the broader community. The Committee coordinates its activities with other Committees to ensure a unified strategy and direction. It builds relationships with other organizations and organizes events to foster engagement and collaboration. The group works closely with its Expert Groups to ensure a deep understanding of ongoing activities and the needs of the organization.

Committee and Expert Groups

Committees have the mandate to achieve their goals through the establishment and management of Expert Groups, delegating specific responsibilities to these groups. Their functions include:

  • Initiating new Expert Groups: Committees can form new Expert Groups within their domain to address specific topics or issues.

  • Closing Expert Groups: When an Expert Group has fulfilled its purpose or is no longer needed, committees have the authority to disband them.

  • Providing Mentoring to Expert Groups: Committees offer guidance and support to Expert Groups to help them achieve their objectives effectively. To facilitate this, the Committee can create the role of a mentor, assigning a dedicated person to provide expertise, advice, and ongoing support.

Committee roles

Lead and Co-Lead

Every Committee must elect a Lead and a Co-Lead. Both act as first point of contact for any inquiries and requests towards the Committee. Further the leads are required to take care of the following taks:

  • Appoint the Committee members based on the preliminary selection of applications by the board and their existing professional expertise.
  • Creation of work packages in alignment with the other Committee members

If the leads see fit they can they can handover the exectution of the task to other Committee members or create additional roles if they see fit. The general intention for the lead role is to be first among equals by keeping the strings together.

Mentor for Expert Groups (optional)

For each Expert Group associated to a Committee, a member of the Committee should be nominated as mentor. The mentor should be a senior matter expert in the respective field of the Expert Group. The mentor works as interface to the Expert Groups and provide mentoring to ensure the success of the Expert Group.