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Release: 24.03 (current)

CX-0070 Asset Tracking Platform API Standardization 1.0.0


Please refer to AUDIENCE & SCOPE.


This is the initial version of the standard.


The asset tracking use case aims to design a standard solution how diverse IoT solutions, available on the free market, can be incorporated into the Catena-X network keeping the interoperability and data sovereignty requirements respected. Although the main goal was always to track company assets with the various IoT devices, based on the set of standards designed by asset tracking use case team, there is a potential to fully use these in any use case in the Catena-X environment and beyond. The model opens the door for any IoT device manufacturer and any network provider to be part of the Catena-X network.

The Asset Tracking Platform aims to bring different IoT sensor networks to a standard Catena-X network and use sensor data for a variety of use cases, like:

  • logistics teams can track their returnable packages and assets at any time using geo data,
  • usage of automatic filling level measurements to drive efficient vendor-managed inventories,
  • users (tier suppliers, customer, carriers, insurers, etc.) are encouraged to monitor the quality of critical materials at any time during transportation.

The solution supports the exchange of IoT sensor data between different companies via Catena-X network.


This documentation describes the basic pre-conditions and needs for an ATP-API that aims to provide data from multiple IoT networks to the Catena-X ecosystem.

ATP-API receives data from IoT networks, transforms these data to standardized Catena-X data models (IoT Sensor Data Device and IoT Sensor Data) and load the transformed data into the Catena-X network.

The primary role of the ATP is to be a middleware solution between those IoT networks and the Catena-X ecosystem by using REST API technology.


This section is non-normative

This document is meant for the following roles:

  • Data Provider / Consumer
  • Business Application Provider

The ATP is a solution for organizations to provide IoT sensor and device data in the Catena-X network. It supports also the onboarding process of an IoT Sensor Device for the registration in Catena-X network so that this feature can easily integrated into any application.

This document describes the relevant API endpoints to be created by each application and their integration into the Eclipse Dataspace connector (EDC). This standard covers exclusively the definition of the specific API endpoint. The minimal process an application needs to support for such notifications will not be handled here.


This section is non-normative

As described earlier, the ATP can be used as a middleware solution between IoT networks and the Catena-X ecosystem.

Therefor the solution relies on HTTP communication with multiple instances of IoT networks which they themselves offer any sort of HTTP API for communication.

It is assumed that all sensor data are provided in a decoded structure and that the networks actively push their data to a certain HTTP endpoint after the onboarding in Catena-X network.

It is also assumed that the IoT network allows basic management of sensor devices via their own API.

Any assumptions made might differ from a real-world or use case, therefore the API shall be structured in a modular way and allow adjustments.

As stated before, the ATP shall be a middleware solution between IoT networks and the Catena-X ecosystem.

It is positioned like in the example below.


Its basic architectural design is described in the following diagram.


IoT Network : This block is a reference for an IoT network which is connected to the ATP. There may be multiple networks that are attached to the ATP via its API.

Application/Dashboard : This references a data consumer/user of the ATP API. Notice that the application can communicate with the API when requesting device information data directly from the IoT network and the Iot Sensor data via the EDC.

DataConverter : Components of the API that translate data from the IoT network to the standardized data models before providing them to the Catena-X ecosystem.

Device Registry : Persistence Module/Database that stores Meta-Data for an IoT Sensor Device. The persisted information contains device identifiers in its network, identifiers used in the Catena-X ecosystem and information regarding the device owner.


This section is non-normative

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT in this document document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

All participants and their solutions will need to proof, that they conform with the Catena-X standards. To validate that the standards are applied correctly, Catena-X employs Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).


This section is normative

To proof conformity with the use case Asset Tracking, the API

  • MUST be able to translate data from an IoT network to the standardized data models IotSensorDeviceDefinition and IotSensorData
  • MUST provide the translated/standardized data to the Catena-X ecosystem
  • MUST store the standardized data at a decentral submodel server (AAS) which is accessible via an EDC
  • MUST provide data assets, policies and contracts within an EDC to make the standardized data accessible in the Catena-X ecosystem
  • MUST register Digital Twins/AAS/Shell-Descriptors in a decentralized DTR to make the data discoverable in the Catena-X ecosystem (refer to 2.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS)
  • MUST provide access to the IoT networks and their respective APIs



This section is non-normative

ATP: Asset Tracking Platform - middleware.

