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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Refinement Day

Based on a predefined agenda (depending on the features on the board), individual dependencies are discussed and also documented directly on the feature. If the refinement of the features has already been carried out 'in the refinement phase' and the Definition of Entry (DoE) has already reached, this meeting can also be used as synchronization.

Meeting (1 day)

  • Present all the given features which are already on the board.
  • Walkthrough of the feature proposals.
  • Discuss quality and dependencies of the feature proposals.
  • Discuss expectations of Definition of Entry Criteria.
  • Preparation for Release Planning.
  • Backlog Refinement: Product Owners & Development Teams specify & prioritize new features, changes & standards.
  • Assign feature proposal to specific responsible.


  • Ready refined feature proposal which fulfil the Definition of Entry Criteria.
  • Feature proposal with status Backlog => Ready for Release Planning.
  • Alignment with the community (Committees, Expert groups, Tractus-X community).
  • All dependencies are documented on the feature proposal.
  • Linked issues on product specific repositories.


  • Expert Groups
  • Committees
  • Business Domain Manager (optional)
  • Tractus-X community (contributor/committer)
