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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Catena-X - From Idea to Standard

[!CAUTION] This page contains a summary of the standardization process. The normative description of the process can be found here.

Catena-X process overview

Phase 1: Preparation

During the preparation phase demands for new Standards or for the change of an existing one must be identified. Both might cause of adaptations in Semantic Models, Logic/Schema, API Specification, Protocols. All intended work on standards should be announced in the Association.

Preparation milestones

Phase 2: Planning

A detailed description of the change request or new standard request is needed and should be refined during the planning phase. The detailed description needs to be discussed during the planning days with the audience (Committees and Expert Groups) and especially with the TC4S (Technical Committee 4 Standardization). All dependencies must be identified, discussed and aligned.

All requests must be submitted to TC4S for review within CX Houston. If the request is approved, the applicant will receive their branch in the standardization repository (within Catena-X e.V. GitHub Organization) to work on the standard.

Planning milestones

Phase 3: Development

New standards and changes of existing standards must be created in the standardization repository. Each standard request is implemented in an own branch.

If multiple individuals seek to implement a standard request and need alignment, they must organize this collaboration themselves. The private workspace of the respective Expert Group should be utilized for this purpose.

Development milestones