Business Partner Number (BPN): A BPN is the unique identifier of a partner within Catena-X.

Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC): Connector component which handles access for data in the Catena-X network.

Decentralized Digital Twin Registry (dDTR): Registry that enables discovery services and registration of digital twins/AAS/Shell Descriptors.

Digital Twin (DT): The digital representation of an object (also refer to AAS).

Asset Administration Shell (AAS) / Shell Descriptor: The digital representation of an object (also refer to DT).

Additional terminology used in this standard can be looked up in the glossary on the association homepage.


This section is normative

The ATP API is logically structured in five groups:

  • API Management / Administration
  • Device Management
  • Network Administration
  • Handling IoT Data
  • Catena-X

Each group is protected and thus can only be accessed by providing a valid API Key.

API Management allows you to manage the ATP API. With the basic implementation it comes with creating and deleting API Keys that allows users to access the APIs resources. These endpoints are explicitly protected and only allow access if the requesting entity has the role of an administrator. When initially creating an ATP instance with a database, the admin key must be provided via the config-file. Newly added keys will, by default, only have the "USER"-role and can therefore not create or delete any new API keys.

The device management resources allows the management of IoT devices in their network. For example, if a user wants to request a device information which it has in its network, the data can be requested via these endpoints.

Network administration resources provide access to specific management functions provided by the network.

IoT data is handled by sending the data object to a specific API endpoint. By doing so, the data will be handled depending on the network it was sent from. It is then normalized and provided to the Catena-X network.

Catena-X resources allow the interaction with digital twins. If an IoT device and its data shall be introduced to the Catena-X network, the user may request the creation of a digital twin via this resource.


In order to persist the necessary data, a persistence module, specifically a database, is REQUIRED by the ATP. In there, the ATP stores the API Keys and Device Registry Entries that help with associating a devices network and Catena-X information.

Communication with an IoT network is established via HTTP requests. By doing so, users can request non-standardized data from the respective network.

All standardized data, including the digital representation of an IoT device (Digital Twins, Shell Descriptors) and its data, is provided as a submodel via a decentral AAS. This data is accessible via an EDC. Therefore, when providing and exchanging data to the Catena-X network, an EDC is REQUIRED. The same is applicable for consuming the data, as access to the provided data is also granted via an EDC. Therefore, when consuming data from the ATP, an EDC is also REQUIRED.

To make the data discoverable in the Catena-X network, a Shell Descriptor MUST be created. Therefore, a decentralized DTR instance is REQUIRED.




GET https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/devices/{network}

Description: Receive a list of devices registered in the specified network.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Response Structure

Response if target network is Helium:

"active": true,
"app_eui": "A000000000123456",
"app_key": "67221B144A199D9966689BDF425EEBFA",
"app_s_key": "9ECAF3A8D812345DB7F42EC9800B75EF",
"dev_eui": "A840414F11821234",
"devaddr": "48123456",
"dc_usage": 10,
"id": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"in_xor_filter": true,
"labels": [
"id": "1f58c1c6-a4be-4c8b-920c-123f47a30e12",
"name": "Label-Name"
"last_connected": "2022-08-24T21:01:42",
"name": "Device Name",
"nwk_s_key": "1234A97DFB42E31C592ACF369910312B",
"organization_id": "ac123b7b-6128-4af4-1234-0ea07d37182e",
"oui": 1,
"region": "EU123",
"rx_delay": 1,
"total_packets": 5
KeyValue TypeDescription
activebooleanDevice is active (sends data to Helium network) or not
app_euistringLoRaWAN App EUI uniquely identifies the application of the device
app_keystringLoRaWAN App Key is a shared secret key which is used to derive secure sessions via the Join mechanism
app_s_keystringThe Application Session Key (AppSKey) is used for encryption and decryption of the payload.
dev_euistringLoRaWAN Device EUI uniquely identifies a device
devaddrstringA device defined by (AppEUI, DevEUI) can be allocated to any of the DevAddrs owned by the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
dc_usagenumber (int)Data Credit Usage of the device
idstringIdentifier of the device
in_xor_filterbooleanAllows the Helium Console backend to only process known traffic and avoid spending resources on unfamiliar packets
labelsstringLabels attached to the device
idstringUUID of the Label
namestringName of the Label
last_connectedstringLast time the device has sent data to the Console
namestringName of the device
nwk_s_keystringNetwork Session Key of the device
organization_idstringUUID of the organization the device is registered in
ouinumber (int)Organizationally Unique Identifier
regionstringRegion the device is in
rx_delaynumber (int)Delay when sending data
total_packetsnumber (int)Total packets the device has sent


