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Release: Jupiter (preview)

Contribution Levels

General Feature Contributions

Contributing features involves adding new functionality or enhancing existing features within the Tractus-X project. Here's the process to follow:

Create New Feature Inside SIG-Release

  • Access the SIG-Release repository: Navigate to the SIG-Release repository within the Tractus-X project.
  • Use the feature template: Find the feature template and fill it out with the necessary details about the new feature you're proposing.
  • Submit the template: Once completed, submit the template to the SIG-Release for consideration.

Add Feature Details

  • Feature Description: Clearly describe the feature, its purpose, and how it benefits the project.
  • Dependencies: List any dependencies required for the feature.
  • Contribution: Explain how others can contribute to the development of this feature.
  • Test Scope: Define the scope of testing required for the feature to ensure it works as intended.
  • Affected Components/Repos: Identify which components or repositories will be affected by this feature.

Labeling and Tracking

  • Add Relevant Labels: Apply labels related to the products and PI (Program Increment) version to your feature request for easy tracking.
  • Link to Release Planning Dashboard: Ensure your feature is linked to the release planning dashboard for visibility and tracking.

Milestones and Assignees

  • Keep Milestones Open: Do not assign a specific milestone; leave it open for the maintainers to assign.
  • Assignee: Leave the assignee field open unless you plan to take on the feature development yourself.

1. Feature Refinement

Once a new feature proposal has been made for the Tractus-X project, it enters a validation phase where Expert Groups and committees review the proposal. Here is a step-by-step guide on what happens after a feature proposal is submitted:

1.1 Initial Review by Expert Group and Committee

  • Validation: The Expert Group and committee assigned to the feature area will review the proposal to ensure it aligns with the project's goals and standards.
  • Request for Additional Details: If the proposal lacks necessary details, the reviewing bodies may ask the contributor for additional information or clarification.

1.2 Contributor's Responsibility

  • Responding to Feedback: The contributor is responsible for addressing any feedback provided by the Expert Group or committee. This may include providing additional details or making revisions to the proposal.
  • Sub Task Creation: If required, the contributor may need to create sub-tasks that break down the feature into manageable pieces. This helps in tracking progress and facilitates easier review.
  • Timely Updates: The contributor must update the feature details within the given time frame. Prompt responses and updates are crucial to keep the proposal moving forward.

1.3 Feature Validation and Approval

  • Approval for Planning: Once the feature has enough detail and meets the project's standards, the Expert Group and committee will approve it for inclusion in the release planning.
  • Continuous Communication: The contributor should stay in close communication with the Expert Group and committee throughout this process to ensure any issues are promptly addressed.

1.4 Deadline for Inclusion in Release Planning

  • Release Planning Cut-off: Features must reach the expected level of detail before the Program Increment (PI) planning meeting. This is a critical deadline.
  • Consequences of Missing Deadline: If the feature does not meet the required level of detail by the Release Planning, it will not be included in the planning cycle. This means it will likely be deferred to a future PI.

By following this process, contributors can ensure their feature proposals are considered for inclusion in the Tractus-X project's Release Planning. It is important to be proactive, responsive, and detail-oriented to successfully navigate the post-proposal phase.

2. Release Planning

Program Increment (PI) Planning is a critical event in the Tractus-X project where contributors, committers, Expert Groups, and committees come together to define the scope for the next PI. This process ensures that the project's roadmap is aligned with stakeholder expectations and the project's strategic objectives. Here's how the Release Planning process typically unfolds:

2.1 Preparation for Release Planning (Input State)

  • Refined Features: The features that have been refined and validated by the Expert Groups and committees serve as the primary input for the Release Planning.
  • Backlog Pre-Prioritization: Prior to the Release Planning meeting, the committee, with input from Expert Groups and contributors, prepares a pre-prioritized list of backlog issues. This list reflects the importance and urgency of each issue based on the project's goals.

2.2 Release Planning Meeting

  • Attendees: Contributors, committers, Expert Groups, and committees attend the Release Planning meeting.
  • Scope Definition: The meeting's primary objective is to define the scope of the next PI. This includes discussing the refined features and the pre-prioritized backlog.
  • Review of Pre-Prioritized Backlog: The pre-prioritized backlog is reviewed to ensure that it aligns with the project's strategic direction and available resources.

2.3 Decision-Making by Committers

  • Realistic Scope Assessment: Committers play a crucial role in the Release Planning process. They assess the proposed features and backlog issues to determine what is realistically achievable in the next PI, considering review, maintenance, and test efforts.
  • Final Prioritization: Committers have the final call on the prioritization of issues, ensuring that the most critical and feasible items are included in the PI scope.
  • Resource Allocation: Decisions regarding the allocation of resources, including developer time and testing infrastructure, are made to support the prioritized issues.

2.4 Outcome of Release Planning

  • PI Objectives: The outcome of the Release Planning meeting is a set of clear PI objectives that outline the expected deliverables for the next increment.
  • Commitment: Teams and individuals commit to the work they will deliver, fostering accountability and setting clear expectations for the upcoming PI.
  • Roadmap Update: The project's roadmap is updated to reflect the decisions made during the Release Planning, providing transparency to stakeholders and the community.

2.5 Communication and Documentation

  • Documentation of Decisions: All decisions and commitments made during the Release Planning are documented and made accessible to the project's stakeholders.
  • Communication Plan: A communication plan is established to keep all parties informed about progress and any changes to the PI objectives.