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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Catena-X Automotive Network e.V

The Catena-X Automotive Network e.V. is often referred to as 'the association'. It is important to understand that the association consists of five bodies with different tasks and responsibilities. The association bodies are:

The association promotes, sponsors, and coordinates the overlying requirements of the Eclipse Tractus-X Project.

Committees and Expert Groups are mapped to products or use cases. They are advertised, selected, and established on the basis of a requirement. The application phases are similar and the distributors are always the Catena-X members.


Please note that while this descriptions of the association bodies capture the essence of the Committee and the Expert Group roles, they are not exhaustive. The dynamic nature of the association means that roles can evolve, and members of the Committee and Expert Groups may engage in additional activities beyond what is described. The descriptions are intended to serve as a guide, providing a clear indication of the expected contributions of the Committee and the Expert Groups, yet it allows for flexibility and adaptation as the project and its needs grow and change.

RASIC matrix for association bodies

R = Responsible; A = Accountable; S = Supportive; I = Informed; C = ConsultedManagement boardCommitteeExpert GroupCatena-X office
StrategyDevelop and maintain the Association strategyARIIS
Develop and maintain the business domain strategyIA,CRSIIS
Develop and maintain a strategy on functional levelIACRSS
Mgmt. of association bodiesSetup CommitteesR,AS
Close CommitteesARCI
Setup Expert GroupsCARS
Close Expert GroupsCARC,IIS
DevelopmentDevelop new feature requestsCAR
Approve features requests)RASI
Foster the development of features by providing development resourcesSSA,R
Remove impediments for the features development / for Expert Group(s)CSR
PromotePromote the use cases of the business domain inside and outside the associationSCRAS

The RASIC should provide an overview of the tasks the Association bodies are engaging in. Each individual in the Mgmt. board, a Committee or an Expert Group is at least a "member". If one takes over additional roles, e.g. as "Lead", the responsibilities of that role are added to those as member. In detail, the responsibilities for specific individual aspects may differ slightly (but always in alignment with this overarching RASIC.

Escalation path

If an issue cannot be resolved by the designated association body, it must be escalated to the appropriate higher authority. The escalation pathway is as follows:

  1. Expert Groups: Issues should initially be addressed within the Expert Groups. If the Expert Group Members are unable to find a solution, a vote may be conducted to reach a decision. Should the vote fail to achieve a majority or if an Expert Group member raises substantial concerns regarding the outcome, the issue may be escalated.
  2. Responsible Committee: If the Expert Groups are unable to resolve the issue, it is escalated to the responsible committee. This committee is tasked with oversight and decision-making based on broader organizational perspectives.
  3. Board Sponsors: Should the committee find the issue beyond its scope of resolution, the matter is escalated to the Board Sponsors. These senior members of the board provide strategic guidance and authoritative decisions on escalated matters.
  4. Mediation Board Member: As the final level of escalation, unresolved issues are directed to a Mediation Board Member. This individual is empowered to mediate and resolve high-level disputes or complex issues that could not be settled at prior levels.