GET https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/devices/{network}/{deviceId}

Description Request the device with the corresponding id from the specified network.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from
deviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
networkstringname of the network (e.g. "helium")

Response Structure

Response if target network is Helium:

"active": true,
"app_eui": "A000000000123456",
"app_key": "67221B144A199D9966689BDF425EEBFA",
"app_s_key": "9ECAF3A8D812345DB7F42EC9800B75EF",
"dev_eui": "A840414F11821234",
"devaddr": "48123456",
"dc_usage": 10,
"id": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"in_xor_filter": true,
"labels": [
"id": "1f58c1c6-a4be-4c8b-920c-123f47a30e12",
"name": "Label-Name"
"last_connected": "2022-08-24T21:01:42",
"name": "Device Name",
"nwk_s_key": "1234A97DFB42E31C592ACF369910312B",
"organization_id": "ac123b7b-6128-4af4-1234-0ea07d37182e",
"oui": 1,
"region": "EU123",
"rx_delay": 1,
"total_packets": 5
KeyValue TypeDescription
activebooleanDevice is active (sends data to Helium network) or not
app_euistringLoRaWAN App EUI uniquely identifies the application of the device
app_keystringLoRaWAN App Key is a shared secret key which is used to derive secure sessions via the Join mechanism
app_s_keystringThe Application Session Key (AppSKey) is used for encryption and decryption of the payload.
dev_euistringLoRaWAN Device EUI uniquely identifies a device
devaddrstringA device defined by (AppEUI, DevEUI) can be allocated to any of the DevAddrs owned by the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
dc_usagenumber (int)Data Credit Usage of the device
idstringIdentifier of the device
in_xor_filterbooleanAllows the Helium Console backend to only process known traffic and avoid spending resources on unfamiliar packets
labelsListLabels attached to the device
idstringUUID of the Label
namestringName of the Label
last_connectedstringLast time the device has sent data to the Console
namestringName of the device
nwk_s_keystringNetwork Session Key of the device
organization_idstringUUID of the organization the device is registered in
ouinumber (int)Organizationally Unique Identifier
regionstringRegion the device is in
rx_delaynumber (int)Delay when sending data
total_packetsnumber (int)Total packets the device has sent

CREATE DIGITAL TWIN - Onboarding IoT Device (Catena-X IoT device registration)

POST https://{baseURL}/catenax-onboarding

Description: Create a Digital Twin of the devices with the specified identifier.

In this case the identifier represents the identfier of the device which it has in its own network.

When requesting the creation of a device, the following steps are made:

1 - Get the neccessary information for the device from its network 2 - Create an entry in the DeviceRegistry which contains information of the device in its network and its information in the Catena-X network 3 - Create and save the submodel of the device and its data list (which is at this point empty) at the submodel server 4 - Create a Data Asset in the EDC for the device submodel and data submodel 5 - Create a Policy 6 - Creating a Contract for the device EDC Asset 7 - Creating a Contract for the device data EDC Asset

(if registerTwin is true)

8 - Create a Shell Descriptor/Digital Twin in the dDTR instance 9 - Create a Data Asset for the Shell Descriptor in the EDC

Devices that shall be created as a Digital Twin must be registered in the IoT network before!

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Request Body

"id": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"network": "helium",
"registerTwin": true,
"ownerID": "BPN0000000001"
ParameterValue TypeDescription
idstringUUID of the device in the IoT network
networkstringNetwork in which the device is registered in
ownerIDstringBPNL of the data owner
registerTwinbooleanBoolean/Flag which indicates if the EDC data asset for the device shall be registered as a AAS Descriptor in the (d)DTR instance

Response Structure

"deviceCxId": "dff4dc9b-1234-4d25-ab66-7780c7e25730",
"deviceDataCxId": "a720e3f6-ab28-498c-1234-f860d3899326"
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
resultstringResult of the onboarding task (DEVICE_TWIN_CREATED, DEVICE_TWIN_CREATION_ERROR)
deviceCxIdstringIdentiier of the device submodel, also resembles the Catena-X Identifier (null on DEVICE_TWIN_CREATION_ERROR)
deviceDataCxIdstringIdentifier of the device data submodel


GET https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/devices/{network}/{deviceId}/active-status


Gets the current active-status of a device in its network. This states whether the device sends data to the ATP.

