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Release: Jupiter (preview)

CX Release Roadmap Review

The meeting aims to gather initial ideas for potential roadmap items for the next release. It serves as an open forum for participants to present their concepts, helping to inform other association members early on, identify key stakeholders, and solicit feedback from the broader community.

Meeting structure

  • The roadmap items are presented by the Committe or Expert Group
  • After alignment, the status of the roadmap item is set to ToDo and milestone for the upcoming release is set
  • Convert Roadmap items to GitHub issues (comment functionality is active after conversation).


  • Aligned roadmapitems, mapped to Committees and Expert Groups.
  • Categories for each roadmap item (Tractus-X, Catena-X, Organisational) are set.
  • Roadmap items are the basis for the refinement phase.


  • Committees
  • Expert Groups
  • other association members


  • Invitation sent out by the association to all Committee Leads and all Expert Group Leads (can be forwarded to other members)
  • Specific access to GitHub (Roadmap needed) -> contact your Business Domain Manager
  • Only Catena-X e.V. members are allowed to get access