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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Release Freeze (End of Increment 6)


No further functional code changes for the current CX Release.

Code Version

  • The tested code-version for the current CX Release is final.
    • FOSS released in Tractus-X, including Release Notes ( and documentation.
    • Any verifications (for example final SEC scans) will refer and be based on this version.

E2E Tests

  • E2E tests completed.
    • Either completely successful.
    • Or all relevant bugs have been fixed and successfully tested afterward.
      • Loops and bugfixes and accepted in E2E test phase - between E2E test start and release freeze milestone - orchestrated by central Test Management.
    • Results documented.

Timeslot between Release Freeze milestone and E2E Test end

  • Finalization of E2E tests is ok (including repeated or regression-tests).
  • There is no more bugfixing for the current Release (code is final).
  • Positive test results will be documented in the final overall test report.
  • Negative or incomplete results have to be documented as "known knowns" for the current Release in the Release Notes (decide on a case-by-case basis if documentation on product level or within Overarching Release Note is appropriate).


  • 1 day