"True" does not neccessarily mean that the data is normalized! Data is only normalized if the device is paired!

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from
deviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Response Structure

"active": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
activebooleanDevice is active in the corresponding network (true/false)


PUT https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/devices/{network}/{deviceId}/active-status

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from
deviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network


Activate or deactivate the specified device in the network

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Request Body

"active": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
activebooleanRequest to set a devices active status in the network (true/false)

Response Structure

"active": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
activebooleanActive status in the network after the request (true/false) Network Administration


GET https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/administration/balance/{network}


Receive the available balances in a network that the ATP communicates with. As some of the networks are provided by 3rd parties they are not free of charge when using them.

Balances of -1 reflect infinite balance, e.g. when the network does not require payments.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Response Structure

"network": "helium",
"balance": 12345,
"userId": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"userName": "Company Name"
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
networkstringRequested network
balancenumber (int)Available balance in the network (-1 equals infinite)
userIdstringIdentifier of the user/entity the balance belongs to
userNamestringName of the user/entity the balance belongs to Sending and Retrieving Data


GET https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/paired-status/{network}/{deviceId}


Get the current active/paired status of a device.

Response is determined by the status in the device registry and the network.

If the device is active AND paired in both instances, it is paired and transmitting data.

If the device is either not active in the network or not paired in the Device Registry Entry (or both), no data will be appended to the AAS as a Submodel.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from
deviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Response Structure

"catenaxId": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"networkDeviceId": "12cb64e7-d3ec-1234-b12b-fc742fcd7210",
"network": "helium",
"pairedStatus": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
catenaxIdstringCatena-X identifier of the devices twin
networkDeviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network
networkstringNetwork the device is registered in
pairedStatusbooleanCurrent paired status of the device


PUT https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/paired-status


Set the current active/paired status of a device.

The status is updated in the Device Registry AND the corresponding IoT network.

If 'pairedStatus' is true, data will be standardized and appended as Submodel to the AAS of the parent device.

If it is false, no data will be handled for the specified device.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Request Body

"catenaxId": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"networkDeviceId": "12cb64e7-d3ec-1234-b12b-fc742fcd7210",
"network": "helium",
"pairedStatus": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
catenaxIdstringCatena-X identifier of the devices twin
networkDeviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network
networkstringNetwork the device is registered in
pairedStatusbooleanTarget paired status of the device

Response Structure

"catenaxId": "fb212345-5bc9-4c43-8acc-699062cb0419",
"networkDeviceId": "12cb64e7-d3ec-1234-b12b-fc742fcd7210",
"network": "helium",
"pairedStatus": true
Parameter NameTypeDecscription
catenaxIdstringCatena-X identifier of the devices twin
networkDeviceIdstringIdentifier of the device in its network
networkstringNetwork the device is registered in
pairedStatusbooleanCurrent paired status of the device


POST https://{baseURL}/{apiVersion}/data/{network}

Description Send data in for normalization.

After normalization, the ATP updates the submodel at the submodel server and appends the normalized data set.

Path Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
baseURLstringBase URL
apiVersionstringVersion name
networkstringTarget network the ATP shall request the data from

Request Headers

Parameter NameTypeDecscription
AuthorizationstringBearer Token ("Bearer <key>")

Request Body

POST Helium Data (example)

