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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Refinement & Dependencies

Please be aware that the Refinement Phase is to keep you aware of the overall timeline during the Release Process and does not constitute an actual meeting. It serves informational purposes only. During this time, the necessary people/groups should come together and work (refine) the future features. Feature authors take care of organizing appointments and communicating with the relevant contacts themselves. The Teams Session link can be used. Be aware: The link and the shared content is available to everyone.

Working Phase (5 weeks)

  • Create feature proposal (use template) on the board, with label Prep-RXX.XX.
  • Refine feature proposal with the help of the community (Committees, Expert groups, Tractus-X community).
  • Meet the required Definition of Entry Criteria
  • Talk to necessary committers and allocate their resources/time
  • Create issues on product specific repositories and link them to the feature proposal.
  • Identify dependencies to other components and features.


  • Ready refined feature proposals.
  • Feature proposal aligned with the Tractus-X community (contributor/committer).
  • Ready for Release Planning Days.


  • Expert Groups
  • Committees
  • Tractus-X community (contributor/committer)