"app_eui": "000AB5BB00001234",
"dc": {
"balance": 100,
"nonce": 3
"decoded": {
"payload": {
"Battery": 80,
"GPSFixStatus": 1,
"ReportType": 1,
"acceleration": 0.004,
"altitude": 0.001,
"commandID": 1,
"humidity": 0.006,
"inData": "MOCKED",
"latitude": 9.483179,
"longitude": 47.655401,
"pressure": 0.003,
"protocolVersion": 1,
"temperature": 0.005,
"warnings": [],
"weight": 0.002
"status": "success"
"dev_eui": "000AB123C0001234",
"devaddr": "46000048",
"downlink_url": "",
"fcnt": 2181,
"hotspots": [
"channel": 5,
"frequency": 868.1,
"hold_time": 0,
"id": "11yfeXmWN1B6JpMnYu1234kuiTVKACk7usRD2E3znbUEsxAsf",
"lat": 12.848396253775874,
"long": 8.657601264609369,
"name": "some-random-words",
"reported_at": 1694785894279,
"rssi": -137,
"snr": -21.200000762939453,
"spreading": "SF12BW125",
"status": "success"
"id": "b9982b7c-af85-4863-97c2-80e0b01f20a8",
"metadata": {
"adr_allowed": false,
"cf_list_enabled": false,
"multi_buy": 1,
"organization_id": "ac489b7b-6128-4af4-8bb5-0ea07d37182e",
"preferred_hotspots": [],
"rx_delay": 1,
"rx_delay_actual": 1,
"rx_delay_state": "rx_delay_established"
"name": "My-IoT-Sensor-Device",
"payload": "gAIM2wYlmUNEZA==",
"payload_size": 10,
"port": 2,
"raw_packet": "QEYAAEgAhQgCkGI5dwDzzIy1NuDKM7U=",
"replay": false,
"reported_at": 1694785894279,
"type": "uplink",
"uuid": "0e2187dc-a12b-1234-bfb6-5e7db92f7b68"
KeyValue TypeDescription
app_euistringLoRaWAN App EUI uniquely identifies the application of the device
dcobjectData Credit Usage
balancestringAvailable balance
noncestringData Credits used for transmission
decodedobjectDecoded Device Data
payloadobjectDecoded Device Payload
Batterynumber (int)Current Battery Level (percentage)
GPSFixStatusnumber (int)Indicates the type of signal or technique being used by the GPS receiver to determine its location
ReportTypenumber (int)Report Type
accelerationnumber (float)Acceleration sensor value (if available)
altitudenumber (double)Altitude sensor value (if available)
commandIDnumber (int)Command Identifier
humiditynumber (float)Humidity sensor value (if available)
inDatastringInput Data
latitudenumber (double)Latitude sensor value
longitudenumber (double)Longitude sensor value
pressurenumber (float)Pressure sensor value (if available)
protocolVersionnumber (int)Version of the used protocol
temperaturenumber (float)Temperature sensor value (if available)
weightnumber (float)Weight sensor value (if available)
statusstringRequest status of Heliums POST request
dev_euistringLoRaWAN Device EUI uniquely identifies a device
devaddrstringA device defined by (AppEUI, DevEUI) can be allocated to any of the DevAddrs owned by the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
downlink_urlstringURL for accessing the device
fcntnumber (int)LoRaWAN FCnt for uplink packets; this increments with every uplink packet and can be useful for surmising whether an uplink was missed
hotspotslistArray of hotspots which received the same packet
channelnumber (int)Channel in which the data was received in Helium
frequencynumber (float)In MHz, the frequency which the packet was received upon
hold_timenumber (int)foo
idstringA base58 encoding of the hotspot's public key; this may serve as a concise unique identifier
latnumber (double)The hotspots position latitude
longnumber (double)The hotspots position longitude
namestringA human-friendly three-word encoding of the hotspot's public key
reported_atnumber (int)Timestamp in milliseconds
rssinumber (float)Received Signal Strength Indicator is reported by the hotspot and indicates how strong the signal device's radio signal was
snrnumber (float)In dB, Signal to Noise Ratio is reported by the hotspot to indicate how clear the signal was relative to environmental noise
spreadingstringLoRa Spreading Factor and Bandwidth used for the radio transmission
statusstringStatus of the transmission via hotspot
idstringDevice Identifier
metadataobjectMeta Data information
adr_allowedbooleanAdaptive Data Rate (ADR) is a mechanism for adapting the data rate of devices in a LoRaWAN network
cf_list_enabledbooleanThe Join-Accept CF List configures channels according to the LoRaWAN spec to use sub-band 2
multi_buynumber (int)The Multiple Packets feature provides the ability to pay for additional packets for redundancy and location triangulation purposes
organization_idstringOrganization Identifier
preferred_hotspotslistList of preferred hotspots the device interacts with
rx_delaynumber (int)Delay time value
rx_delay_actualnumber (int)Actual delay time value
rx_delay_statestringIndicates if the RX Delay value is established
namestringName of the device
payloadstringRaw payload of the device
payload_sizenumber (int)Payload size
portnumber (int)Port in which the data was received in Helium
raw_packetstringRaw data packet of the sensor data
replaybooleanIndicates if replay is activated
reported_atnumber (int)Timestamp in milliseconds
typestringUplink or Downlink (Uplink = Device sent data, Downlink = Access device)
uuidstringUUID of the process

Response Structure



The API MUST use JSON as the payload transported via HTTP.

The following Data Types/Objects can be provided by the API (refer to the endpoints for their concrete use case):


"type": "object",
"properties": {
"balance": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"network": {
"type": "string"
"userId": {
"type": "string"
"userName": {
"type": "string"


"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"active" : {
"type" : "boolean"


"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"identifier" : {
"type" : "string"
"network" : {
"type" : "string"
"ownerId" : {
"type" : "string"
"registerTwin" : {
"type" : "boolean"


"type" : "object",
"properties" : {
"catenaxId" : {
"type" : "string"
"network" : {
"type" : "string"
"networkDeviceId" : {
"type" : "string"
"pairedStatus" : {
"type" : "boolean"

Please note: These objects do not include the data you will receive when consuming data via the EDC. Please refer to the EDC documentation and the EDC Data Asset Structure!


ATP provides the specific data objects as data assets via an EDC.

There are two relevant data models provided as a data asset:

IoT Sensor Device Definition

"catenaXId" : "0e2187dc-a12b-1234-bfb6-5e7db92f7b68",
"serialNumber" : "some-1234-serial-5678-number",
"type" : "some-device-type",
"ownerID" : "BPN0000000001",
"manufacturer" : "some-manufacturer-name"
KeyValue TypeDescription
catenaXIdstringUUID of the devices digital twin
serialNumberstringSerial number of the device
typestringDevice Type
ownerIDstringBPN of the device owner
manufacturerstringManufacturer of the device

IoT Sensor Data

"sensorRuntimeData" : [ {
"sensorData" : [ {
"sensorValue" : 32.00,
"sensorUnit" : "unit:Celsius",
"sensorType" : "Temperature"
} ],
"sensorGeoLocation" : {
"altitude" : 280.20,
"geoDataTimestamp" : "2023-02-04T14:48:54",
"latitude" : 40.20361,
"longitude" : 11.3102
"batteryLevel" : 50.00,
"timestamp" : "2023-02-04T14:48:54",
"transmissionMethod" : "LoRaWAN"
} ],
"catenaXId" : "urn:uuid:ed85f17e-29dd-473c-9cb8-d7ad1dc44d2f"

KeyValue TypeDescription
catenaXIdstringUUID of the devices digital twin the data was sent from
sensorRuntimeDataobjectThe information collected by a Sensor device at an instance in time.
sensorDataobjectThe data collected by an IoT Sensor Device.
sensorTypestringDifferent types of sensors that are commonly used in various applications, measuring one of the physical properties like Temperature, Pressure, Resistance, Shock, Conduction, Heat Transfer etc.
sensorValuestringThe measured value of the sensor type.
sensorUnitstringContains a reference to one of the units in the Unit Catalog.
timestampstringTimestamp of the sensoric values
sensorGeoLocationobjectGeodata, geographic data or geospatial data, refers to data and information that has explicit or implicit association with a location relative to Earth.
altitudenumber (double)Antenna Altitude above/below mean-sea-level (geoid).
latitudenumber (double)Latitude value. The angle between zenith and a plane parallel to the equator.
longitudenumber (double)Longitude value. Geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
batteryLevelintegerThe battery level displays how much charge of the battery has been left.
transmissionMethodstringThe method under which the sensing data is transmitted from the source to the remote node.


The API provides specific responses for successful and unsuccessful requests.


400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

In case of an error, one of the following responses can occur:

ReasonCauseResponse Code
Network not in pathNetwork parameter was not given400
Device Identifier not in pathDevice identifier parameter was not given400
Device not foundDevice was not found in its network or in the Device Registry400
Device already onboardedA device for which the creation of a DT was requested is already saved in the Device Registry409
Device not pairedIoT Data for a device was received but it is not paired409
Owner not specifiedOwner was not specified in the request400
Missing SubmodelReceived IoT data but could not find a submodel to attach it to500
Submodel Server ExceptionSomething went wrong while requesting something from the Submodel Server500



This section is normative

CX-0002 Digital Twins in Catena-X v2.0.0 CX-0018 Eclipse Data Space Connector (EDC) v2.1.0 CX-0083 Aspect Model IoTSensorDeviceDefinition v1.0.0 CX-0106 Aspect Model IoTSensorData v1.0.0 CX-0105 Asset Tracking Triangle Document v1.0.0


This section is non-normative


This section is non-normative



This section is non-normative


This section is non-normative

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